IBM, the same company that provided punch card computing systems to the Nazis, lays groundwork for global “Mark of the Beast” cryptocurrency network

The world is moving increasingly closer towards the type of single global currency system that was prophesied about in the Biblical book of Revelation. And leading the charge with its full-scale implementation is none other than multinational tech corporation IBM, which recently introduced a new financial transaction technology known as IBM Blockchain World Wire that has “Mark of the Beast” written all over it.

According to an official company announcement, IBM has successfully developed “a real-time global payments network” that it says will help to “optimize” and “accelerate” both foreign exchange and cross-border payments and remittances, making it easier than ever before for people to buy and sell within the global marketplace using variant currencies.

By implementing its own blockchain technology within the confines of a single unified network, IBM says that participants from around the world will now have the ability to process cross-border payments with unprecedented ease, eliminating many of the traditional barriers associated with currency conversion – and basically laying the groundwork for a whole new global currency system that will eventually replace our current decentralized paradigm.

“We’ve created a new type of payment network designed to accelerate remittances and transform cross-border payments to facilitate the movement of money in countries that need it most,” revealed Marie Wieck, General Manager of IBM’s Blockchain division, about how the technology is a game-changer. “By creating a network where financial institutions support multiple digital assets, we expect to spur innovation and improve financial inclusion worldwide.”

Revelation 13 reveals how implantable chips containing global currency will be REQUIRED in order to buy and sell

For those following Bible prophecy, the implications of what IBM is trying to do here are nothing short of chilling. By eliminating the various middlemen associated with cross-border payments while accelerating transactional settlement time to mere seconds, it’ll be as though everyone in the world is transacting using the same currency – which is exactly what the Bible foretells will happen in the end of days.

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” reads Revelation 13:16-17, which is part of John’s amazing, heaven-sent vision depicting a future one-world currency system that the Antichrist will implement during a horrific period of time known as the Great Tribulation when all of the world’s individual national currencies will basically go kaput and be replaced by a universal “mark.”

It will likely play out as a “controlled demolition,” so to speak, of all currencies, including the U.S. dollar and the EU euro. This will prelude the planned global merging of all of these former currencies in to one single currency, which will require some type of biometric or RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip in order to function.

Under this new Luciferian global economy, which will be governed by Satanic Noahide laws, all people, regardless of who they are or where they’re from, will be required to have these chips implanted into their bodies in order for them to have the capacity to engage in commerce – as well as to not starve to death.

“Unless one receives the mark, he or she is unable to buy or sell anything in the global market, meaning many probably will accept the mark simply to survive,” writes Chris Katulka for “Managing what people buy and sell on such an immense scale would require a one-world currency to monitor all transactions.”

Earlier blueprints for global control matrix were also laid by IBM back during WWII in Nazi concentration camps

IBM played a pivotal role in earlier iterations of this type of one-world control matrix, as the company was responsible for developing the technology required to control and track prisoners who were held in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. IBM basically partnered with Adolph Hitler to develop a then-high tech tracking system for keeping tabs on Jews and other political prisoners, tabulating the Nazi census that kept the Holocaust going.

IBM was also responsible for powering the system that kept the trains to the death camps running on time. While other major multinationals such as Coca-Cola and Kodak also worked with the Nazi regime to maintain its centrally-run death machine, IBM is said to have “[gone] the extra mile” in developing the technologies that allowed for millions of people to be systematically imprisoned, and many of them executed.

“… the IBM Hollerith machine, a tabulating machine that ran on punch cards, was an essential tool for executing the logistical challenges of the Jewish extermination during Hitler’s regime in a world before computers,” writes Jack Smith IV for “They didn’t just sell tools and products; they collaborated with the Nazis in creative ways to help them design and execute the systematic destruction of the Jewish people.”

Staying true to its dark legacy, IBM is once again providing the technological backing for yet another impending Holocaust – this one global in nature, and to be run by the Man of Sin himself. And as is typically the case, it’s all being ushered in under the guise of “progress.”

For more related news about how Bible prophecy is all coming together just as the prophets of old foretold, be sure to check out

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