
Another insider Democrat arrested for pedophilia… how deep does #PedoGate actually go?

You won’t read about this in the real fake media outlets like the Washington Post because the mainstream press protects its chosen political ideology, no matter what they do, but yet another insider Democrat who has been arrested for sexually abusing a child.

As reported by the Conservative Post, during the course of the long presidential campaign cycle that finally ended with a Donald Trump victory Nov. 8, whistleblower web site WikiLeaks released thousands of documents that exposed a great many things, ranging from money laundering to tax evasion and even proved that Hillary Clinton helped fund ISIS.

Indeed, one of the odder revelations from the released trove of documents regarding Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta, was his alleged involvement in “spirit cooking” and involvement in a global sex ring. Besides Podesta and Clinton, the documents released also implicate President Obama.

Two birds of a feather

They identified a man named Terrence Bean, a fundraiser and a “bundler” for Obama and Clinton (a bundler collects, or “bundles,” vast sums of money for a political candidate and are highly coveted). Bean has traveled at least twice aboard Air Force One with the president.

In 2014, Bean was arrested for raping a child. He and his 25-year-old boyfriend were charged with a pair of felony counts of having sex with a minor (a 15-year-old boy) the previous year. They allegedly took turns molesting the boy while Bean was campaigning with and for Obama.

This would be the second pedophile linked directly with the Clintons and, indirectly, Obama. The first was billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who has flown the Clintons to his private island where it is rumored to be a haven for sex with young and underage boys and girls.

Obviously the implication of these allegations is important: Epstein and Bean, known child abusers, have working relationships, politically and socially, with the Clintons and Obamas.

The Conservative Post noted further that some speculate that the Podesta emails discussing spirit cooking are really just code for child sex trafficking; the emails contain curious mentions of cooking recipes that can be deciphered with kinds of food.

“Julian Assange claimed that the WikiLeaks would send Hillary Clinton to prison,” Mike Cernovich wrote. “The releases initially disappointed people, this reporter included, as the evidence of corruption was slim. Assange was right. The real story was hidden in view.”

Clinton flew more times on ‘Lolita Express’ than previously reported

Though the child sex trafficking and pedophilia connections to the Clintons remain unproven and no charges have been filed, there is at least an established connection to Obama now, as well. There is factual evidence from WikiLeaks that not only demonstrates that Podesta and Clinton were captivated by spirit cooking and Epstein’s sex island, and now there is an established connection between Bean and Obama. And this would also help explain why Obama has remained so loyal to the Clintons, though there has been friction between the two families since Obama beat her out to win the 2008 nomination (and resulting presidential election).

As for Epstein and the Clintons, Fox News reported that Bill Clinton visited the island many more times than was previously known. According to flight logs, the former president took at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” – the nickname of the Epstein plane – even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail on at least five of the flights.

Clinton’s presence aboard Epstein’s Boeing 727 on 11 occasions. However, flight logs obtained by Fox News show that the number is at least twice that. Also, trips between 2001 and 2003 included trips around the world with Epstein and other passengers identified on manifests by their initials or their first names, such as “Tatiana.” The plane apparently earned its nickname because it reportedly has a bed where passengers have had group sex with young girls.



Mass Obamacare fraud: Where is the money going?

It seems as though that not a single day can pass by without a new revelation about the complete bust that is Obamacare being revealed by an alternative media outlet. While many have been claiming since before its inception that the healthcare plan would cause an abundance of issues for a majority of Americans, that didn’t prevent the authoritarian leftists in charge from doing their part to pass it into law.

As a result, the plan has led to an abundance of issues for a majority of Americans. Who saw that coming?

It was recently revealed that “rampant fraud” has been unveiled when it comes to Obamacare, meaning that a number of people have been taking advantage of government-supplied loopholes so that they receive all sorts of benefits without having to pay taxes like the rest of us.

Alternative media publication Zero Hedge reports, “A recent ‘undercover enrollment’ investigation conducted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that pretty much anyone can sign up for Obamacare and receive taxpayer funded incentives without having to worry about pesky little details like proving citizenship, identity or income-based needs.”

It’s problems like this that have given life to the “taxation is theft” movement of libertarians who are unhappy with paying taxes when their hard-earned dollars are clearly going to scams like Obamacare and virtually every welfare plan. Why should we be willing to pay for the health insurance benefits of people that aren’t paying taxes at all? It’s a lose-lose situation that leaves us all suffering.

But if you even dare dispute it or point out any of these glowing issues with Obamacare, the leftists are sure to paint you as a racist bigot that hates poor people. This is all they have to go on because they don’t have any legitimate excuses for why the Obama administration has done such an embarrassingly poor job of handling this.

Wasting our money on plans that don’t work only increases tension across the board and sends the United States of America into even more debt. This kind of horrible decision-making is what has led to societies all across the world collapsing in horrific fashion.

Despite what the Regressive Left wants you to believe, the exact same thing could happen in America. We need legitimate, intelligent politicians that take these issues seriously and can provide us with real solutions to our problems instead of sweeping it under the rug as no big deal.

Civilizations are in a constant state of danger if they are not treated with respect. America as we know it has been mistreated for years and the negative effects are finally being brought into the light. It’s time to get serious and fix the massive failure that is Obamacare. It’s time to elect politicians that acknowledge that failure.




Obama hopes to increase the death tax by bypassing congress

You’ve most likely heard the adage, there’s nothing certain but death and taxes.  So now, President Obama and his White House minions think it’s good policy to increase the taxes when one dies. These death taxes come in two forms. The estate tax, which taxes the value of a property owned, and an inheritance tax, paid by those who inherit the property.

According to a report in Forbes, America’s current death tax rate is 40%, which is the “fourth highest rate in the industrial world.” But Obama wants to increase this to 68%, which would put America’s estate tax rate as number one in the world, even though other nations are in the process of  “reducing or repealing” their estate taxes. Having the highest death taxes in the world is not a coveted position.

While touts that what they are creating  is “a simpler, fairer tax,” there’s no proof that this move will in any way help the dwindling middle class. In fact, states that the opposite is true. Repealing the death tax could “lead to the creation of 150,000 jobs” and in time “increase federal tax receipts by $8 billion.” Sounds like something our present economy could use.

CNS News reports that death taxes are a “deterrent for leading a better life.” This is especially the case for family – owned businesses, as Obama’s new policy regulations would make it more difficult for families to use the “valuation discount” which currently in effect.  If these discounts are removed, like Obama wants, a family owned business might have to be sold just to pay the taxes. This leads to job losses and the destruction of wealth accumulated over a lifetime.

Obama is not asking Congress to take up legislation on this matter. He’s bypassing them completely. And no where is there any word or hope of simplifying our lives with a flat tax. The new recommendations are already published as guidelines on the Treasury Department’s website. Comments from the public are being accepted until November 2, 2016. In addition to death taxes being increased, Obama’s Treasury Department are also looking at closing tax loopholes available in trusts.

There are many ways to destroy a nation. Decimating the hard earned wealth of families is just another notch on Obama’s belt.




Obama gun

Many legal ammo manufacturers now deemed “criminals” under new Obama regulations

When it comes to the freedoms of the American people being taken away, one of the most stressing issues today is the federal government’s nonstop assault on the Second Amendment. After all, once the Second Amendment is repealed, there is literally nothing protecting the other freedoms we utilize today.

As violent and conspiracy theory-ish as it may sound, the Second Amendment exists not only to allow us to hunt and protect us from potential armed intruders, but also to give us a fighting chance against a potentially tyrannical government. While members of the Regressive Left will certainly argue that this is completely implausible and crazy — a tyrannical government attempting to oppress their people is the sole reason why our country was founded in the first place.

As the old adage goes, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. With each passing day, it seems as though we’re getting closer and closer to repeating history.

Now the federal government’s attempt at taking away the gun rights of Americans has reached a new level of insanity as they have begun reworking the definition of “ammunition” in order to declare manufacturers of such tools as criminals.

According to Justin Stakes of Ammoland, “the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) reclassified wetted nitrocellulose [also known as flash paper, flash cotton, guncotton, and flash string] containing greater than 12.6 percent nitrogen as a high explosive under the federal explosives laws.”

This ruling will unfortunately force ammunition manufacturers to either stop selling flash paper or be deemed criminals in a court of law. Losing a considerable amount of money and business or potentially having your business destroyed and sent to prison is a catch 22 if ever there were one. Sadly, this isn’t an uncommon occurrence in liberal-run America. Those attempting to sell or create firearms are put under even more scrutiny than those attempting to purchase them. It goes completely against both the Second Amendment and the concept of capitalism, but thus is life in this wacky era of American history.

This unjust fiasco is just the latest step in the Obama administration’s attempt to rid the country of guns and gun owners. At what point will they eventually come with force? You never know when time is up and the feds come after your firearms. We have to be ready for anything in this insane, unpredictable world. While a life of peace and prosperity is what we all desire — the federal government seems to refuse to allow this.

They want to control us and enslave us — and the most efficient way to do that is by disarming us first. In order to prevent that from happening, it’s of vital importance that we stand up against this tyrannical behavior and loudly profess that we are still free Americans.




Obama and the ATF announce backdoor ammo ban, leaving citizens defenseless

You really have to give it up for the leftists. When it comes to taking away the inherent, constitutional freedoms on the American people, they never seem to give up on their conquest for complete control.

Take, for instance, the Obama administration’s scorched earth campaign to repeal the Second Amendment slowly and methodically. Having previously tried — and failed — to ban semi-automatic rifles outright, the leftists have since attempted to place absurd regulations on ammunition. This way, guns will remain justly easily accessible, but the ammunition that makes guns function will be difficult to obtain. It’s a ridiculous loophole that shows just how far these fascists will go to infringe on the rights of American citizens.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — or as it is commonly referred to, the ATF — has made it their duty to help the Obama administration in their anti-Second Amendment endeavors. When you have so many federal government organizations teaming up together in order to pass regulations, it makes fighting this behavior extremely difficult and demoralizing.

The brainwashed sheeple that believe Obama and the leftists that currently control the federal government can do no wrong will argue that the president isn’t coming directly after our guns — and that’s precisely the point. These people are not coming directly after our guns in this instance. They’re trying to slip in regulation after regulation until we’re no longer allowed to possess any sort of firearm.

Considering the state of the world as we know it, it’s incredibly frightening and dangerous that the federal government not only isn’t doing their part to keep us safe from potential dangers, but they’re even going out of their way to make sure that we cannot protect ourselves.

Between radical Islamic extremism and violent criminal behavior, life-threatening situations are a dime a dozen in 2016 America. In many instances, firearms are the only thing that is guaranteed to keep a person safe from these dangers. By fighting our human right to protect ourselves, the Obama administration and the ATF have betrayed the American people completely.

When it comes time to vote this fall, we must make our voices heard by refusing to support the freedom-hating, gun-fearing lunatics on the left. While many of the issues seem important in the short term, the defense and protection of the Second Amendment is absolutely necessary in order to keep our country safe and prosperous.

We cannot forget that.



Barack Obama

SNOPES busted yet again for fabricating total lies in order to cover for Obama’s money laundering crimes

Snopes is widely regarding as one of the most reliable fact-checking and myth-busting resources on the internet. When it comes to urban legends, there’s no website that does a better job of providing evidence as to whether or not stories are fact or fiction than Snopes.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said when it comes to any political issues. In that realm, Snopes is visibly liberal, constantly taking the side of leftist politicians and actively avoiding the whole truth when it comes to controversies surrounding the Democratic Party. So if you’re getting your “facts” from their website, be prepared to read lie after lie after lie.

Most recently, the website attempted to cover up the truth surrounding the Obama administration paying $400 million to Iran as ransom money for the American citizens being held prisoner.

According to Snopes, “The money transfer was the result of a settlement of a long-standing claim at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal in The Hague around the same time that the prisoners were released,” and had nothing to do with paying the ransom of the American hostages.

To call that comment difficult to believe is a gross understatement. It’s alarmingly convenient that the money transfer occurred at the exact same time that the hostages were released. How anyone could believe that those two things are unrelated is unfathomable — and yet Snopes is denying that there is any correlation there.

As Conservative Tribune reports, “Here’s the problem: Snopes completely ignores several major factors, including that Iran’s own government insisted that the payment was a ransom for the men.” All evidence points to the exchange of money being ransom pay — but Snopes just can’t admit it.

They’ve been this way in regards to a number of political issues, though, so it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, unfortunately.

If you’re curious as to whether or not an urban legend from the 1960s is based on fact, Snopes is your friend. If you’re trying to confirm political rumors, avoid the website like the plague. There are Facebook memes that are more factually accurate.



Barack Obama

Reality check: Obama’s “economic recovery” has been the worst since the Great Depression

One of the most controversial aspects of Barack Obama’s two terms as the President of the United States has been the economy.

Many people have defended President Obama on the issue, claiming that the reason our economy is in shambles is because of George W. Bush’s financial blunders, and that Obama has done extremely well with the hand he was dealt coming into office. That’s even been a major talking point for Obama himself. He constantly pats himself on the back for turning the economy around.

But it seems as though he doesn’t really have all that much to be gloating about.

Heartland Institute Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara reports that Obama’s economic recovery from a recession has been the country’s weakest since the Great Depression. He even compiled the statistics to back up that claim.

Ferrara states, “President Obama’s decision to dredge up failed, illogical, proven-wrong Keynesian economics, rightly left for dead more than 30 years ago, failed to generate any significant economic recovery.”

So even though it appears as though Obama has pulled the American economy back on the right path, he’s done a relatively lackluster job in comparison to many other presidents. In a lot of ways, he’s receiving praise merely for being in the right place at the right time.

That’s a serious problem with all politicians, really. They receive credit for things they didn’t do — or didn’t do well — and often don’t receive blame for issues that they directly caused or contributed to causing. Sure, the reverse can also be said, but it’s dangerous to belief that politicians are more than human beings.

By treating them as infallible gods, we refuse to adequately acknowledge their shortcomings — and there’s no denying that Barack Obama has plenty of shortcomings. Look no further than the state of our economy for evidence of that…



Barack Obama

From Monsanto to the drone wars: What happened to all of the Obama promises of 2008?

Barack Obama is no stranger to unfulfilled promises.

His entire 2008 campaign was built around “change” and improving all of the country’s problems. Many of us actually bought into the president’s shtick until he was actually elected — then we realized we had all been played by yet another corrupt politician.

Around eight years ago, Barack Obama entered into office, promising all kinds of things to the American people. For supporters of natural health and food transparency, Obama’s stance on GMO labeling was a major selling point. He claimed that he wanted to, “Let folks know when their food is genetically modified, because Americans have a right to know what they’re buying.”

At that point, there was no reason to not believe him, so many fell into the trap, as did those who believed that President Obama wouldn’t resort to drone warfare. As we now know, Obama has launched well over 500 drone missiles since he took office. To put it into perspective, George W. Bush launched 50. That’s a massive disparity — and Obama was supposed to be the peaceful, anti-war candidate!

It was also recently proven that Barack Obama had ties to Monsanto — going far out of his way to protect their interests — rendering his perceived beliefs regarding GMO labeling to be a complete lie. He was always in the pocket of the corrupt organization.

So what happened to all of these promises? Why aren’t the American people demanding that President Obama provide us with answers? He blatantly lied to us about a number of issues that he never truly cared about. He was merely pandering to a specific group of people in order to secure their vote.

We’ve gotten too complacent when it comes to accepting the corruption of politicians. It seems as though we’re more than happy to just deal with the fact that they’re deceitful liars who care more about reelection and furthering their reach of power than they do protecting American citizens and fighting for a more peaceful planet.

This year, we have to use our voices to demand more out of the leaders of our country. We cannot afford to continue to elect the same old guard of politicians year after year. That line of lazy thinking is what has gotten us into this mess in the first place. It’s important that we reject the establishment this year en route to some legitimate change.

