Trump surrogate Gingrich: Mueller “should recuse himself” from “sick” obstruction of justice investigation of prez

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a longtime advisor to and surrogate of President Donald J. Trump, said during an interview on Sunday that newly appointed ‘independent’ counsel Robert Mueller ought to “recuse himself” from any portion of his investigation having to do with the president and fired FBI Director James Comey.

And why? Because Comey and Mueller are not only both former FBI heads, but they are longtime close friends, and Gingrich believes for that reason — and others — there is no way Mueller can be objective.

Appearing on Fox News with “Justice” host Judge Janine Pirro, Gingrich also said the various investigations into Trump, which — by the way — are occurring with Republicans in control of Congress and the Executive Branch, are baseless and built on little more than lies and innuendo, as evidenced by the ever-changing narratives and distinct lack of evidence, despite the FBI having looked critically at Team Trump for nearly a year.

Gingrich also lashed out at the Justice Department for refusing to publicly clear a president who has thus far been subjected to an unprecedented political assault.

“You know, if [Trump]’s not under investigation, why can’t [Deputy Assistant Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein say it? Here we are back to where Comey was,” Gingrich said, as further reported by The National Sentinel. “Apparently, over and over again Trump is told privately you are not under investigation but nobody will officially admit it.”

What’s also noteworthy, the former House speaker said, was that this failure by Trump’s own Justice Department to publicly exonerate him has allowed the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media to run untold numbers of fake news reports containing all manner of innuendo and allegations, unsupported by facts and all leaked by “anonymous” sources within the Deep State.

For example, The National Sentinel reported:

Just last week the Washington Post published claims from an “anonymous source” that Trump was now the focus of an obstruction of justice probe by Mueller, only to have Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein later caution Americans against believing the contents of the report. But no matter: The allegation was put out there by the Deep State and dutifully ‘reported’ by the WaPo.

When Pirro asked why this was all occurring, Gingrich was plain: “Because they hate Trump.”

“Look, this is not a complicated story. On election night around 8 o’clock, everyone on the Left thought they were going to elect Hillary and finish off the job that Obama started. They were going to use the power of government to finish radicalizing America. They were all happy,” he said.

But Trump’s unexpected victory represented “the end of their world,” and the sore losers within the political establishment vowed to get even by destroying his presidency.

Which leads back to the current investigation and the appointment of Mueller, who is assembling a high-powered team of lawyers and prosecutors that include, as reported last week, several Democratic political donors and supporters of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

It is all adding up to nothing less than an organized witch hunt, with one goal in mind: Destroy Trump. (RELATED: Was the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Team Trump just a set up that Comey helped initiate to bring down the president?)

“To the degree that Comey’s involved, Mueller, in theory, should recuse himself,” Gingrich argued. “The rules of justice are very simple. You cannot be investigating somebody you are a personal friend of. And that’s why this whole thing is so absurd… This whole thing is sick and we ought to understand how sick it is. If you look at who Mueller is hiring, it gets even sicker.

The Trump surrogate is not alone. Last week U.S. Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, made the same argument.

“[Mueller] needs to recuse himself from this matter. We don’t need a special counsel. That was a ruse, once again, by the dishonest Comey,” who told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he purposefully leaked one of his Trump memos specifically to help trigger the appointment of a special counsel.

“[W]e now know there is no collusion between the administration and Russia — so we can drop the Independent Counsel, the Special Counsel — there is no further need,” he added.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

