Shady “NewsGuard” browser plug-in gives green light ratings to all the fake news giants that have been caught in massive media hoaxes, including BuzzFeed, Rolling Stone, CNN, WashPost and NY Times

A new browser plug-in called NewsGuard is being widely promoted and accepted by Big Tech and the mainstream leftist media. The app, already installed on mobile versions of Microsoft’s Edge browser, essentially publishes a list of blacklisted independent media sites and warns consumers not to trust them. The green-yellow-red flag system targets independent media and favors establishment, war-mongering, pharmaceutical-funded and left-leaning media sources.

NewsGuard, founded by establishment media insiders and intelligence operatives, is a for-profit venture that seeks to partner with Big Tech to degrade, de-legitimize, and blacklist independent news sites that have gained trust and influence over the past decade. NewsGuard is already giving green light ratings to all the fake news giants that have been caught in massive media hoaxes, including BuzzFeed, Rolling Stone, CNN, WashPost and NY Times.

The fight for power over the public’s trust and perception

A rapidly increasing number of people are losing trust in mainstream media channels. Official sources have blatant political, industrial, and ideological agendas that misconstrue facts and misrepresent events. The rise in popularity of independent media shows that people are questioning more and making up their own mind on important topics, history, medical decisions, and current events. The people who control big business, political policy, and conflict abroad want complete trust in their vision. The people with wealth and power are competing for control over your mind (and dollars) and they will stop at nothing to secure that trust. Your trust in them is vital to their financial success, fame, security, and further ascension to power.

The term “fake news” was created to destroy independent media and to restore Americans’ trust in official bought-off sources such as CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post. Ironically, CNN fabricates lies on a daily basis while driving a leftist political narrative that sometimes comes across as deranged and even anti-American.

CNN has driven countless false narratives in an attempt to disparage the current Presidential administration. The President has called out the BS along the way, giving a more realistic and transparent perspective on what his Administration is doing and has accomplished. The people working against him would like to taint, twist, obstruct, and confuse everything he is doing, instead of providing accurate scrutiny that is essential in a democracy; therefore the President is right when he flips the script and says CNN is the fake news and “the enemy of the people.”

NewsGuard’s team of analysts wants to restore CNN’s reputation through their coercive, biased app. They also want to destroy public trust in independent media through their app’s manipulative blacklisting feature. Sites that question the official narrative, such as Breitbart News, The Drudge Report, RT, and the Daily Mail, have already been blacklisted by this shady app. Does the U.K.’s third most popular British newspaper, the Daily Mail really “fail to maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability” as NewsGuard postulates? The news site follows the most fundamental rules of proper journalism. The most reputable journalism source in the world, WikiLeaks, which has never had to retract a story due to false or misleading information, is also blacklisted to a “red” rating by NewsGuard.

Ironically, sites that publish hit-jobs against conservative media publication such as Media Matters, Salon, the Clintonite Democrat, and the Huffington Post have all received the green light and are credited as the most trustworthy news sources. Sites such as BuzzFeed, recently humiliated for publishing alleged details about the ongoing Mueller investigation, were called out for lying by Robert Mueller himself. Even though BuzzFeed misconstrued facts about the Mueller investigation that were exposed, the publication continued to promote their story. According to NewsGuard, though, BuzzFeed “regularly corrects or clarifies errors” and can be trusted above all the others.

Not to be outdone is the green-light NY Times, the Washington Post and CNN. All these official sources and their associates ran a very irresponsible news story accusing Trump-supporting teenagers of taunting a left-wing Native American senior. The Covington Catholic high school students were threatened on social media as a result. When the narrative was exposed, it was the Native American agitator who taunted the students who wore MAGA hats, and the students kept their cool. Of course, these official sources can be trusted, just as NewsGuard tells us in their app.

NewsGuard’s top advisors include intelligence operatives and neocons who worked for the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations with connection to Silicon Valley, U.S. oligarchs, globalists, leftists, and pharmaceutical business interests. Any news site that publishes content that challenges their power, their business interests, their sponsors, and their agendas will inevitably be blacklisted.

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