Mehmet Oz

Medical boards threaten the careers of doctors that question Big Pharma propaganda

The American Medical Association, also known as the AMA, has recently proposed new “ethical and professional” guidelines for physicians. These guidelines would put a stop to doctors who speak out or otherwise rail against convention. The AMA is clearly an agency that has been bought by Big Pharma and is now seeking to dole out punishments to doctors who do not conform to their narrative.

Indeed, this new proposal seeks to target physicians like Dr. Oz, star of his own eponymous TV show, and outlines how physicians ought to “conduct” themselves when in front of the media. In other words, these new guidelines seek to remove freedom of speech from physicians in places where other people can hear them.

Because doctors like Mehmet Oz have the power to influence millions of people, it is easy to see why the AMA would be after such stringent rules. The group of residents, medical students and fellows who drafted the proposal contends that medical professionals like Dr. Oz “cannot function under the same guidelines as a physician counseling individual patients.”

The AMA claims that these new guidelines for “mass medicine” will prevent “quacks” like Dr. Oz from benefiting from the “lack of specific specific standards and professional codes.”

So, the AMA doesn’t like what Dr. Oz has to say — and rather than just not listen to him — these people want to legislate him, and other people like him, into silence or have them face disciplinary action for “violating medical ethics in the media.”

Oh, so ethical, aren’t they? Where are their so-called medical ethics when cancer patients are being infused with cancer-causing chemicals that make them sicker, or when children are harmed by vaccines?

It is important to note that the AMA only represents about 17% of all practicing doctors, and this number is continuing to dwindle, but yet they are hellbent on controlling 100% of them. Why? Because they need to keep doctors in line, or Big Pharma will not be happy.

Despite their meager membership status, the AMA also remains a powerful voice on Capitol Hill shelling out millions each year to lobby Congress into doing their bidding. In return, they can influence Medicare prices, shape national policies and rake in a cool $218.8 million each year from its government-granted CPT-medical code monopoly.

Now it makes sense why they want to keep doctors quiet, doesn’t it?




Families with vaccine-damaged children are being bullied into silence

Silencing victims of medical mishaps, is not unusual. In fact, it is almost expected these days, with “corruption” and “corporation” almost being synonymous terms.

For one family in the United Kingdom, though, things have gone to a whole new level. This family has received death threats and warnings to keep quiet about the horrible damage done to their daughter.

In 1993, the Marchant family’s 14-month-old daughter received what was supposed to be just a regular MMR vaccine. Before receiving her vaccination, baby Jodie said, “Love you!” to her dad in the waiting room at the doctor’s office. Everything seemed to be going okay — until Mr. Marchant heard his child scream.

As they would later learn,though they thought their child was being given a standard MMR vaccine, this was not the case. In fact, it turned out their child was given an untested 8-in-1 vaccine illegally — a vaccine that would permanently damage their perfectly healthy baby.

After taking their baby girl, Jodie, home from her vaccination appointment, her parents noticed she was shivering, shaking, screaming and running a fever. Like any parent would, the Marchants consulted with a doctor immediately. The doctor insisted Jodie was just suffering from a virus and there was nothing to worry about. Sadly, this would instead become the day Jodie was left permanently disabled, never again to be her normal self.

Jodie began suffering from seizures, incontinence of both bowels and bladder, and acid reflux. She also lost the ability to speak, stopped walking and no longer made eye contact. Jodie suffered with near-constant pain and was inconsolable. And with growing numbers of vaccine-damaged children being reported (and then swept under the rug), doctors merely diagnosed Jodie with autism.

In 1998, however, Jodie was being treated at Royal Free Hospital and doctors finally began to realize that Jodie was not like other children. Pediatric gastroenterologist Professor John Walker-Smith agreed to help the Marchant family and soon uncovered the truth: Jodie was not given an ordinary MMR vaccine. Later that year, Dr. Paul Shattock analyzed a urine sample from Jodie and told her parents that there must have been something else mixed into her vaccine.

After much searching and going through many hoops, the Marchants eventually discovered that their daughter’s doctor had given her not just the MMR vaccine, but also a vaccine for DTaP, polio, and one other vaccine (not currently disclosed). All of this was given to 14-month-old baby in one shot.

Attempts were made to obscure all the records of what had happened to Jodie. When her parents requested her records from the office where she received that horrifying shot, the records could not be found. Fortunately, another doctor Jodie saw temporarily still had the records which detailed what was given to her that fateful day.

The Marchant family’s fight for justice for Jodie is still ongoing. Many have tried to silence them and stop them from uncovering what has been covered-up so long.




Pharma companies use TPP to extend their monopolies (Video)

Brand-name prescription drug prices have doubled in the last five years, according to a new report. Now some public health groups and organizations say things could get worse, if the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal delays the introduction of generic drugs. RT America’s Ed Schultz speaks with Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, about how the new deal could lead to even higher costs of medication.