Closeup of an Obamacare newspaper headline on cash

Blackmail: Aetna Threatened Obamacare Pullout if Humana Merger not Approved

Aetna, one of the largest healthcare corporations in America, has threatened to drop out of Obamacare.

In July, the corporation sent a letter to the Justice Department stating it plans to roll back much if not all of its Obamacare business if a merger with rival Humana is not approved. Aetna had announced it would acquire the company for $37,000,000,000 in cash and stock.

“It is very likely that we would need to leave the public exchange business entirely and plan for additional business efficiencies should our deal ultimately be blocked,” Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said in a letter dated July 5. The letter arrived more than two weeks before the DOJ decided to oppose the merger.

The Huffington Post obtained the letter through a Freedom of Information Act request.

“Specifically, if the DOJ sues to enjoin the transaction, we will immediately take action to reduce our 2017 exchange footprint …. [I]nstead of expanding to 20 states next year, we would reduce our presence to no more than 10 states,” Bertolini continued.

The pullout underscores the fact large corporate health providers are losing money by participating in Obamacare.

“Unless the exchanges get a rapid infusion of healthier customers who pay substantial premiums without using much care, insurers are going to keep pulling out of the areas where they are losing money. Or at the very least, they will demand benefits from the government to make it worth their while to stay,” Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

According to a McKinsey & Company report issued in February, healthcare insurers lost money in 41 states in individual markets, including Obamacare marketplaces.

Bertolini, however, told investors in April the Obamacare mandate, which forces consumers to purchase expensive insurance or face fines imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, represents a cost-effective way to acquire new customers.

If Obamacare continues in its present form and insurance companies continue to lose money and pull out of marketplaces, the federal government will provide a huge infusion of taxpayer cash to float the system.

“While the costs of providing health care insurance are beginning to skyrocket because of Obamacare, insurance company executives are sleeping very soundly,” writes Joe Salerno of the Mises Institute. “A respected consultant to health insurance companies, Robert Laszewski, reveals that there are two obscure provisions in Obamacare that guarantee that insurance companies will be subsidized and bailed out by Amercian taxpayers. Indeed the Congressional Budget Office estimates that $1.071 trillion will be coercively transferred from taxpayers to big insurance companies over the next decade.”

In the meantime, Aetna and other insurance corporations will use the failure of Obamacare as leverage to further consolidate and monopolize the industry.


Barack Obama

Reality check: Obama’s “economic recovery” has been the worst since the Great Depression

One of the most controversial aspects of Barack Obama’s two terms as the President of the United States has been the economy.

Many people have defended President Obama on the issue, claiming that the reason our economy is in shambles is because of George W. Bush’s financial blunders, and that Obama has done extremely well with the hand he was dealt coming into office. That’s even been a major talking point for Obama himself. He constantly pats himself on the back for turning the economy around.

But it seems as though he doesn’t really have all that much to be gloating about.

Heartland Institute Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara reports that Obama’s economic recovery from a recession has been the country’s weakest since the Great Depression. He even compiled the statistics to back up that claim.

Ferrara states, “President Obama’s decision to dredge up failed, illogical, proven-wrong Keynesian economics, rightly left for dead more than 30 years ago, failed to generate any significant economic recovery.”

So even though it appears as though Obama has pulled the American economy back on the right path, he’s done a relatively lackluster job in comparison to many other presidents. In a lot of ways, he’s receiving praise merely for being in the right place at the right time.

That’s a serious problem with all politicians, really. They receive credit for things they didn’t do — or didn’t do well — and often don’t receive blame for issues that they directly caused or contributed to causing. Sure, the reverse can also be said, but it’s dangerous to belief that politicians are more than human beings.

By treating them as infallible gods, we refuse to adequately acknowledge their shortcomings — and there’s no denying that Barack Obama has plenty of shortcomings. Look no further than the state of our economy for evidence of that…

