
It won’t matter who wins the White House, a collapse is coming

The presidential contest between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump is, by far, the most highly divisive race since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. And we all know what happened next.

Our country has experienced its share of political upheaval in the decades since, most notably in the 1930s during the Great Depression and the “civil rights era” of the 1960s. But the current presidential election cycle far surpasses even those turbulent times.

Americans of the political left and right consume different media. They hang out mostly with people who share their political beliefs. According to a 2010 survey by Stanford University, parents even want their children to marry someone who agrees with them politically.

A new white paper by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and editors of NewsTarget.com called, “The Coming Collapse of Western Civilization,” which you can download for free here, explains that Americans are so divided politically, economically and culturally that it will be nearly impossible to close the gap, at least not without violence.

The white paper explains that no matter who wins in November, Clinton and Trump are such polarizing figures that those on the losing side will not take that loss lightly. In fact, race riots, campus unrest and outright breakdown of the civil society is not only possible but likely, based on the analysis of the evidence – historical and current – Adams and NewsTarget.com editors have done.

The Coming Collapse of Western Civilization” further notes that, once the United States is plunged into massive social and civil unrest, that chaos will very easily spread to the entire West, leaving the U.S., Europe and other Western allies vulnerable to collapse and attack.

Throw in a host of other emerging threats – viruses/superbugs; conventional and nuclear terrorism; disintegration of the Middle East; growing federal tyranny, among others – and you have the perfect storm of discontent and a public’s increasing willingness to resort to violence as their means of effecting political change.

But as dire as all of this sounds, Adams and NewsTarget.com editors have also included a survival strategy in their white paper. These are solutions that are real, fact-based and meaningful. In a collapse, you’ll need more than just some food and water, although sustenance is definitely a necessity. You’ll also need to know the warning signs, where trouble can and will begin, what kind of threats you could face, and who the major players are.

All of this information is included in “The Coming Collapse of Western Civilization.” Download it for free right now.

Democratic presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015, before the House Benghazi Committee.   (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

20 Things more trustworthy than Hillary Clinton

In some quarters – and in both major political parties – there are those who believe that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won the first debate with her Republican opponent, billionaire Donald J. Trump.

On the surface, Clinton certainly appeared to be the more polished, well-rehearsed of the two candidates. Trump seemed to be on the defense all night long, and others have observed that he appeared to browbeat Clinton at times.

Then again, Clinton is a life-long politician and always sounds rehearsed and scripted. After all, that’s how politicians interact with the public – talking points, narratives and well-scripted responses. Trump, for all of his perceived debate flaws, at least spoke from the heart.

And there is this: No matter what Clinton says or how she says it, the fact is that the woman simply is not trustworthy. Poll after poll, survey after survey, have shown that the vast majority of the American people simply don’t believe much of anything she says. A recent poll from the month of July found her untrustworthy rating skyrocketing to 67 percent.

So, just how untrustworthy is she? We assembled a list of 20 things we think are more trustworthy than Hillary Clinton. In no particular order they are:

• A wolverine with a ‘pet me’ sign
• A mixed drink made by Bill Cosby
• A straight edge shave from Jodi Arias
• An elevator ride with Ray Rice
• A night out with Aaron Hernandez
• Brian Williams memory
• Mexican tap water
• Pinocchio
• The Boy who cried Wolf
• A Nigerian inheritance email
• Harry Reid’s exercise equipment
• An IM from Anthony Weiner
• Anything Nancy Pelosi has ever uttered
• A factory packed parachute
• An Afghan wearing a backpack
• Whatever Bill Clinton’s definition of “is” is
• If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan
• A North Korean trial
• A BIC pen that doesn’t leak
• A tuna fish sandwich left on a city bus for three days







Bush to vote for Clinton? The establishment has no political party

If there’s one thing we have learned from this election season it’s that the establishment will protect its own, regardless of the political parties associated. This was proven when the Republicans and Democrats actively tried to prevent the success of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders and again when they tried to prevent Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson from being allowed at the presidential debates.

This became even clearer recently, when it was revealed that George H.W. Bush was planning on voting for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. A member of one establishment political family supporting another member of an establishment political family? There’s no surprise there…

Kathleen Hartington Kennedy — the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy — revealed in a Facebook post that Bush recently told her that he was planning to vote for Clinton, because of course he is. The globalist elite cannot allow an outsider to hold such a position of power in the United States. It would surely send their entire plan into a tailspin, as it would likely give the enslaved American people the freedoms people like Clinton are so desperately trying to take away.

When asked about the post, Bush’s spokesman Jim McGrath stated, “The vote President Bush will cast as a private citizen in some 50 days will be just that: a private vote cast in some 50 days. He is not commenting on the presidential race in the interim.” Apparently he knows the kind of backlash he will receive for supporting a crooked criminal like Hillary Clinton will be far too much to handle.

This election may be the most important one of our entire lifetime. It’s not an exaggeration to say that this is a life or death situation for many Americans. We have an opportunity to change the way American citizens are treated by sending a message to the establishment. If we let them know that we are unhappy with the current state of affairs in the United States — and rally the equally unsatisfied masses — then we can change things.

The powers that be are never going to have a change of heart. They are going to continue to do whatever they can to expand their power and keep the rest of us trapped under their tyrannical control. These fascists do not care about us. They only care about themselves and their money. It’s time for us to follow suit.

It’s time for us to learn to take care of ourselves and put our future into our own hands instead of relying on those who clearly do not want us to succeed.






Hillary avoided ER to hide information about her health from being leaked

One of the most talked about issues concerning the 2016 presidential election has become Hillary Clinton’s seemingly poor health, which has appeared to grow increasingly terrible over the past few weeks. While many alternative media outlets have been reporting on her apparent sickness for years now, visual evidence is finally being brought to light thanks to increased press coverage on the presidential hopeful.

As a result, the Clinton campaign has been going out of their way to assure voters that Hillary is in perfectly good health. Of course, they’ve also claimed that she had an allergic reaction, pneumonia and was overheated all at once, but they continue to assure the easily manipulated voters on the Regressive Left that Hillary Clinton will live forever.

Anyone with a brain and working eyeballs can see that Hillary Clinton is not in the best of health. Whether or not she is on the verge of death has yet to be proven, but people that are in top form simply do not have daily coughing fits on pass out so frequently that they need constant handlers to make sure they stay upright. It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that something just isn’t right here.

Now it has been revealed that there’s even more to the story than initially believed.

Shortly after collapsing at the September 11th memorial ceremony, Hillary Clinton was rushed to the emergency room — but her campaign prevented that from happening and instead took Hillary to her daughter, Chelsea’s home. Why would they do such a thing? Why wouldn’t they take the precaution to ensure that Hillary was truly safe? Given that she has appeared in visibly poor condition as of late, it’s shocking that anyone would choose not to take her to get checked out by a professional.

The only logical explanation here is that those close to Hillary know exactly what is wrong with her and are doing everything in their power to prevent news from breaking to the public. They’re going as far as to keep her out of hospitals so that not even doctors can leak information to the American people.

From that information, one can infer that Hillary Clinton has more serious ailments than just bad allergies or a bout with pneumonia. It seems as though the alternative media was right all along when they reported that Hillary is battling some form of serious disease.

Whether it be Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, whatever is wrong with Hillary very likely makes her unfit to hold the most important position in the country. Whoever is holding that office needs to have an incredible level of mental and physical health — and Hillary seems to be the furthest from that.






Preparation? Two mainstream news reports claimed that Hillary Clinton died

When many alternative media outlets began making claims that Hillary Clinton was in poor health, people were justifiably unconvinced. After all, the reports seemed as if they were reaching at best and downright delusional at worst. As is often the case when it comes to the political sphere, it seemed more like wishful thinking than actual, honest reporting.

Over the past few weeks, though, those alternative media outlets seem to have been proven correct in their reporting.

Photographic and video evidence of Hillary Clinton coughing, stumbling, tripping and fainting have all but proven that the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee is suffering from some form of serious physical illness. People have speculated that she has contracted everything from Alzheimer’s to Parkinson’s and is suffering from the disease in a deathly state.

While there is yet to be hard proof as to what exactly is happening, there’s no denying that something is seriously wrong with Hillary Clinton’s health. No matter what the liberal media will try to convince you, there’s nothing normal about having unstoppable coughing fits or passing out on the sidewalk. These are symptoms of some kind of sickness — there’s no denying that anymore.

Many have even reported that Clinton may be on the verge of death. Considering how ill she has looked as of late, it wouldn’t be especially surprising if her dying were on the horizon, but nothing had been confirmed by anyone close to her.

Well, nothing had been confirmed until two separate branches of ABC News — one national and the other local — preemptively announced that Hillary Clinton had passed away before immediately changing their tune. Shortly after the reports aired, the network corrected their reporters, claiming that they misspoke.

A number of conspiracy theories followed, leaving many to wonder if the woman we’ve known as Hillary Clinton for the past fifteen years actually is who she claims to be. According to The Daily Sheeple, “Something is definitely going on, and a lot of people are asking, did Hillary actually die on 9/11 and what’s happening now is a psyop being perpetrated against the American people? Ground Zero would be a perfect location for it…”

Of course, this belief will be almost immediately discredited as insane, unfounded and evil, but given how bizarre virtually everything about this election cycle has been, would an imposter posing as Hillary be all that surprising?

Still, the most likely outcome is that the liberal media outlets — who clearly have close relationships with the Democratic Party — know that Hillary Clinton is on the verge of death. In turn, they’ve been preparing for what they believe to be her inevitable passing for some time now. It just so happened that they jumped the gun in their initial reporting. Whether or not even this is correct remains to be seen, but there’s definitely more to this story than we’ve been lead to believe…

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about the media over the past five or so years, it’s that the alternative publications tend to expose the truth months before mainstream media sources pick up on it. Could Hillary Clinton’s life-threatening illness be yet another case of this?






Hillary fed answers via earpiece to media questions

It’s actually kind of a sad situation. No matter how hard Hillary Clinton tries not to appear to be a completely untrustworthy, slimy dunce, she has never been able to break out of that shell. No matter what, she always finds a way to absolutely blow it, en route to appearing less and less fit to be the next president of the United States.

Since she first got into politics, many have posed the theory that Bill Clinton has been pulling the strings, treating her like a puppet who simply regurgitates his ideals in a much more annoying voice. Now, decades later, we have received hard proof that nothing Hillary is saying has been her own thoughts.

Recently, legendary actor and conservative James Woods tweeted an image of Hillary Clinton at the presidential forum with an obvious earpiece lodged in her ear. Given its clear texture and small size, it’s apparent that this was never meant to be seen, but thanks to the advancement of technology, such an act didn’t go unnoticed.

Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars reports, “This is not the first time Clinton has faced charges that she was wearing an earpiece during a crucial event – similar claims were made after her appearance in front of the House Select Benghazi Hearing in October last year.”

As always seems to be the case with the Clinton family, the evidence continues to pile up in regards to finding proof that she is incredibly shady and untrustworthy. If she is genuine, honest and speaking from the heart — like all politicians should be — then why does she need someone to feed her answers to simple questions that merely require honesty and intelligence?

How can we, as a society, pretend that this isn’t a serious issue?

It’s not like we need more reasons not to support her, though. From the Benghazi coverup to the email scandal and her visibly deteriorating health issues, Clinton is unfit to be president — and we’re all in serious trouble if she somehow ends up taking office. It’s deeply upsetting that she somehow managed to get this far in her political career (though it’s no surprise when you consider that many of her detractors end up in body bags), but it has happened and now we must deal with the problem.

As scary as it may be to admit, given the importance of the situation, this is our responsibility, folks. If Hillary is elected, that blood is on our hands. We cannot sit around while this corrupt, lying criminal becomes the leader of the free world. Send a message with your votes this fall.






Hillary Clinton claims Putin is trying to hack election

Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton may have come to a realization: She’s not going to beat Republican nominee Donald J. Trump in November, so she’s come up with a whacky conspiracy to blame it on: Russian President Vladmir Putin.

As reported by Breitbart News, Clinton herself recently claimed that Putin was orchestrating a series of hacks against her campaign and the Democratic National Committee because he is trying to help Trump win.

Asked about various reports that have suggested Russian hackers were attempting to break into voter registration and other related systems in the U.S. during an interview with ABC’s David Muir, Clinton said “there is no doubt in my mind” that “there is something going on” with Putin. She further hinted that the Kremlin was planning to hack the November election.

“Every American should be concerned about Russia doing anything to try to tilt and influence our election,” she continued, claiming to cite U.S. intelligence as proof that Moscow was behind the DNC hack, at least. “Voters should be concerned about this.”

She went on to theorize that Putin has essentially admitted he is trying to influence the outcome of the U.S. election by hacking into our voting systems. She said she found it “troubling” but “revealing” that when Putin was asked about it recently during a press interview he did not actually deny it, saying that it was a good thing the information got out. She added that her past dealings with Putin led her to take that as “an admission.”

But Putin did deny that his government had anything to do with the hacks. In an interview with Bloomberg News, he said specifically he didn’t “know anything about it” and that “on a state level,” his government has never done anything like that.

Clinton then tried to tie Trump to Putin and in a close, personal way, saying the Russian leader prefers her GOP rival. She cited “close relationships” with those in Trump’s inner circle, “all the way up to Putin himself.”

For his part, Trump has said he respects the Russian leader, but his campaign has adamantly denied that the billionaire business mogul has any dealings with the Russian government at the present time. In 2008, though, the Washington Post reported that Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference that Russians “make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”

Still, there is no proof that a) Russia is trying to throw the U.S. elections against Clinton; b) that Putin favors Trump over Clinton; or c) that the Democratic candidate’s goofy conspiracy theory is premised in reality.

It is more likely the product of a desperate and compromised presidential candidate who sees herself losing in November.







ALL-OUT RACE WAR is the Democrats’ strategy to delay the election and implement martial law

In late July, Bugout.news posed the question: What would it take for President Obama to declare martial law before the November elections, thus suspending them and imposing martial law until whatever concocted emergency-slash-crisis subsided?

One former top U.S. military commander, retired Gen. Tommy Franks, provided one horrifying possibility when he suggested in 2003 that a terrorist attack using nuclear weapons would not only create a perpetual state of emergency, but would likely crush what is left of Americans’ constitutional rights.

In a recent interview with Dave Hodges of “The Common Sense Show,” Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, made a similar prediction, with additional caveats: While he believes a nuclear event could happen, he also thinks the election of the wrong person to the White House in November could trigger such drastic action by Obama.

That is, if it looks like GOP nominee Donald J. Trump will win, then all bets are off.

“The more Trump is leading in the polls as we approach the election, the higher the risk of a more large-scale false flag event,” Adams said in his interview.

The purpose, Adams said, would be to either disrupt, delay or even postpone the election indefinitely. He even suggested that the powers that be might try to “take out Trump” during some false flag event, which could include the incitement of a race war.

That latter suggestion isn’t at all out of the realm of possibility. Since he’s been in office, President Obama has stoked black anger and mistrust – against police and against whites in particular – with his constant harping about how racist the country still is, despite the fact that he was elected twice as the first African-American president in a majority white country.

Also, as the nation witnessed again over the weekend following a police shooting of an armed black man with a lengthy criminal record, marauding Black Lives Matter supporters burned and looted businesses, all the while searching specifically for whites to “beat down.”

Adams suspects it’s all tied together.

“I think, America – we’ve got to be on a ‘red alert’ level,” Adams said, noting that any number of events ranging from terrorist attacks, to the release of a pandemic, to poisoning of water supplies to nuclear attack, could be lurking over the horizon.

“We are entering the highest-risk period we have ever been in, and so preparedness is absolutely crucial right now,” he said.

Adams and Hodges also discussed how Islamic terrorists have essentially been allowed into the country, via lax immigration and border security policies, if not brought in directly through refugee resettlement programs, and that cells all over the country are simply waiting for the signal to attack. To that end, Bugout.news reported last week that an ISIS terrorist recently arrested by federal authorities told them he has “jihadist brothers” waiting in Mexico to cross into the U.S.

Adams said that what is happening is nothing short of the takeover or destruction of American traditions and values, via the political process, the legacy media, the entertainment industry and our institutes of lower and higher learning. In fact, he said, it fits a plan devised by the Communist leadership and intelligence services of the former Soviet Union. And the plan is going smoothly.

Listen to the entire interview here.

Sources for this story include:





State Department refuses to release Clinton calendars until after the election

The State Department is actively complicit in Hillary Clinton’s crimes, having engaged in a cover-up. Last week we learned that the government told a federal judge it will not provide detailed schedules of Clinton’s activities while secretary of state until after the election. Lawyers told the Associated Press they expect to release 2,700 pages on December 30, a few weeks before Clinton is inaugurated if she wins the election.

Elizabeth Trudeau, a State Department spokeswoman, refused to comment on the decision. She said the government has received thousands of public records requests and is buried under an avalanche of paperwork. The department routinely ignored requests for the schedules prior to a federal judge stepping in.

Clinton has been far less than forthright in turning over documents. The FBI says it has found nearly 15,000 documents the former secretary of state failed to turn over to the State Department. “It’s not yet clear what’s in those emails, like how many are personal and how any are work-related and must be made public,” writes David A. Graham for The Atlantic.

Moreover, despite the fact at least 50 senior officials knew about Clinton’s email scandal, the agency insisted it could not find any records about her secret home server. The State Department also allegedly cut staff, slowing down the process of making the records public.

Critics claim the department has a cache of documents it will likely never release.

AP requested the calendars in 2010 and 2013. Failing an adequate response, the news agency sued in federal court to obtain the schedules and received around half the documents under court order.

According to the AP, more than half of the people who spoke to Clinton by phone gave money to the Clinton Foundation. Because many of the documents are redacted, it is not possible to tell what individuals dealt with Clinton and her staff.

Clinton responded by saying she met with people regardless if they gave money to the foundation or not. “These are people I would be proud to meet with, as any secretary of state would have been proud to meet with, to hear about their work and their insights,” Clinton told CNN.

Clinton also went into damage control mode. She promised to institute safeguards to prevent conflicts of interest with the foundation if she is elected.

The Donald Trump campaign called foul. “It is unacceptable that the State Department is now refusing to release her official schedule before the election in full. Voters deserve to know the truth before they cast their ballots,” said spokesman Jason Miller on Friday.

The whole sordid affair and the government’s response underscore the existence of massive corruption and fraud at the highest levels.

“It’s not just the corruption that shocks — it’s the flagrant, shameless display of it,” writes Ben Shapiro for the National Review. “The question, then, isn’t whether the Democrats are crooked, as Donald Trump says. They’ve been crooked since they traded the presidency. The question is why they don’t care about shedding their decency, Miley Cyrus–style, then twerking around the stage of American politics.”



Associated Press

The Atlantic

National Review

Julian Assange

WikiLeaks prepares for release of more Clinton emails ahead of election

On Wednesday, Fox News conducted an interview with WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.

Assange said the release of more Clinton emails is in the works.

“We have a lot of material, thousands of pages of material,” Assange told Megyn Kelly. “There’s a variety of different types of documents and different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are, you know, quite interesting, some even entertaining.”

Assange’s timing is designed to inflict damage at crucial junctures in the election cycle. The DNC emails were released during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and ultimately resulted in the removal of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the DNC boss.

Kelly asked if the next leak will be a “game changer” and Assange said it would.

“I think it’s significant. You know, it depends on how it catches fire in the public and in the media,” he said.

Media pickup of any future story is crucial. Earlier this week, the establishment media ran with stories criticizing WikiLeaks, accusing the whistleblower organization of exposing data insensitive to gay people, sick children and rape victims.

Tweets went out accusing The Huffington Post, The Independent, Mediaite and others of fabrication and distorting the facts. Much of the information attributed to Wikileaks came from other sources.

The effort to discredit WikiLeaks is coordinated in part by the elite of the Democratic party.

“Democratic leaders are putting out a warning that could help inoculate Hillary Clinton against an October cyber surprise: Any future mass leaks of embarrassing party emails might contain fake information inserted by Russian hackers,” Politico reported with an explanation saying the information came from a conference call between Rep. Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic Party leaders who are strategizing how to minimize the fallout from leaks.

Clinton has avoided addressing numerous controversies by shunning the press and refusing to hold press conferences, thus allowing a friendly corporate media to fend off criticism of the candidate. She has not held a press conference for 260 days.

The Washington Post criticized this tactic:

Jokes aside, it’s beyond ridiculous that one of the two people who will be elected president in 80 or so days continues to refuse to engage with the press in this way.

But she does sit-down interviews! And she did a “press conference” with a moderator, um, moderating the questions!

Not good enough. Not when you are running to be president of the United States. One of the most important things when someone is offering themselves up to represent all of us is that we get the best sense we can about how that person thinks on his or her feet, how they deal with unwanted or adversarial questions. Those two traits are big parts of doing the job of president in the modern world.

There’s nothing like a press conference to put a candidate for president through their paces. If you don’t believe me, just watch how Clinton handled this presser — not well! — when she tried to put the email server controversy to rest.

In the end, the corporate media effort to ignore or underplay the damage inflicted by revelations of Clinton’s corruption and lawbreaking may prove successful, especially when the audience is a largely disengaged electorate.

Meanwhile, the establishment heaps dirt on the campaign of Donald Trump every single day, thus revealing its preference and bias.




The Washington Post