
Mainstream media panicking with ‘fake news’ accusations because they’ve LOST in the realm of ideas

The so-called ‘mainstream media’ is in full panic mode after it was unable to push Hillary Clinton across the finish line against what these Left-wing purveyors of slanted “news” considered a joke of a candidacy in the eventual presidential winner Nov. 8, Donald J. Trump.

Now, fearing a complete loss of power and influence, the managing editors and reporters of the nation’s legacy media outlets—led by The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN—have decided to launch a new campaign: They are out to regain control over the political and social narratives in America after losing it to the alternative media that told the truth about Trump and boldly reported on all of Clinton’s flaws.

To accomplish this, the establishment media and its allies in academia, politics and technology have partnered to create a new boogeyman—“fake news”—that they have collectively vowed to identify and keep out of the public conversation.

How serious is this effort? Over the weekend the Washington Post actually published a story in which it cited an anonymous group of “experts” that did not exist before the Nov. 8 election who published a McCarthyite “list” of some 200 content sites (including Natural News) responsible for collaborating with Moscow in putting out Russian propaganda. The goal? To ‘hijack our democracy’ by dooming Clinton’s candidacy and helping Trump win.

It’s that kind of goofy conspiracy theory that the WaPo and others in the formerly persuasive establishment used to ridicule. Now, they’re spewing their own in a sadistic attempt to retain control and power.

The fact is, the charges made by the shadow group, PropOrNot (“Propaganda or Not”), are not based on any hard evidence, because as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, pointed out recently, such evidence simply does not exist.

There are no documents. No “witnesses.” No scientific research. In fact, in extremely shoddy fashion, the Post’s reporters never even bothered to contact any of the websites listed, to get their comments and observations. Talk about “fake” news.

So bad was the reporting that another reliably Left-wing news site that at least does do investigative reporting (just from one particular political point of view) lambasted the Post for its “shoddy” reporting, among other things.

“[T]he article is rife with obviously reckless and unproven allegations, and fundamentally shaped by shoddy, slothful journalistic tactics,” wrote the authors. “In his article, the Post’s Timberg did not include a link to PropOrNot’s website. If readers had the opportunity to visit the site, it would have become instantly apparent that this group of ostensible experts far more resembles amateur peddlers of primitive, shallow propagandistic clichés than serious, substantive analysis and expertise; that it has a blatant, demonstrable bias in promoting the interests of western governments; and that it is engaging in extremely dubious McCarthyite tactics.”

The hatemongers on the Left are also using the “fake news” straw man they created as “proof” that social media giants like Facebook and Google must become censors – to filter out anything that essentially does not come from their allies in the discredited establishment press.

It’s all part of a plan to keep the American youth ignorant about the issues. The Left can’t stand or deal with competition, so it tries to destroy it through intimidation, false narratives, bogus ‘issues’ and outright censorship. And as the Post story indicates, when those techniques don’t work, then wild conspiracy theories become the new ‘normal’ for ‘news’ stories.

In fact, it’s a strategy that’s working. A just-released study by a group of researchers at Stanford University found that a staggering 82 percent of today’s middle school, high school and some college youngsters can’t tell the difference between fake news and real news. That’s probably being done intentionally through the Left’s control over academia, but it’s dangerous because they will believe what they are told to believe by their teachers.

In the meantime, the real “real news” – the alternative media – will continue to shine a critical light on the charlatans and phonies in the media.



The CDC and media have hidden the vaccine injury court to downplay vaccine damage

Many people have never even heard of the “Vaccine Court” – the nickname given to the Vaccine Claims/Office of Special Masters. It’s not so much a court as it is a federal program. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was established as a no-fault compensation program in 1988.

Under this program, petitions for compensation for injuries incurred by compulsory childhood vaccinations may be presented. Per the organization’s website, Congress supposedly intended for this vaccine compensation program to make it easier to obtain compensation for vaccine damages, rather than having to go through traditional litigation procedures. The “court” you see, is merely a board of eight Special Masters that are appointed to serve four-year terms; they aren’t even elected officials. Rather than appear before a court with a jury of your peers, you instead present your case to a group of appointed bureaucrats.

You can see where things began to go awry, can’t you?

It is this Office of Special Masters that is charged with paying out millions in damages to vaccine-damaged people and their families. The statute of limitations is just three years from the time symptoms begin after the administration of a vaccine. In the instance of death, that window is shortened to a mere two years. When parents are forced to make their case against government attorneys in a government-owned courtroom, how can anyone truly feel that justice is being served?

As Natural Blaze points out, usually when a product fails, the onus is on the manufacturer to prove it wasn’t at fault. However, in Vaccine Court, it is up to the families of the injured to prove a connection between cause and effect. Since diagnostic criteria laid out by the American Psychiatric Association has changed several times over the years, proving such a connection can be quite difficult. It can take anywhere from two to 10 years for Vaccine Court cases to reach a resolution; because of this, recipients of financial compensation really only represent a small fraction of the number of people who have been harmed by vaccines.

Since 1989, roughly $3 billion has been paid out to families, and more than $120 million has been paid out to cover legal fees and attorney costs. All financial restitution is funded by an excise tax on vaccines placed on every dose of vaccine set by the CDC, and paid for by the taxpayer (i.e., the injured party). So, rather than forcing Big Pharma to pay for the damage they cause, that cost is then levied onto taxpayers. When you or your insurance company pays for a vaccine, you are also paying for the compensation program.

Many people do not even know that they can report vaccine injuries through the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), nor that they can file for financial compensation. The VAERS website itself admits that there are many shortcomings to its passive reporting system, including “the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.” Some estimates indicate that the under-reporting to VAERS is so dramatic that the system really only represents about 1 percent of all vaccine-related adverse events.

The reliance on such a passive and poorly managed system makes it relatively useless for obtaining any kind of real data on the frequency of vaccine injuries. The VAERS website itself notes infants’ risk of certain medical issues, including high fevers, seizures and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The website then claims, “Some infants will experience these medical events shortly after a vaccination by coincidence.” The website also notes that their data contains both “coincidental events” and “those truly caused by vaccines.”

There is a desperate lack of real information on vaccine safety and the frequency of vaccine damage. The mainstream media remains totally complicit in this by dismissing the legitimacy of vaccine damage – and defaming anyone who dares to question vaccine safety.

Together, these institutions prevent the American public from ever knowing the truth about the harm vaccines can cause. They protect vaccine manufacturers at a terrible cost to the people of this country – not just in dollars, but by the sheer volume of people affected by vaccine injury.


Ohio State University

Politicized, inaccurate coverage of OSU attack is a perfect example why not to trust the mainstream media

We have waged war on the mainstream media for good reason. They have proven themselves not only to be completely untrustworthy over the years, but also quite dangerous in their reporting on numerous issues. This has never been more apparent than recently, when the mainstream media prematurely reported the Ohio State University terrorist attack as being an act of gun violence. Of course, we all quickly learned that the only gun used in the event was the one fired by the heroic police officer that shot and killed the attacking radical Muslim, but that didn’t stop the left from pushing their agendas.

Jay Syrmopoulos of Blacklisted News reports, “This phenomenon highlights exactly how the ‘fog of war,’ and rush to be the first to report on a story, can result in a story being reported fallaciously. Of course, the narrative sold by the mainstream is that alternative media is unreliable, and thus, corporate media must be relied upon as the standard bearers of ‘truthful and legitimate’ information.”

Conveniently, the mainstream media also managed to completely avoid mentioning the fact that the Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the attacker, was inspired by ISIS and radical Islam in order to carry out his act of terror. Yes, somehow these people managed to take a knife and car assault at the hands of an Islamic terrorist into an assault on the Second Amendment. While this may sound completely irrational — and it certainly is — there is actually a pretty good reason why the Regressive Left did this.

Though we often want to pass these people off as being completely idiotic, they really seem to know what they are doing when it comes to getting the mainstream media to ignore the truth. They constantly manage to distract them from the real story by mentioning something completely unrelated. So while the real story of the OSU situation should have been the fact that an Islamic refugee from Somalia attempted to murder a bunch of innocent people in the name of his twisted religious views, it instead became about whether or not America should enforce gun control.

The fact that the mainstream media are so easily manipulated by the Regressive Left shows all of us that they cannot be taken seriously any longer. During the wake of the “fake news” controversy, it is all too apparent that the alternative media is the legitimate media now. The mainstream has become a joke and it’s time to treat them as such.




Orwellian nightmare: Google to rig search results, eliminating news outlets they consider ‘fake’

Following Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, the liberal mainstream media rushed to find any reason at all to explain why they were all so wrong about who was going to be victorious. Instead of accepting the fact that their polls were wishful thinking and that they were completely ignoring Middle America, they tried to blame the voters and conservative journalists.

Melissa Zimdars, a professor at Merrimack College, found fault in the news stories that showed just how corrupt Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the entire DNC have been. Instead of acknowledging the truth that the alternative media has been revealing during the course of the entire presidential campaign, the leftists tried to deny facts and pass the buck.

Zimdars went even further, compiling a list of “fake” news outlets, which just so happen to be comprised of conservative publications that are critical of liberal ideologies. It’s hard to imagine that is a coincidence and it has a lot of dangerous implications for the future.

Along with her list of “fake” news outlets, Zimdars writes, “Even typically reliable sources, whether mainstream or alternative, corporate or nonprofit, rely on particular media frames to report stories and select stories based on different notions of newsworthiness. The best thing to do in our contemporary media environment is to read/watch/listen widely and often, and to be critical of the sources we share and engage with on social media.”

Now Google has followed Zimdars’ lead and is doing their best to suppress “fake” news, which means that a Google search will not bring back unbiased search results. Instead, those who continue to use the search engine will be subjected to the liberal bias in every news story out there. It is completely ridiculous that news with a left-leaning voice is considered legitimate while news with a right-leaning voice is considered fictionalized.

This is why the globalists lost the election and this is why the leftists are losing the cultural war. The average American values truth over emotion and that is what will certainly turn them against the likes of Google and the other anti-conservative corporations that desperately want to push liberal agendas.

Now more than ever, people need to understand that alternative media is the only media worth listening to. The mainstream news has been so corrupted and so incorrect about this entire year, so how are they the reputable ones in any way? They’re not and they shouldn’t be treated as though they are. Zimdars needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and accept that.




Documents reveal Hillary Clinton’s extensive ties with U.S. mainstream media

Another high profile hack from the individual known only as Guccifer 2.0 has released emails that show just how close the Clinton campaign has become with members of the mainstream media. While the leak shows that US media has been doing their best to present  Hillary Clinton in the best possible light, it also suggests that news stories have been planted to further her cause. Guccifer 2.0’s other hacks included a recent incident which resulted in four top officials of the Democratic National Convention resigning their positions, including the chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz, when a sizable amount of emails surfaced showing their involvement in trying to sabotage the campaign of then political rival Bernie Sanders.

The most recent release of emails revealed that a former Politico contributor by the name of Maggie Haberman was a “friendly journalist” who had “never disappointed” in the past when it came to stories she had “teed up” for the Clinton campaign. Haberman is also now conveniently covering the current presidential circus for the New York Times. Specifically, this memo was authored by Nick Merrill, the Clinton campaign’s press secretary.

One month after Merrill penned this letter, Haberman published two articles essentially praising Hillary Clinton without sacrificing the sophistication necessary to appear credible. The articles were successful in their endeavor to paint Mrs. Clinton as being highly critical in how she vetted not only herself but those she chose to fill her top campaign roles. Given the opportunity to comment on the validity of the released documents, both Merrill and Haberman chose to remain mum on the issue at hand.

Other information released in the most recent trove of emails reveals a list of “media surrogates”, whose images would at first appear to be politically objective but were in fact paid representatives of the Clinton campaign. These surrogates would often appear on cable news shows, with zero disclosure regarding their compensation, stumping for Clinton.

Further information from the memos reveals that Clinton also frequently hosted off-the-record cocktail parties designed to bring top campaign aides together with leading new media notables. One such event preceded the announcement of her candidacy with one of the outlined goals being to “Give reporters their first thoughts from team HRC in advance of the announcement.”

While it isn’t that surprising that a presidential candidate would go to such lengths to preserve their status in the race to be Commander In Chief, this is not the first time Mrs. Clinton  has used her influence to stay afloat. What is more nerve-wracking for some is just how much that influence will increase should Clinton be successful in her quest for the presidency.



ALERT: NBC, WSJ polls showing Trump down manipulated by Clinton operative – TRUMP MAY BE WINNING!

You may have suspected it for some time, but now we can accurately report it as truth: Many of those supposedly “unbiased” polls from the mainstream media are in fact nothing more than propaganda aimed at manipulating public opinion to make it seem as though each slip of the tongue by GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump is the next (and perhaps final) nail in the coffin of his candidacy.

The Conservative Treehouse did some digging and background checking, following the release of a poll from NBC News and The Wall Street Journal that purports to show Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton up by 11 points — after The Washington Post published an 11-year-old audio recording of Trump discussing pretty women he was interested in.

Upon further examination, CTH found some rather large discrepancies that would certainly account for such a major jump in Clinton’s polling numbers.

For instance, the web site’s researchers found that the vast majority of the very small sample of people polled (500), were “Strong Democrat,” “Not Very Strong Democrat” and “Independent/Lean Democrat” (43 percent). Of that small sample, just 36 percent identified as Republicans or leaning Republican, while 12 percent claimed to be Independents.

But that’s not the biggest part of the story, as abominable as it is. No, the major revelation here is that the polling firms are “Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies.”

Hart Research is headed up by Peter D. Hart (founder) and Geoff Garin (president). One of the positions that Garin currently holds is as the pollster and strategic advisor to Priorities USA, the super PAC that supported President Obama’s reelection and is currently supporting Clinton’s election. You can read it right here (and do so quickly before the site is changed).

But believe it or not, there’s more.

There’s also a recent financial connection. CTH found that during the month of September alone, $220,500 was paid by Hillary Clinton’s Priorities USA Super-PAC to Hart Research Associates.

So let’s recap:

— The poll used a very small sample

— Most of those “polled” identified as Democrats or Democrat-leaning

— The polling firm that conducted the survey is headed up by a guy who works for a Super PAC dedicated to helping Clinton win in November

— The polling “data” was provided the very next day after Trump’s second debate with Clinton, one in which the vast majority of opinion holds that he won.

This is what constitutes political “polling” in America today: A preconceived narrative supported by “evidence” that the narrative is true. It’s nothing but propaganda.

Bottom line: You simply cannot trust the establishment media this election cycle. They will do whatever it takes to support Hillary Clinton.





**Click here to download the Hillary Files now from

The paper contains 312 cited references and provides an overwhelming mountain of evidence that Hillary Clinton is not just dangerous to America’s liberties and economy, but also dangerous to America’s environment, health freedoms and organic industry.

This paper is a call for both conservatives and progressives to reject Hillary Clinton on election day.



Trump fights back against establishment media campaign to discredit him

On Monday, presidential candidate Donald Trump led a foray against the establishment media.

In addition to a flurry of tweets, Trump sent out a Mainstream Media Accountability Survey via email. “We are running against the very dishonest and totally biased media!” the email reads. “It’s time to hold the media accountable for trying to rig this election against us.”

Trump’s recent criticism of the establishment media follows a story The New York Times published about the alleged secret work that Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had done for Viktor F. Yanukovych, the elected leader of Ukraine who was deposed during a State Department engineered coup.

“One again The New York Times has chosen to purposefully ignore facts and professional journalism to fit their political agenda, choosing to attack my character and reputation rather than present an honest report,” Manafort said in a statement, adding that the accusation that he “accepted cash payments is unfounded, silly and nonsensical.”

“I have never received a single ‘off-the-books cash payment’ as falsely ‘reported’ by The New York Times, nor have I ever done work for the governments of Ukraine or Russia,” he insisted.

Manafort then excoriated The Times for ignoring the corruption of Hillary Clinton. “The Times does fail to disclose the fact that the Clinton Foundation has taken (and may still take) payments in exchange for favors from Hillary Clinton while serving as Secretary of State,” he said.

“This is not discussed despite the overwhelming evidence in emails that Hillary Clinton attempted to cover up.”

The reason the establishment media does not cover the Clinton Foundation scandal is obvious: NBC Universal, News Corporation, Turner Broadcasting and Thomson Reuters are among more than a dozen media organizations that have made contributions to the foundation.

“The list also includes mass media groups like Comcast, Time Warner and Viacom, as well a few notable individuals, including Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom magnate and largest shareholder of The New York Times Company, and James Murdoch, the chief operating officer of 21st Century Fox. Both Slim and Murdoch have given between $1 million to $5 million, respectively,” writes Josh Gerstein for Politico.

The donations span the supposed political divide, and include Newsmax, Google, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Mort Zuckerman, George Stephanopoulos and others.

Trump’s strategic attack arrives at a time when public attitudes toward the establishment media are at a historical low.

“Over the last two decades, research shows the public has grown increasingly skeptical of the news industry,” a report from the American Press Institute released in April reads. “The study reaffirms that consumers do value broad concepts of trust like fairness, balance, accuracy, and completeness. At least two-thirds of Americans cite each of these four general principles as very important to them.”

Even journalists believe that the establishment media is not only biased, but corrupt. “There is unprecedented, I believe, influence on the media, not just the news, but the images you see everywhere. By well-orchestrated and financed campaign of special interests, political interests and corporations. I think all of that comes into play,” a CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly.

“Broadly there are overarching concerns about, I would say just fear over original investigative reporting,” she added.

According to a report by the Associated Press, Democrats are more likely to believe establishment media news stories than are Republicans and independents.

“Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions. In this presidential campaign year, Democrats were more likely to trust the news media than Republicans or independents.”

Donald Trump’s latest effort to fight back against negative propaganda aimed at his presidential bid appears to be well-timed and executed, especially following the outrageous charge by the media that he encouraged gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment to assassinate Hillary Clinton.

Sources include:


Liberal Tech Companies Team Up to Defeat Trump

Now that the primaries are history and the election is right around the corner, the effort to take down Donald Trump and ensure Hillary’s coronation has shifted into high gear.

Liz Crokin writing for Observer Politics reports:

The usual suspects from left-leaning major media outlets like The New York Times, MSNBC, CNN and even entertainment networks are doing everything in their power to ensure a Clinton victory. Look no further than to Wolf Blitzer mincing around and drinking wine at the Democratic convention, celebrating Hillary’s nomination. But the propaganda skewing this election runs much deeper than just the media: our iPhones, iPads, social media networks, Google and even video games are all in the tank for Hillary Clinton—and it’s chilling.

Crokin explains how Trump media is rejected or stigmatized as “explicit” while left-leaning podcasts are allowed to dominate. “Of all the channels listed in the Apple News politics section, only two of the 16 arguably lean right—the rest are reliably left-wing,” she writes.

This should not come as a surprise: Apple CEO Tim Cook is an avid Clinton supporter. Team Clinton hired Google’s Eric Schmidt to kickstart a company providing consulting services for the candidate.

“While Schmidt has said that he would not work in a Clinton administration, he does support her presidential campaign. Google also has a number of close ties to the Obama administration, with a number of former employees serving in top positions, from U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith to the head of the U.S. Patent Office, Michelle Lee. The chief technology officer of Clinton’s campaign, Stephanie Hannon, was also hired from Google,” writes Alexander Howard for The Huffington Post.

Google also stands accused of rigging search criteria to show Clinton in a favorable light.

“Twitter is another culprit,” notes Crokin. “The company has gotten a lot of slack for banning conservatives and Trump supporters such as Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos and, most recently, rapper Azealia Banks after she came out in support of Trump. Twitter has provided vague answers as to why conservative voices have been banned while they’ve allowed other users to call for the killing of cops.”

On Thursday it was revealed Twitter CEO Dick Costolo “secretly ordered employees to filter out abusive and hateful replies to President Barack Obama during a Q&A session,” according to BuzzFeed.

Moreover, founders of popular pro-Trump Twitter handles accuse the corporation of censoring their content.

Instagram pulls down accounts criticizing Clinton. “In June, a conservative comedy group called Toughen Up America was banned with no warning or explanation. Last week, the popular Australian-based graffiti artist, Lushsux, was banned from Instagram after he posted photos of a bikini-clad Clinton mural he painted.”

Facebook faced criticism after Sen. John Thune sent a letter to CEO Mark Zuckerberg asking him to explain why conservative posts were taken down while those for Black Lives Matter promoted.

Facebook is said to be a product of the CIA’s tech investment operation, In-Q-Tel.

“The publicly available record on the Facebook/In-Q-Tel connection is tenuous,” writes The Corbett Report. “Facebook received $12.7 million in venture capital from Accel, whose manager, James Breyer, now sits on their board. He was formerly the chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, whose board included Gilman Louie, then the CEO of In-Q-Tel. The connection is indirect, but the suggestion of CIA involvement with Facebook, however tangential, is disturbing in the light of Facebook’s history of violating the privacy of its users.

Google’s connection to In-Q-Tel is more straightforward, if officially denied. In 2006, ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele told Homeland Security Today that Google “has been taking money and direction for elements of the US Intelligence Community, including the Office of Research and Development at the Central Intelligence Agency, In-Q-Tel, and in all probability, both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command.” Later that year, a blogger claimed that an official Google spokesman had denied the claims, but no official press statement was released.

Hillary Clinton is the obvious choice for the establishment, its national security state, the military industrial complex, and the surveillance apparatus that relies on tech companies, especially Facebook.
