07/20/2020 / By Ethan Huff
As many expected, the self-appointed gods of “higher education” have taken it upon themselves to dictate a whole new set of requirements for students intending to return back to class this fall. And one of them is that they be forcibly vaccinated both with the flu shot and any future vaccine that becomes available for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
According to reports, Harvard University is planning to mandate that its enrollees get a flu shot every year in order to attend in-person classes. This is based on the new guidelines in the school’s “Residential Community Compact” document.
At the University of Tennessee – Knoxville, students will have to receive not only seasonal flu shots but also whatever Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine(s) is rushed to market through President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program.
The “COVID-19 immunization would be required only if it has been medically proven to be safe and effective and is recommended by the CDC and the Tennessee Department of Health,” reads an official statement from the UT-Knoxville about the new guidelines.
According to the school, the seasonal flu shot component of the new mandate, which has nothing to do with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), is supposedly necessary because the next seasonal flu could circulate simultaneously with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) during the 2020-21 flu season. Students can, however, request exemptions.
When asked if UT-Knoxville has received any feedback about the new rules, communications director Melissa Tindell told The College Fix:
“While we have received a small amount of mixed feedback, we believe this action is in the best interest of our students and campus communities.”
In other words, not everyone is happy with the decision, and perhaps most of the feedback the school has received thus far is negative. But the decision remains, which begs the question: Will any students even return in the fall?
After learning about the changes, the Tennessee Coalition for Vaccine Choice issued a statement in defense of health freedom, noting that “all medical interventions, including vaccines, must be a choice.”
It is an inalienable, God-given right, stated the group’s spokeswoman Danielle Goodrich, to be able to get an education without being forcibly injected with dangerous chemicals that could lead to permanent injury or death.
The seasonal flu shot, added Goodrich, is also inherently problematic because it has an up to 90 percent failure rate. Pretty much the only reason it is being mandated, she implied, is because some people stand to profit from it, with “conflicts of interest at every level.”
A petition is already circulating with more than 640,000 signatures already attached to it demanding that any Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine that comes to market be strictly optional.
“No government can force anyone who has reached legal adulthood to be vaccinated for the coronavirus,” this petition reads. “Equally, no government can vaccinate minors for the coronavirus against the will of their parents or guardians.”
Many are also worried that special interest groups will also try to make Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines mandatory for everyone, not just students, which is why concerns are being raised now before a jab or series of jabs officially comes to market.
“Covid is a manufactured crisis intended to take down the United States of America,” wrote one commenter at The College Fix.
“We should not be forced to inject vaccines cultivated in aborted baby HGH,” added another, HGH referring to human growth hormone.
To learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines, be sure to check out Vaccines.news.
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Tagged Under: College, coronavirus, covid-19, education, flu shot, health freedom, Liberty, mandate, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, medical violence, obey, outbreak, pandemic, public education, rigged, Students, Tyranny, university, vaccination, vaccine