Associated Press caught fabricating cabinet meeting that never happened in order to publish fake news

It’s a fair statement to say that the mainstream media has never been this hateful and this politically biased towards any sitting president as they have been towards President Trump. Their primary objective is not to inform the public, but rather to persuade the public through the use of lies, rhetoric and propaganda about the president of the United States. They want the American people to see President Trump as they see him – an incoherent, incompetent man who should never have been elected last November. Over the past few months, we have seen the true colors of the mainstream media really start to come out, and it’s quite obvious that they are now more interested in acting as something of an anti-conservative task force than they are in reporting fair, balanced information.

The most recent example of anti-Trump fake news comes from the Associated Press, which recently conjured up a false story about a meeting between EPA head Scott Pruitt and Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris. The AP alleged that not only were the two in communication with one another, but also claimed that some kind of misconduct took place as a result.

“The Trump administration’s top environmental official met privately with the chief executive of Dow Chemical shortly before reversing his agency’s push to ban a widely used pesticide after health studies showed it can harm children’s brains,” wrote Associated Press columnist Michael Biesecker.

But then, on July 4, the Associated Press released a statement admitting that the story about Pruitt and Liveris was inaccurate and misleading. “In a story June 27, The Associated Press, relying on schedules provided by the Environmental Protection Agency, reported erroneously that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt met with Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris for about a half-hour at Houston hotel,” they wrote. The AP noted that a spokeswoman for the Environmental Protection Agency said the meeting between Pruitt and Liveris was canceled, even though they did have a “brief introduction in passing.”

“The story also misreported the name of an industry trade group,” The Associated Press admitted. “It is the American Chemistry Council, not the American Chemical Council.”

If this story sounds familiar to you, it’s not just your mind playing tricks on you. This is no déjà vu. Indeed, just a couple of weeks ago, the fake news network known as CNN was once again caught spreading misinformation, alleging that Anthony Scaramucci, a close Trump ally, was linked to a Russian Investment Fund. This turned out to be a blatant lie, and CNN was forced to not only apologize to Scaramucci, but also to retract the story altogether. This was certainly an embarrassing moment for the left leaning cable news network, which takes great pride in branding itself as fair and unbiased.

The sad truth, though, is that even though CNN and the Associated Press were forced to apologize for participating in the spread of fake news, this will not stop. They will not learn from their mistakes and try to engage in more accurate reporting from this point forward. In fact, it’s extremely likely that just a few weeks from now, one of these left wing media outlets will be caught inventing a false story about President Trump yet again.

This is why it is so important that the president continues to use social media to communicate with the American people. There is a reason why Trump is routinely mocked and criticized for what they consider to be excessive and unnecessary tweeting – it’s because every time Trump communicates with the people via social media, the information can’t be funneled through the liberal media. It can’t be altered or manipulated in any way so as to fit their big government, anti-Trump agenda.

Keep tweeting, Mr. President, and for the sake of the country, do not stop taking on the mainstream media. It is a battle worth having.

