Takedown of Milo Yiannopoulos is all part of the well-funded left-wing opposition assault wave targeting every major outspoken conservative

Senior Breitbart News editor and conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos is certainly combative and outspoken – much of it by design, of course. And you may not always agree with his positions, but one thing is certain: The progressive Left fears him and the influence he may have on a younger generation of Americans, and as such is going all out to delegitimize and destroy him.

Case in point: Until Monday, Yiannopoulos, who is gay, was scheduled to speak at the upcoming Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) meeting scheduled for this weekend. Then, suddenly, comments he made about underage homosexual sex some time ago “surfaced,” and he’s been disinvited.

Is this yet another example of the Left-wing underground claiming another conservative victim who is also a strong backer of President Donald J. Trump? Most of us who have watched these same people undermine Trump for weeks on end think so. (RELATED: NYT commits TREASON in fake news attempt to overthrow the United States Government… is it time to start arresting traitors who pretend to be journalists?)

In the video, first made public by a self-proclaimed conservative media outlet called the Reagan Battalion that, until today, most people did not know existed, Yiannopoulos appears to advocate for underage sex between boys and grown men – which many characterize, correctly, as pedophilia.

He says in the video:

In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men – the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship – those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents.

Okay, fair enough on what that sounds like. Got it. Yiannopoulos took to his Facebook account to offer an explanation:

I am a gay man, and a child abuse victim. 

I would like to restate my utter disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers. I’ve outed three of them, in fact — three more than most of my critics. And I’ve repeatedly expressed disgust at pedophilia in my feature and opinion writing. My professional record is very clear. 

But I do understand that these videos, even though some of them are edited deceptively, paint a different picture. 

I’m partly to blame.

You can read the rest here, and you should, to be fair to Milo as well as his accusers. Also, watch the videos and decide for yourself.

But again, this video has been around for some time; why is it surfacing now?

Because it’s part of a concerted effort by the Marxist Left to impugn Trump through the destruction of his supporters. Consider what just occurred with Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

A few days ago Adams was threatened by…someone…with the complete destruction of his reputation if he did not do the bidding of Left-wing media operatives who want to destroy Alex Jones and his Infowars operation (Alex is a big supporter of Trump). (RELATED: House Intel chair wants FBI to investigate mounting leaks aimed at delegitimizing Trump White House)

“The warning implies that a barrage of left-wing media stories will target me personally — obviously spreading ‘fake news’ lies — unless I agree to go public with ‘opposition research’ targeting Jones that was previously delivered to me on a physical thumb drive,” he wrote here.

This, just a few days before another report noting that Left-wing media organization Media Matters had assembled a war chest of more than $13 million and a staff of 34 who are focusing on destroying or discrediting independent media (like Breitbart).

Even more interesting, Adams – in an appearance on “The Common Sense Show” with Dave Hodges earlier on Monday – when discussing the fact that he had been offered $50,000 to help destroy Jones also mentioned that Breitbart could be targeted (start listening around the 8:50 mark).

The Left has declared war on all Trump-supporting independent media, and it appears as though some of the Liberty movement’s top figures are first in the crosshairs.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.




