Revealed: How Google almost killed ProtonMail and anyone else who challenges the system

Early last month, Rob Eno of published a piece alleging that Google was politically biased towards Hillary Clinton throughout the presidential election. Eno wrote about a report conducted by Robert Epstein of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT), Ronald Robertson of Northeastern University, and Samantha Shepherd and Shu Zhang, also of AIBRT, which proved that Google displayed a blatant pro-Clinton bias in search results concerning the 2016 election.

“Based on a sample of 4,045 election-related searches conducted during a 23-day period from October 15 to November 8 (Election Day) using the Google and Yahoo search engines through the Firefox browser, we found that search results were, on average, biased to favor Hillary Clinton on all of those days,” they wrote in their study.

Sadly, the political bias that was on display in favor of Hillary Clinton wasn’t just an isolated incident; rather, Google seems to have made a habit out of not only giving aid to the progressive movement, but also the silencing and suppression of those who do not fall in line with the big government, totalitarian mindset.

As you may recall, earlier this year, Google temporarily blacklisted Natural News and removed an astonishing 140,000 pages from its index. Without any warning whatsoever, Google censored information regarding Natural News’ testing of the U.S. water supply, Natural News’ announcement of free laboratory testing services for Native American water supplies that have been impacted by oil pipeline leaks, Natural News’ coverage of the GlaxoSmithKline criminal indictment by the United States Department of Justice, and much more.

Mike Adams pointed out at the time that Google’s decision to blacklist Natural News was made by a politically motivated human being as opposed to an algorithm. The Health Ranger accurately described this ongoing pattern of censorship as “modern-day book burning by the Internet Gestapo that now decides what knowledge you’re never allowed to access.” (RELATED: Read a full statement from the Health Ranger on Google’s blacklisting of Natural News)

But Natural News isn’t the only website that has been targeted and censored by Google in recent months., which is a secure email service “committed to developing and widely distributing the tools necessary to protect your data online,” came out last October and explained that they too were almost taken down by Google.

After a year and a half of consistent growth, Proton Mail suddenly began to experience online exposure issues that they had never experienced before. They found that while the search rankings for Proton Mail for “secure email” and “encrypted email” were ranked either first or second on virtually every search engine, including Yahoo and Bing, Proton Mail was strangely not ranked at all on Google.

The Proton Mail team spent all of Spring 2016 trying to get in touch with Google, at one point even reaching out to Google’s President EMEA Strategic Relationships, but they never got a response. It wasn’t until Proton Mail took to social media and rallied the support of their followers that they finally got Google’s attention. A few days later, Google told Proton Mail that they had “fixed something,” and the problem was immediately resolved. But even though Proton Mail’s rankings recovered, it is still a mystery as to why they ever became unranked in the first place.

With each passing day, the United States is looking more and more like George Orwell’s famous book 1984. Whether it is on college campuses, Hollywood, the mainstream media or on the Internet, conservative voices and voices of those who do not fall in line with the progressive ideology are being silenced. As such, it is becoming increasingly difficult for millions of Americans to practice their First Amendment free speech rights, which is all the more reason for those who love liberty to stand up, speak out, and resist this growing tyranny.

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