Of course Obama is a Muslim… he’s also part of an anti-American “terror cell” that protected Hezbollah drug runners

On numerous occasions throughout his presidency, Barack Obama proved to the American people that his allegiance was to our country’s enemies rather than to the United States. From the disastrous nuclear deal that allowed Iran to continue developing its nuclear program to the release of dangerous prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, our former president always seemed to find a way to empower those who seek to do harm to innocent Americans.

Conservative actor James Woods went as far as calling Barack Obama a Muslim for his constant sympathetic tone towards Islamists within our own country and around the world. It all started when someone tweeted at Woods the following message: “Obama targeted Christian Churches and Conservative Charities with the IRS, but ordered investigations into Hezbollah to be stopped. Let that sink in.”

“He’s a Muslim,” Woods said in response. “He can deny it, his apologists in the media can refute it, and his enablers can promote a narrative that he is a Christian. It’s a pack of lies. Obama is a Muslim and that is where his allegiance lies. Always has. Always will.”

James Woods certainly isn’t the first conservative to call Barack Obama a Muslim, and he certainly won’t be the last either. But truthfully, whether or not Obama follows the teachings of Islam or the teaching of Jesus Christ is irrelevant when you look at the things he has actually done. It would definitely explain a lot if he were Muslim, but even if the former commander-in-chief practiced Christianity, it still doesn’t change the fact that he has a soft spot in his heart for Islamists – even those that have threatened to do harm to or even kill innocent Americans.

A few weeks ago, Politico published a shocking article that detailed how the Obama administration had gone under the radar to undermine U.S. law enforcement agency efforts to dismantle an international drug trafficking run by Hezbollah, a militant Islamist group that has been responsible for the deaths of countless people. It is believed that Obama’s attempt to get U.S. law enforcement off of Hezbollah’s back was part of a wider push to facilitate the signing of the nuclear deal with Iran. In other words, Barack Obama stabbed our country and our allies in the back – does this sound like a serious scandal or what? (Related: Obama is a sleeper cell, and the destruction of America’s economy and national security was planned from the start.)

If any other political leader had done something like this – say, Donald Trump for example – then the mainstream media would be talking about it night and day. Newspapers like The New York Times, The Washington Times and The Washington Post would be running stories on the topic for months, with their so-called journalists doing everything in their power to dig up more information, regardless of how credible their sources might be. If it had been Donald Trump that had undermined U.S. law enforcement to help a dangerous terrorist organization instead of Barack Obama, liberal bloggers phony, left-wing websites like The Atlantic and Mother Jones would never let Trump supporters hear the end of it.

But because this happened under Obama’s watch and not President Trump’s, the liberals within the mainstream media are absolutely silent. To them, the Russia collusion narrative is much more important than a story about Obama helping terrorists, even though there is no evidence for the former whatsoever. It’s sad, but this is how detached the media in this country have become from traditional, balanced journalism. (Related: The bogus Trump-Russia collusion story is nothing but a political hatchet job cooked up by Obama loyalist John Brennan.)

As for the idea that Barack Obama is a Muslim, maybe he is and maybe he isn’t. Still, actions speak louder than words, and the former president has definitely demonstrated that he has no problem working against the interests of the American people.

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