The disgusting “mainstream media” is helping the Deep State oust Trump and should be considered an enemy of democracy

On a near-daily basis now, the disruptive, discredited, fake news corporate media breathlessly reports every single thing President Donald J. Trump says or does as some sort of new scandal rising to the level of impeachment.

The latest “crisis” is supposedly related to a memo former FBI Director James Comey wrote following a meeting in February with the president in the Oval Office, in which it is claimed that Trump asked him to drop the bureau’s investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Not that this is odd or anything, but the contents of the memo were read to a New York Times reporter; the memo itself wasn’t provided in full, so there is no context, no way of knowing if it’s even real, and no way of discerning where it actually came from.

And it’s a Comey memo, they say? It shows Trump was attempting to obstruct justice, say Democrats and their media? Well then, why didn’t Comey report any intimidation? He is required by statute to report any interference like that to House and Senate intelligence committees and yet he didn’t do that. And never mind that acting FBI Director Andy McCabe told a congressional committee last week that there has been no interference from the White House on any of the FBI’s investigations.

But hey, it was the latest leak of sensitive information that is part of the rising flood of leaks coming out of the administration these days, so the Left-wing establishment media must dutifully publish as gospel and then repeat it ad nauseam, even when they’re wrong.

What about former President Obama and his administration? Did the same standards apply? Hardly.

One of the media’s hyperventilated charges last week was that Trump provided Russian diplomats with “classified information” during their recent meeting in the Oval Office (a claim Russian President Vladimir Putin is even mocking). The White House vehemently denied it, citing three officials who were in the room at the same time as the president when the interactions took place.

But on at least two occasions in the past few years, the Obama regime actually did compromise classified information – in exposing the CIA station chief in Afghanistan and giving Russia intelligence it later used against us in Syria.

The resulting media outcry? It didn’t happen. Calls for impeachment? Nada.

As to Trump’s alleged “obstruction of justice,” Obama indicated in a public forum more than once he didn’t think Hillary Clinton did anything wrong in using an unsecured private email server to send and receive classified information, a blatant violation of national security statutes. According to former U.S. prosecutor and National Review columnist Andrew McCarthy, because of those very public statements, which clearly telegraphed Obama’s desire not to have the Democrats’ presidential nominee indicted, it set a precedent that cannot now ensnare Trump:

April 10, 2016, President Obama publicly stated that Hillary Clinton had shown “carelessness” in using a private e-mail server to handle classified information, but he insisted that she had not intended to endanger national security (which is not an element of the relevant criminal statute). The president acknowledged that classified information had been transmitted via Secretary Clinton’s server, but he suggested that, in the greater scheme of things, its importance had been vastly overstated.

On July 5, 2016, FBI director James Comey publicly stated that Clinton had been “extremely careless” in using a private email server to handle classified information, but he insisted that she had not intended to endanger national security (which is not an element of the relevant criminal statute). The director acknowledged that classified information had been transmitted via Secretary Clinton’s server, but he suggested that, in the greater scheme of things, it was just a small percentage of the emails involved.

Case dismissed.

He went on to note that “a cynic” could conclude that the president signaled the FBI and Justice Department his desired outcome, and that is the outcome he and Democrats got. Yet no outrage from the same discredited media that is excoriating Trump and calling for his ouster.

It should be crystal clear by now that the Washington establishment media is not just an enemy of Donald J. Trump, it is an enemy of the people – at least, Americans in a majority of electoral districts that voted for him.

But the media is also an enemy of our democracy for so willingly going along with the Democratic Party’s inability to accept defeat at the ballot box whenever it occurs. They had already pre-ordained Clinton as the next queen…er, president – and they expected to be feting her well into the year after being inaugurated Jan. 20.

It didn’t happen. So Alt-Left Democrats and their allies in the establishment media have concocted fake narrative after fake narrative to “explain” why Clinton lost – the Russians stole the election; or – until Trump fired him – Comey’s ‘interference’ did it. Anything other than admitting she was the worst candidate to come along in generations. She was corrupt, she was uninspiring and frankly, her last name is Clinton, which is offputting to many. She got the same consideration from tens of millions of Democrats as Jeb Bush got from Republicans, only her party conspired to ensure she got the nomination.

As Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, noted earlier today, a political coup has been launched against a legitimately elected president. And the “mainstream” media is part of the lynch mob.

Stay tuned and informed at and

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

