Robert Mueller is a deep state MONSTER who is complicit in the deaths of at least half a million people

When it comes to the Washington Swamp, there are not many people more familiar with its inner workings than former Deputy Attorney General and FBI Director Robert Mueller. Recently Mueller was appointed as special counsel by the same swamp to dig up dirt on Donald J. Trump, a duly elected president the Deep State, Democrats and the Big Government, of which Mueller is a product, refuses to recognize as legitimate.

But long before Mueller was essentially handpicked by one of his successors, James Comey, to look into alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and “Russia” to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton — despite the fact that the FBI has been unable to find any proof of collusion after more than a year searching for it — he was part of the same Deep State that has led to the deaths of millions of people, including no small number of U.S. citizens.

As noted by political cartoonist Ben Garrison in a cross-post at Zero Hedge, Mueller, who was serving as FBI director during the Bush administration, “was complicit in pushing the non-existent Iraq connection to” the 9/11 attacks, “which was a lie concocted by [then-] Vice President Dick Cheney (the power behind George W. Bush’s throne).”

Garrison recently published a cartoon featuring a bust of Mueller embedded in soil flanked by mounds of dirt with the names “Hillary,” “Obama,” “Comey,” “Podesta,” “Lynch,” and “Wasserman-Schultz,” uttering, “I’m looking for dirt on Trump!” — implying he and the Deep State are ignoring scandals all the others are implicated in.

“It was a fabrication that led to the death of a half million people. He defended the Patriot Act, torture and unlimited surveillance of the American people. He didn’t question the phony, ‘official’ 9-11 narrative. Like his corrupt associate Comey, Mueller is a Deep State collaborator,” Garrison wrote.

In addition, he accuses Mueller of being a “bag man” who succumbs easily to the political pressures in D.C., which is another trait he “shares with Comey.” These people still actually believe that someone, somehow, “stole” Hillary’s crown and that Trump is illegitimately sitting in the Oval Office.

“That’s why he was chosen for his latest assignment: The framing of President Trump,” Garrison observed, adding that he most likely is aware the Russian ‘election hacking’ narrative is about as made-up as it gets, which explains why he’s now moved into investigating the president’s finances, as well as those on his campaign team. (Related: Former SEAL Craig “Sawman” Sawyer warns of a “gruesome massacre” if Deep State Left attempts coup against Trump.)

“But Mueller isn’t reeling anything in on his fishing expedition so he wants to cast out farther and farther,” until he catches something — or somebody.

Meanwhile, the other Deep State miscreants responsible for this charade, who themselves have enough dirt on them to fill the Grand Canyon, remain out of sight and out of mind. The Clintons alone had reportedly been shaking down foreign governments for years while Hillary was Obama’s secretary of state — governments that paid dearly and eagerly in anticipation of her being the next president.

But no; Trump won so it’s Trump who must be investigated.

“Hillary is using Mueller as her personal bloodhound” after helping to craft the Russian “hacking” and “collusion” narratives following her unexpected loss, Garrison writes. “He’s out sniffing on a trail with no scent, but he still hopes it will lead to President Trump regardless. A far less pristine trail leads to crooked Hillary as well as Obama, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and many others. Despite the abundance of redolent clues they’ve left behind, Mueller has been assigned to sniff at President Trump.”

Garrison then makes this prediction: “They may fabricate lies to remove President Trump, but in doing so they’ll also be flirting with civil war. Too many constitutional republic-loving Americans will not tolerate a coup by the swamp.”

He’s not alone in thinking that.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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