Two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton trolls Michael Flynn before ink even dries on his resignation

Politics is a blood sport, no question about it, as an incident that occurred very shortly after former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn resigned from his position Tuesday indicates.

Hillary Clinton, no doubt still smarting from the loss in her second bid for the White House, retweeted a tweet from long-time confidante Phillip Reines at Flynn and his son, saying “what goes around COMETS’ around, which was a direct reference to the Pizzagate scandal, Zero Hedge reported.

“Philippe’s got his own way of saying things, but he has a point about the real consequences of fake news…” Clinton tweeted along with the retweet.

Her tweet sent her supporters to Reines’ trolling of Flynn and Michael Flynn, Jr., for having discussed the Pizzagate scandal in their own tweets. Reines included a link to a job site for Domino’s Pizza. (RELATED: See which top Clinton lawyer has joined Soros to defend the New World Order at

Reines is talking about a tweet that Flynn Jr. sent during the grueling campaign which said, “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences’ tied to it.” That tweet was talking about longtime Clinton aide and friend John Podesta, who worked in her husband’s administration and who was running her campaign – and whose hacked emails were released by Wikileaks throughout the campaign.

Have you forgotten about Pizzagate? The Washington Times recapped it:

Mr. Reines was referring to the “Pizzagate” controversy in which Mrs. Clinton had been falsely linked to a nonexistent child sex ring supposedly run out of Comet Ping Pong, a pizza shop in the District of Columbia.

Michael Flynn Jr., who at one point had been part of President Trump’s transition team, had promoted the conspiracy on social media.

Police arrested a North Carolina man in December after he brought a gun into the restaurant and said he was there to investigate the “Pizzagate” rumors.

This was all dismissed as little more than tin foil hat conspiracy fodder. But there is much more to the story than meets the eye, as is always the case.

Let’s begin with another tweet – this one from February 4, 2011, and from the late Andrew Breitbart, who died at the young age of 43 from “heart failure.” As noted by the Washington Times, less than a month before he died Breitbart – founder of the wildly popular conservative news site Breitbart.comtweeted this cryptic message regarding Podesta:

How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t a household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeaking dregs escapes me.

“One of America’s best and most respected independent journalists at the time; he is making a very bold claim about John Podesta — back then — based on his own research,” former Huffington Post contributor David Seaman wrote on GAB earlier this month. “This is years before WikiLeaks came out.” (RELATED: Find out why indy media pioneers see the ‘mainstream’ media in the same light as Pravda at

Some investigating sleuths speculated that Podesta and others involved in an alleged child sex ring being run in Washington, D.C., spoke in code to each other.

For example, on Feb. 9, 2014, one of the hacked emails included the subject line “Did you leave a handkerchief.”

“Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus [sic]?” a woman identified as Susaner queried. “They can send it if you want.”

Also, those looking into the allegations discovered that among the Podesta emails released by Wikileaks, the owner of the Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor in Washington, Democrats power player and fundraiser James Alefantis, was mentioned 16 times. Also noted by the Washington Times, Alefantis had a public Instagram account featuring sexual innuendo and unnerving images of kids.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

