Arrest Google CEO Sundar Pichai for lying under oath to Congress: Yes, Google manually alters search results

Robert Mueller has arrested and indicted numerous Trump-related individuals for “lying to the government,” a so-called “process crime” that can be attributed to literally anyone the FBI or special counsel wants to frame for a non-crime. Yet Google CEO Sunday Pichai lied under oath to Congress, falsely claiming the company does not “manually intervene” in any search results. That statement is blatantly false, we now know from a bombshell Breitbart story linked below.

Isn’t it time to arrest Sunday Pichai and indict him for not only lying to Congress but also for violating the civil rights of hundreds of millions of Americans through the systematic, deceptive and covert manipulation of search results for political purposes?


In sworn testimony, Google CEO Sundar Pichai told Congress last month that his company does not “manually intervene” on any particular search result. Yet an internal discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News reveals Google regularly intervenes in search results on its YouTube video platform – including a recent intervention that pushed pro-life videos out of the top ten search results for “abortion.”
The term “abortion” was added to a “blacklist” file for “controversial YouTube queries,” which contains a list of search terms that the company considers sensitive. According to the leak, these include some of these search terms related to: abortion, abortions, the Irish abortion referendum, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and anti-gun activist David Hogg.

The existence of the blacklist was revealed in an internal Google discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News by a source inside the company who wishes to remain anonymous. A partial list of blacklisted terms was also leaked to Breitbart by another Google source.

In the leaked discussion thread, a Google site reliability engineer hinted at the existence of more search blacklists, according to the source.

“We have tons of white- and blacklists that humans manually curate,” said the employee. “Hopefully this isn’t surprising or particularly controversial.”

Others were more concerned about the presence of the blacklist. According to the source, the software engineer who started the discussion called the manipulation of search results related to abortion a “smoking gun.”

The software engineer noted that the change had occurred following an inquiry from a left-wing Slate journalist about the prominence of pro-life videos on YouTube, and that pro-life videos were replaced with pro-abortion videos in the top ten results for the search terms following Google’s manual intervention.

“The Slate writer said she had complained last Friday and then saw different search results before YouTube responded to her on Monday,” wrote the employee. “And lo and behold, the [changelog] was submitted on Friday, December 14 at 3:17 PM.”

The manually downranked items included several videos from Dr. Antony Levatino, a former abortion doctor who is now a pro-life activist. Another video in the top ten featured a woman’s personal story of being pressured to have an abortion, while another featured pro-life conservative Ben Shapiro. The Slate journalist who complained to Google reported that these videos previously featured in the top ten, describing them in her story as “dangerous misinformation.”

Since the Slate journalist’s inquiry and Google’s subsequent intervention, the top search results now feature pro-abortion content from left-wing sources like BuzzFeed, Vice, CNN, and Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. In her report, the Slate journalist acknowledged that the search results changed shortly after she contacted Google.

The manual adjustment of search results by a Google-owned platform contradicts a key claim made under oath by Google CEO Sundar Pichai in his congressional testimony earlier this month: that his company does not “manually intervene on any search result.”

A Google employee in the discussion thread drew attention to Pichai’s claim, noting that it “seems like we are pretty eager to cater our search results to the social and political agenda of left-wing journalists.”

It’s yet more proof that Google continues to lie to the world about its selective censorship of search results, almost always for political purposes.

Don’t forget that Google blacklisted my own YouTube channel (the Health Ranger channel) nearly a year ago. And about a year before that, Google blacklisted the entire Natural News website for six days as a “kill switch” test to see if they could get away with disabling websites they don’t want to exist. This was done without any justification whatsoever and was clearly an internal human decision to silence Natural News because of our criticism of Google itself.

Leaked documents: Google has “huge teams” working to suppress content they don’t want you to see

Another bombshell appears in a second Breitbart story:

Google has “huge teams” working on manual interventions in search results, an apparent contradiction of sworn testimony made to Congress by CEO Sundar Pichai, according to an internal post leaked to Breitbart News.

“There are subjects that are prone to hyperbolic content, misleading information, and offensive content,” said Daniel Aaronson, a member of Google’s Trust & Safety team.

The comments came to light in a leaked internal discussion thread, started by a Google employee who noticed that the company had recently changed search results for “abortion” on its YouTube video platform, a change which caused pro-life videos to largely disappear from the top ten results.

Google, in other words, has become the Ministry of Truth right out of George Orwell’s nightmarish 1984 dystopian novel. Google employees spend their days literally “altering reality” to fit the current political narrative of the insane, lunatic Left, which claims that there are no difference between men and women (since biology doesn’t exist, they say), but then somehow simultaneously says all men are bad.

Google is a criminal enterprise run by deranged, dishonest Leftists who hate America and despise free speech… it’s time to defeat and disassemble this destructive monstrosity

What has become increasingly apparent in all this is just how evil Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter really are. These tech giants are run by deranged, left-wing lunatics who hate America, hate Trump and despise free speech. They want to see as many unborn babies murdered as possible, and they abuse their positions of power to commit massive election fraud by censoring pro-America (conservative) voices while granting billions of dollars in publicity value to Democrat candidates who now seek to destroy this nation.

Google, Facebook and the other tech giants are truly enemies of the People. Their CEOs must be arrested, indicted and charged with a long list of serious felony crimes, including conspiracy to defraud the United States of America, mass violations of civil rights of the American people, election fraud, lying under oath and even the tax fraud they are committing with coordinate “offshoring” of profits to foreign jurisdictions.

Google is evil. Its CEO is a unindicted criminal. It’s time these people were locked away, and it’s time to break up Google and the other tech giants… disassemble them, tear them down, and prohibit them from continuing to commit their heinous crimes that are harming the American people and stifling freedom of expression.

As I’ve said before, if Google is allowed to exist, America is finished. Google is the great evil of our time and has become more dangerous than any government tyranny. Google is the “Eye of Sauron,” and the people who work for Google are working for pure evil, selling their souls for a paycheck while destroying their own society out of some insane left-wing ideology rooted in hatred and intolerance.

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It’s time to take our opposition of Google to the 3D world. If Google offices are occupied and their servers are physically disconnected, the evil empire ceases to exist and humanity is set free. It’s time for Trump to declare Google to be an enemy propaganda corporation that has committed serious crimes against the United States of America. The evil corporation can not be allowed to continue harming America and must be dismantled.
