
Hillary Clinton claims Putin is trying to hack election

Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton may have come to a realization: She’s not going to beat Republican nominee Donald J. Trump in November, so she’s come up with a whacky conspiracy to blame it on: Russian President Vladmir Putin.

As reported by Breitbart News, Clinton herself recently claimed that Putin was orchestrating a series of hacks against her campaign and the Democratic National Committee because he is trying to help Trump win.

Asked about various reports that have suggested Russian hackers were attempting to break into voter registration and other related systems in the U.S. during an interview with ABC’s David Muir, Clinton said “there is no doubt in my mind” that “there is something going on” with Putin. She further hinted that the Kremlin was planning to hack the November election.

“Every American should be concerned about Russia doing anything to try to tilt and influence our election,” she continued, claiming to cite U.S. intelligence as proof that Moscow was behind the DNC hack, at least. “Voters should be concerned about this.”

She went on to theorize that Putin has essentially admitted he is trying to influence the outcome of the U.S. election by hacking into our voting systems. She said she found it “troubling” but “revealing” that when Putin was asked about it recently during a press interview he did not actually deny it, saying that it was a good thing the information got out. She added that her past dealings with Putin led her to take that as “an admission.”

But Putin did deny that his government had anything to do with the hacks. In an interview with Bloomberg News, he said specifically he didn’t “know anything about it” and that “on a state level,” his government has never done anything like that.

Clinton then tried to tie Trump to Putin and in a close, personal way, saying the Russian leader prefers her GOP rival. She cited “close relationships” with those in Trump’s inner circle, “all the way up to Putin himself.”

For his part, Trump has said he respects the Russian leader, but his campaign has adamantly denied that the billionaire business mogul has any dealings with the Russian government at the present time. In 2008, though, the Washington Post reported that Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference that Russians “make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”

Still, there is no proof that a) Russia is trying to throw the U.S. elections against Clinton; b) that Putin favors Trump over Clinton; or c) that the Democratic candidate’s goofy conspiracy theory is premised in reality.

It is more likely the product of a desperate and compromised presidential candidate who sees herself losing in November.







PBS caught massively censoring criticism of Hillary Clinton

The mainstream media is pulling out all the stops to get Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential nominee, elected, and that mostly entails throwing out all semblance of unbiased reporting.

The most recent perpetrator of journalistic dishonesty on Clinton’s behalf is the taxpayer-funded PBS. The program PBS Newshour recently snuffed out all criticism of Clinton – as well as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Obamacare – stemming from “correspondent” Judy Woodruff’s interview with Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein.

The clipped edits were discovered by a Stein supporter, Matt Orfalea, when he made a comparison of a Facebook Live version with the broadcast and YouTube versions. Orfalea summarily added the clipped portions and posted the full interview, Breitbart News reported.

In the part of the interview that was cut by PBS, Stein offers much criticism of Clinton, as well as the TPP and the Affordable Care Act. Stein notes correctly that Clinton, and now her transition director, Ken Salazar, are both huge proponents of TPP, which she describes as essentially “NAFTA on steroids” – an earlier trade deal between the U.S., Canada and Mexico passed during Bill Clinton’s administration, and which has been blamed for U.S. job losses and an increase in our national trade deficit.

Stein says she believes that passage of TPP will result in even more jobs lost to overseas countries, especially to Asian signatories of the deal where labor costs are much cheaper (because the cost of living in many of these countries is also much lower).

In addition, Stein says that TPP would further erode American sovereignty over issues of trade and the economy generally, “by bringing in these international tribunals that get to pass judgement on our laws, on our public health protections, on our worker protections.”

As it stands, Stein noted that thanks to Obamacare 1-in-3 Americans cannot afford to buy health insurance, despite the fact that President Obama promised repeatedly in the run-up to its passage that insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenditures would be lower. And Clinton, Stein noted, has promised to double down on Obamacare and defend it.

Stein also said that Clinton, like her transition director Salazar – a former secretary of the interior – has been a big backer of fracking, the controversial oil-and-gas extraction method.

In addition, PBS also edited out Stein’s statement that, “Americans have not only the right to vote but a right to know who we can vote for.”

This is just the latest political manipulation by the mainstream media in a bid to help Hillary Clinton defeat GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump. The media has largely been ignoring growing evidence of Clinton’s rapidly failing health, despite all of the obvious evidence, and has spent the bulk of the campaign so far bashing Trump for everything he says, even if Clinton says the same thing.











If Hillary wins, the Saudi regimes that fund her will own America

It can’t be stated enough just how corrupt Hillary Clinton and her entire administration are. Everything that comes out of her mouth seems to be a blatant lie and in recent years, she has truly managed to live up to her “Crooked Hillary” moniker. After all, virtually every single one of her actions is twisted in one way or another.

One of the most alarming aspects of Crooked Hillary, though, is her frighteningly close relationship with the leaders of Saudi Arabia — a country whose ideals and values heavily clash with America’s. Given their tendency to support radical Islamic extremism, which in turn treats women and non-believers like second-class citizens, there’s no way that America and Saudi Arabia can operate together.

It’s clear that Hillary Clinton is willing to compromise American values in order to line her pockets with more cash — and that’s precisely what is happening with Saudi Arabia. They want Sharia law to be enacted worldwide. That is their end goal. Hillary simply wants power and money. If the two begin working together — in roles of absolute power, no less — then there’s nothing stopping them from achieving their individual goals together.

If our worst fears come true and Hillary is elected as the next president of the United States, we’re all in serious danger for a number of reasons. First, she’ll start coming after our personal, individual freedoms, then she’ll eventually transition into more serious, more detrimental changes.

The globalists want Sharia to be the law of the land. At this point, there’s no denying it. From the repeated attempts to avoid placing blame on religious extremism to Hillary’s suspicious relationship with Saudi Arabia and the general protectiveness they all have over the Muslim religion, it’s frightening that they’re all so intent on protecting this single religious ideology.

Things could get extremely dangerous for everyone on planet earth if the globalists are successful in their attempts. It’s time to stand up for what’s right and make our voices heard. We cannot allow our country to be taken over by those who simply want to enslave us.

It cannot be expressed enough how serious the upcoming election is. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for a maniacal lunatic who wants to keep the American people as her puppets — soulless bodies that exist solely to worship her, expand her power and fuel her financial expansions.

This fall, we must all make our way to the polls. For the betterment of our country and for the safety of our future, we must stop Hillary Clinton from being victorious.





Alex Jones

How many people has Alex Jones killed vs. Hillary Clinton?

When it comes to truth in journalism and the rise of alternative media, Alex Jones of Infowars has been carrying the flag for many years now. Through exposing corruption to fighting for the rights and freedoms of American citizens, Jones has become a household name to fans of legitimate journalism.

Now, Alex Jones has made mainstream headlines once again as he has asked Hillary Clinton to stop killing people.

One of the most well-known individuals to expose the truth behind the now-infamous “Clinton body count,” Jones continues to provide evidence that Crooked Hillary, her husband and their advisors have been surrounded by an alarming number of mysterious deaths. Essentially, if you’re associated with the Clintons in any way, shape or form, you better be prepared for the worst at all times.

Since this news broke, many corrupt mainstream shills have tried to write off Jones as a lunatic and Infowars as a quack publication, because why wouldn’t they? Treating legitimate news sources as legitimate draws attention to the fact that they are the ones that keep lying.

Mike Adams, former substitute host of the Alex Jones Show, said of his time at Infowars, “I saw actual investigative journalism being pursued by intelligent reporters.” A reputable source in the subject of journalism, Adams backing up Jones and the Infowars team only helps their case.

Alternative media outlets have become the only way to know — without a shadow of a doubt — that you’re getting the full, uncensored truth when it comes to news reports. Mainstream media has become a completely mess since they’re all owned by authoritarian leftists who suppress actual news in favor of pro-Clinton propaganda.

Adams went on to say, “Every time I was at InfoWars, I was surrounded by law-abiding citizens with loaded guns and I felt completely safe. There’s no question in my mind that Hillary and Bill Clinton are the real threats to all of us, and their long list of murders and ‘suicides’ proves that no one is safe when the Clintons are in power.”

The Health Ranger is absolutely correct here. With Hillary in office, we’re all in danger. Whether or not the Clintons’ goons come after us directly is irrelevant here. They’ll find a way to destroy us all one way or another.

The Democratic Party and their globalist leaders have shown that they will stop at nothing in order to maintain their power — no matter how many lives are lost in the process. We must prevent Clinton from being elected this fall. If ever there were a time to make your voice heard at the polls — it’s now.





George Soros

George Soros: America’s top globalist puppeteer behind the Clintons and their cronies

If you’ve done any extensive research on the corruption of the Democratic Party, the name George Soros has likely come up dozens of times — and for good reason.

An 85-year-old billionaire with ties to numerous countries in the Middle East, Soros is an excellent example of why the Regressive Left refuses to acknowledge the existence of radical Islamic terrorism.

Since he’s making hundreds of millions of dollars off of people that believe fervently in the Muslim faith, having his country offend them would be devastating — so he and the Democrats that he controls go to great lengths to avoid upsetting them. Instead, this leads to disaster and war. This happens again and again and again.

Now, new evidence discovered through the DNC email hacks proves — with hard evidence — that Soros truly has been the puppeteer pulling the Clintons’ strings all along.

Numerous emails sent from Soros to Hillary Clinton have a harsh tone and a list of demands that Crooked Hillary inevitably followed, proving that Soros is her master. And the same can be said for the rest of the Democratic Party, who are more concerned with lining their own pockets with dirty money than they are with improving the state of our country or protecting the American people from harm.

It’s time that we all realized just how evil these globalists are. They don’t care about our lives, our interests, or even our country. All they care about is the almighty dollar — and they continue to go to every length imaginable in order to profit more and more.

George Soros is a monster. He’s an evil, maniacal man whose control over the Democratic Party has left us all living in danger. He’s gone so far as to fund federal investigations into those who have openly opposed radical Islam. If we want to live lives of peace and prosperity, we have to end the control these people have over us.

We’ll never be able to live freely until the authoritarian leftists are out of office. Luckily, there’s an election coming up that gives us the opportunity to make a serious change.

Should Soros get what he wants, should Hillary be victorious this fall, we’re all in trouble. Should we stand up to the status quo and elect another choice, we turn back the clock on a complete and utter collapse of society.






Clinton Aide Abedin Sent Classified Documents Using a Personal Email Account

Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s aide-de-camp, may have more problems than a sexting husband.

Abedin forwarded classified national security email through an unsecured personal account, according to the latest batch of emails released through Judicial Watch.

Jerome Corsi for WND writes that of the 160 emails contained in the batch, 110 were forwarded to Abedin through redacted email addresses. The content of all the Abedin emails released to Judicial Watch were redacted to one degree or another, indicating the information was of a sensitive nature. Many of the emails were completely redacted or denied entirely.

“In other words, almost half of the emails that Abedin forwarded to her unsecured personal account have information the State Department deems too sensitive to be seen by members of Congress or the American people,” Corsi writes.

While the email addresses were largely redacted under a State Department personal-privacy exemption, one document reveals the address [email protected], an apparent oversight.

Prior to the Judicial Watch release this week, it was unconfirmed Abedin had used a personal email account to forward email containing classified information.

Abedin not only sent sensitive information through her personal email account but also stored classified documents in her car. According to The Washington Times, she asked an aide to move classified documents from the front seat of her car to the trunk, which she considered a “secure” place.

“I’m going to have ambassador ride on next drive,” she told Clinton staffer Lauren Jiloty in an email. “There’s a bunch of burn stuff in the pocket of my front seat. Can u put it in trunk.”

The emails also show Abedin and another Clinton associate, Cheryl Mills, parceled out favors to top Clinton Foundation donors at the behest of executives at the foundation. One of the released emails reveals donors were expected to work through Abedin.

New York real estate mogul Benjamin Ringel, who donated $25,000 Clinton Foundation, acknowledged the process of going through Abedin to request favors. Ringel sought a letter of support and was told by Abedin that was not permissible.

“If the crown prince of Bahrain wanted some face time with Madam Secretary, or a sports-entertainment executive needed a visa for a British soccer player (with an unspecified criminal background), or Bono demanded access to the international space station, it was, apparently, Huma Abedin’s problem,” writes Eric Levitz of NYMag.com.

Prior to the latest revelations and the batch of heavily redacted emails, Abedin was questioned by the FBI about Clinton’s private email server. “Abedin was interviewed for about two hours at the FBI’s field office in Washington on April 5, according to the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing,” the Los Angeles Times reported.

“Most legal experts, including a number of former federal prosecutors, believe that Clinton faces little risk of being prosecuted for using the private email system to conduct official business when she served as secretary of State,” the newspaper added.

Indeed, this is precisely what happened.

In July, FBI director James Comey refused to recommend criminal charges in the email server case. Comey said Clinton’s conduct did not amount to “intentional misconduct or indications of disloyalty to the United States or efforts to obstruct justice.”

“We are pleased that the career officials handling this case have determined that no further action by the department is appropriate,” said Brian Fallon, the Clinton campaign spokesman. “As the secretary has long said, it was a mistake to use her personal email and she would not do it again. We are glad that this matter is now resolved,” The New York Times reported.








State Department refuses to release Clinton calendars until after the election

The State Department is actively complicit in Hillary Clinton’s crimes, having engaged in a cover-up. Last week we learned that the government told a federal judge it will not provide detailed schedules of Clinton’s activities while secretary of state until after the election. Lawyers told the Associated Press they expect to release 2,700 pages on December 30, a few weeks before Clinton is inaugurated if she wins the election.

Elizabeth Trudeau, a State Department spokeswoman, refused to comment on the decision. She said the government has received thousands of public records requests and is buried under an avalanche of paperwork. The department routinely ignored requests for the schedules prior to a federal judge stepping in.

Clinton has been far less than forthright in turning over documents. The FBI says it has found nearly 15,000 documents the former secretary of state failed to turn over to the State Department. “It’s not yet clear what’s in those emails, like how many are personal and how any are work-related and must be made public,” writes David A. Graham for The Atlantic.

Moreover, despite the fact at least 50 senior officials knew about Clinton’s email scandal, the agency insisted it could not find any records about her secret home server. The State Department also allegedly cut staff, slowing down the process of making the records public.

Critics claim the department has a cache of documents it will likely never release.

AP requested the calendars in 2010 and 2013. Failing an adequate response, the news agency sued in federal court to obtain the schedules and received around half the documents under court order.

According to the AP, more than half of the people who spoke to Clinton by phone gave money to the Clinton Foundation. Because many of the documents are redacted, it is not possible to tell what individuals dealt with Clinton and her staff.

Clinton responded by saying she met with people regardless if they gave money to the foundation or not. “These are people I would be proud to meet with, as any secretary of state would have been proud to meet with, to hear about their work and their insights,” Clinton told CNN.

Clinton also went into damage control mode. She promised to institute safeguards to prevent conflicts of interest with the foundation if she is elected.

The Donald Trump campaign called foul. “It is unacceptable that the State Department is now refusing to release her official schedule before the election in full. Voters deserve to know the truth before they cast their ballots,” said spokesman Jason Miller on Friday.

The whole sordid affair and the government’s response underscore the existence of massive corruption and fraud at the highest levels.

“It’s not just the corruption that shocks — it’s the flagrant, shameless display of it,” writes Ben Shapiro for the National Review. “The question, then, isn’t whether the Democrats are crooked, as Donald Trump says. They’ve been crooked since they traded the presidency. The question is why they don’t care about shedding their decency, Miley Cyrus–style, then twerking around the stage of American politics.”



Associated Press

The Atlantic

National Review

Julian Assange

WikiLeaks prepares for release of more Clinton emails ahead of election

On Wednesday, Fox News conducted an interview with WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.

Assange said the release of more Clinton emails is in the works.

“We have a lot of material, thousands of pages of material,” Assange told Megyn Kelly. “There’s a variety of different types of documents and different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are, you know, quite interesting, some even entertaining.”

Assange’s timing is designed to inflict damage at crucial junctures in the election cycle. The DNC emails were released during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and ultimately resulted in the removal of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the DNC boss.

Kelly asked if the next leak will be a “game changer” and Assange said it would.

“I think it’s significant. You know, it depends on how it catches fire in the public and in the media,” he said.

Media pickup of any future story is crucial. Earlier this week, the establishment media ran with stories criticizing WikiLeaks, accusing the whistleblower organization of exposing data insensitive to gay people, sick children and rape victims.

Tweets went out accusing The Huffington Post, The Independent, Mediaite and others of fabrication and distorting the facts. Much of the information attributed to Wikileaks came from other sources.

The effort to discredit WikiLeaks is coordinated in part by the elite of the Democratic party.

“Democratic leaders are putting out a warning that could help inoculate Hillary Clinton against an October cyber surprise: Any future mass leaks of embarrassing party emails might contain fake information inserted by Russian hackers,” Politico reported with an explanation saying the information came from a conference call between Rep. Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic Party leaders who are strategizing how to minimize the fallout from leaks.

Clinton has avoided addressing numerous controversies by shunning the press and refusing to hold press conferences, thus allowing a friendly corporate media to fend off criticism of the candidate. She has not held a press conference for 260 days.

The Washington Post criticized this tactic:

Jokes aside, it’s beyond ridiculous that one of the two people who will be elected president in 80 or so days continues to refuse to engage with the press in this way.

But she does sit-down interviews! And she did a “press conference” with a moderator, um, moderating the questions!

Not good enough. Not when you are running to be president of the United States. One of the most important things when someone is offering themselves up to represent all of us is that we get the best sense we can about how that person thinks on his or her feet, how they deal with unwanted or adversarial questions. Those two traits are big parts of doing the job of president in the modern world.

There’s nothing like a press conference to put a candidate for president through their paces. If you don’t believe me, just watch how Clinton handled this presser — not well! — when she tried to put the email server controversy to rest.

In the end, the corporate media effort to ignore or underplay the damage inflicted by revelations of Clinton’s corruption and lawbreaking may prove successful, especially when the audience is a largely disengaged electorate.

Meanwhile, the establishment heaps dirt on the campaign of Donald Trump every single day, thus revealing its preference and bias.




The Washington Post


Hillary Clinton Lies About Her Plan to Destroy the Second Amendment

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told her followers in Cleveland on Wednesday if elected she will not repeal the Second Amendment.

“I am, not at all, advocating any program that would in any way take people’s guns away,” Clinton said.

In fact, she is.

While it is true Clinton has not, as Donald Trump claims, advocated repealing the Second Amendment, she is in favor of several measures that would severely limit the access of firearms and make it financially unfeasible for millions of Americans to practice their right under the Second Amendment.

Clinton has supported a 25% sales tax on handguns, a move that would have increased the price of a handgun by a hundred dollars or more. Clinton avoided answering a question on the proposed gun tax in June when she was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News.

She endorsed a national sales tax during testimony before the Senate Finance Committee on Sept. 30, 1993.

“I’m not going to commit to any specific proposal,” Clinton told Stephanopoulos after the clip was played. “I was speaking personally then. I would have to, you know, consider any proposal in light of how it interacted with all the others that we want to continue to advocate for, particularly, as I said, comprehensive background checks.”

Bill Clinton was in office less than a month when his President’s Task Force on National Health Care Reform suggested a tax not only on firearms, but also insurance premiums, corporate health benefits, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

In November 1993, Hillary Clinton supported an even more draconian taxation scheme on ammunition proposed by Democrat Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan. The measure would have imposed a tax between 10% and 50% on center-fire handgun ammunition. Clinton told Moynihan the proposal deserved “serious consideration.”

Clinton’s proposed new background check scheme would also increase the cost of firearms. Background checks on the private sale and transfer of firearms in New York City, Washington and New Jersey have imposed fees of between $60 and $125 and Clinton’s proposal would likely do likewise.

Additional measures would raise the cost of purchasing a firearm even more. Clinton has pushed the idea holding firearms manufacturers liable for guns which end up being used in crimes. This would obviously raise the price of firearms and also drive some gun manufacturers out of business.

Clinton lied about the proposal during a forum in Iowa last October. She declared that gun manufacturers are “the only business in America that is wholly protected from any kind of liability. They can sell a gun to someone they know they shouldn’t, and they won’t be sued. There will be no consequences.”

In fact, the firearms industry is susceptible to lawsuits under certain circumstances. Moreover, Congress has passed several laws that protect a variety of industries from lawsuits.

“After adding up all these fees, taxes, and liabilities, few Americans are going to be able to afford guns. That is especially true for the people who need guns the most for protection—poor blacks who live in high crime urban areas. It wouldn’t be surprising if some otherwise law-abiding citizens resort to buying guns illegally,” notes Fox News.

“With her recent ABC interview, Clinton has now publicly contemplated prohibitive taxes on firearms and ammunition over a span of nearly a quarter-century. Clinton’s consideration of imposing severe taxes on the exercise of our rights is just one reason among many that gun owners and other supporters of individual liberty must actively join the fight to protect the Second Amendment,” the NRA opined after the Stephanopoulos interview.

Hillary Clinton is involved in a slight of hand in regard to the Second Amendment. She may not, for now, call for an outright repeal of the Second Amendment, however, if elected, she will have the opportunity to appoint a number of Supreme Court justices. A Clinton dominated Supreme Court will undoubtedly move to overturn the District of Columbia v. Heller decision reaffirming the Second Amendment and the right of citizens to possess firearms.



The Washington Post



Fox News

clinton family

Documents provide smoking gun suggesting Clinton used her office for financial gain

Another day, another scandal involving Crooked Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.

No matter how much time passes, Hillary just can’t seem to avoid being wrapped up in a horrible scandal that makes everyone question her true intentions. While her brainwashed followers seem to be unbothered by her corrupt nature, the rest of us are forced to sit in awe by just how much Hillary can get away with.

It has been revealed that while Hillary was secretary of state, more than half the people she met with gave money to the Clinton Foundation shortly thereafter. It doesn’t take a detective to realize that she was exchanging political benefits in exchange for cold, hard cash.

$156 million was “donated” by 85 donors, at least 40 of which gave over $100,000 each, and at least 20 of which gave over $1 million each. For a person in Hillary’s position to have been accepting such massive donations is beyond inappropriate.

While there’s no hard proof that Clinton violated any legal agreements, these are clearly bribes. Her connections with shady organizations and immoral individuals are made even more unsettling know that it seems pretty clear that she’s accepting money from them.

This is all so incredibly dangerous because we don’t know where she draws the line — and that’s what is most worrisome about Clinton somehow being elected this fall.

As President of the United States, this kind of behavior from Clinton could lead to our entire country falling apart.

It’s clear that she is more concerned with her own financial benefit than the success and well-being of the country as a whole, and that could have devastating results for the rest of us. What would it say about the United States that our leader is a money-hungry lunatic that doesn’t care whether or not the citizens of the country live or die?

This is one of the most frightening American elections in history, and we better hope and pray that Hillary doesn’t win.



