08/26/2020 / By Lance D Johnson
In order to control a person’s mind, alter their behavior, and manipulate their emotions and reactions, that person must first be made ignorant and left feeling helpless, with no way to apply knowledge and independently solve their own problems. In their ignorance, a person is made to feel helpless, abiding by authority’s controls to feel safe. As they give away their own power over their life, they become easily controlled and manipulated. This manipulation leads to compliant, subservient behaviors that serve the interests of those who seek to control, of those who seek to govern over others and poison them for profit.
Imagine what it would look like if a select entity had the power to make entire populations ignorant – ignorant of their own body, mind and immune system. Imagine if people were told they were facing a “new virus” that they knew nothing about, that their body was incapable of facing. Imagine a feat of manipulation carried out en masse — human minds molded, emotions controlled. This is the reality that is being engineered by Big Tech – primarily Google and Facebook. These entities have created platforms of manipulation that are being used to censor out the most important information on the human immune system, leaving populations clueless and weak, so they can be more readily controlled.
Google has a monopoly on data and uses this data to manipulate what people subconsciously interact with online, what they see in advertisements, and what they are allowed to access in searches and news feeds. Google is already more powerful in terms of its control over people’s lives than almost every government on the planet. For example, go to the Google search engine, type in any three digit number followed by “cases.” Virtually every three digit number will pull up multiple stories about that number of coronavirus cases. It’s all about spreading fear of infection, instead of providing knowledge on how people can live normally and give their body what it needs to overcome potential infections.
Google has devolved from an open access search engine, to a manipulative platform of thought control. According to Google whistleblowers, Google maintains a blacklist, deciding what people can and cannot search for, while burying important information on health topics. Google and Facebook admit they only allow an official narrative to persist on infectious disease. All information that is allowed must be approved and rubber stamped by the World Health Organization.
Dr. Robert Epstein, a behavioral scientist, testified before Congress explaining how Google can use data manipulation and algorithms to manipulate the minds of more than 15 million people in a subsequent election. “And the methods they’re using are invisible, they are subliminal, they are more powerful than most any effects I’ve ever seen in the behavioral science and I’ve been in the behavioral science for almost forty years.”
Zach Vorhies, Google whistle blower and engineer, went public about Google’s internal search engine, which blacklists search terms such as “cancer cures.” Google actively blocks cancer survivor testimony suppressing how cancer can be overcome and burying a vast wealth of scientific studies and knowledge on anti-cancer compounds. This same manipulation is being carried out to spread fear about infections and to keep the public ignorant on how their immune system works. Some of the most important voices have been censored from Big Tech in 2020 because they seek to quell infection fears and provide information that can help people overcome health challenges that plague their mind and body.
As for Facebook: its fact checking arm, PolitiFact, is owned by the Poynter Institute, which has received substantial funding from pharmaceutical companies, Google, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These controllers use Facebook to censor information that can be applied in the home at the onset of an infection and in the hospital system to speed up recovery, prevent complications and save lives from infectious disease. By blocking information on treatment options and keeping the public ignorant on how their immune system works, these pharmaceutical companies and globalists with a psychopathic plot to vaccinate 7 billion people can more readily carry out their nefarious agendas.
Stay up to date on Google and Facebook manipulation at BigTech.News.
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Tagged Under: Big Tech, Censorship, control, fact checker manipulation, fear of infection, Google blacklists, healing, immune system, knowledge, manipulation, natural immunity, outbreak, pandemic, pharmaceutical interests, propaganda, psychopathic plot, recovery, rigged, search engine, tech giants