CNN’s rating go down the drain as viewers overwhelmingly reject FAKE news network

Hey boo boo, would you like a pic-a-nick basket?

Things just aren’t going well in the world of CNN. As their ratings continue to plummet, it is not being reported that the fake news network has fallen behind reruns of the classic animated series, Yogi Bear. In addition to other shows that air on Nick-At-Nite, including reruns of Full House and Friends, CNN’s ratings have also fallen behind TLC, FX, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, ESPN, and MSNBC. The Fox News Channel is currently ranked number one.

So what happened? Are people suddenly developing a newfound fascination with shows like Full House, Friends, and Yogi Bear? Are all of these old shows that have been around for decades suddenly able to compete in a ratings market with CNN? Or is it just that CNN is beginning to circle the drain? The answer, obviously, is the latter, and there is a reason for it.

Ever since before the 2016 election, CNN has been engaged in an all out war on the President of the United States and his administration. They have literally given up on trying to come across as politically balanced, and instead have recalibrated their goals to fall exactly in line with the Democrat Party – that is, to promote progressivism and to dismantle conservatism.

What’s worse is that they are embarrassing themselves in the process. Last month, CNN brought on a panel to discuss the refugee crisis and Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban. The panel included CNN reporter Clarissa Ward, Sherrie Westin from Sesame Workshop, David Milibrand of the International Rescue Committee, and Elmo, the lovable red puppet from the children’s show Sesame Street.

“Did you find that the Syrian little girls and little boys were a lot like your friends here in America?” Clarissa Ward asked Elmo. “Yeah, they really were,” Elmo answered. “It was very interesting because they like to play and learn just like Elmo and all of his friends at Sesame Street.”

CNN then took a moment to take a jab at Donald Trump during their segment, because no panel discussion would be complete without a leftist attacking the president’s policies. “It’s worth say, perhaps especially today, that this country, the U.S., receives very few refugees and there’s a lot of fear and loathing being put out,” said Milibrand, who apparently isn’t concerned in the least bit that some of these refugees may be violent Islamic State terrorists in disguise.

Besides embarrassing themselves, perhaps another reason for CNN’s plummeting ratings is the fact that they’ve been caught up in numerous scandals in recent months. An undercover investigation conducted by the conservative journalist group Project Veritas recently depicted CNN Supervising Producer John Bonifield admitting that the Trump/Russia scandal is “mostly bullshit.”

“Could be bullshit,” the CNN producer said to the undercover Project Veritas reporter. “I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don’t have any giant proof. And so I think the President is probably right to say, like, look you are witch-hunting me. You have no smoking gun. You have no real proof.”

This of course begs the question: if CNN doesn’t have any real proof, why are they reporting on it day in and day out as if Donald Trump did, without any doubt whatsoever, collude with the Russian government throughout the presidential election? The reason is simple – CNN cares very little about facts and evidence, but they care very much about doing everything in their power, including lying and twisting information, to take down President Trump.

It would be in CNN’s best interest to stop with the fake news altogether and begin the long process of returning to traditional journalism. There’s no doubt that if they keep up this vicious, biased attack on the President of the United States, the only thing that’s going to plummet faster than their ratings is their credibility.

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