Just as CNN is the king of fake news, the CDC is the king of fake science

There are several “fluffers” at CNN and MSNBC that must keep the script exciting upon “delivery” for the people who love fictional news. Some of the top thespians include Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Erin Burnett, Chris Hayes, and of course, Rachel Maddow.

From massaging a fake Russian dossier about Trump to caressing the all-too-attractive (imaginary) Russian hackers of the confounded election that went “awry,” the fluffers of fake news are phenomenal at performing their “jobs,” so let us not take anything away from their mad skills.

However, the kings of fake news are nothing but college co-eds compared to the professional hacks, hucksters, charlatans and shills employed at the CDC, the Center for Disease Continuance. There, fake science is bolstered and emboldened by “scientists” and “academics” who have sold their souls to the devil for cold hard cash, and who push the propaganda of the chemical medicine machine better known as the chemical medical industrial complex of the United States of preventable disease epidemics.

The 100 percent synthetic, virtual reality ‘research’ for sheeple who religiously follow scripted, fake CDC science as their shepherd

To put it bluntly, there is no “consensus” on vaccine safety, global warming or the safety of genetically modified organisms in food. Yet, there are several puppets and shills who tell the masses otherwise, declaring that the science has been “settled,” and if you don’t oblige and bow down, then you are “anti-science.” Never, ever question the status quo, they say, or you will be shunned and reprimanded.

Bottom line: The CDC is not working in the best interests of the public it serves, thanks to corporate and “Pharma” lobbying for positions of control in the bureaucracy they have fraudulently influenced for decades, if not since its inception in 1946. After all, the CDC is a for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet with a “mission and vision” to take the “health pulse” of the nation regularly, as stated on their website.

CDC scandals, lack of safety research and American-made cover-ups perpetuate chemical medicine’s collateral damage

During the stretch of years from 1999 until now, the CDC has repeatedly lied to the American public, saying that they have removed mercury, contained in the highly toxic compound thimerosal at 50 percent, from all  vaccines. In reality, they have most certainly kept it in influenza vaccines which are aggressively recommended for infants and pregnant mothers. Is the CDC now denying that the flu shot is a vaccine? The swine flu vaccine jab also contains thimerosal (mercury) in its multi-dose vials. Zero research has been done on the safety of mercury in vaccines.

In fact, all the CDC does is refer back to “research” done in the 1930s, which claimed that mercury was safe. Considering how far we’ve come with modern medicine, the 1930s are like the dark ages. Should we believe the CDC if they bring back blood-letting too? If you want the truth about vaccines, you won’t get it from the CDC. They fake the science just like CNN fakes the news – it’s all suited to fit the script that makes Big Pharma a fortune at the expense of human health, life and safety.

Want the non-scripted truth “serum” about vaccines and the damage mercury does to our children, infants and pregnant mothers alike? Check out the new book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury–a Known Neurotoxin–from Vaccines. Kennedy was recently appointed by President Donald J. Trump to head up the new Vaccine Safety Commission for the United States.

H1N1 Swine Flu hoax promoted by CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) to sell millions of untested, toxic vaccines

It’s not a joke or a hoax that the CDC makes billions of dollars selling vaccines via fear-based propaganda that millions of Americans literally “buy into” every year. In 2009, it was the Swine Flu hoax that took the world by storm, and the mass media like CNN and the Washington Post (WashPo) helped perpetuate the gargantuan lie. Hundreds of millions of doses of this toxic, mercury-loaded vaccination were ordered to be injected into unsuspecting hypochondriacs across the world. Then, the hoax fell apart at the seams.

Thanks to alternative health news and honest, whistleblowing doctors like Wolfgang Wodarg, a leading health authority in Europe, the drug company campaign of “organized panic” that claimed Swine Flu was a pandemic, ended up failing miserably. Wodarg called the Swine Flu hoax “one of the greatest medical scandals of the century,” and a marketing scam by the CDC and WHO to sell vaccines.

The Zika virus microcephaly hoax perpetuated by CDC propaganda and mass chemical spraying of humans with Naled pesticide

Dial it back to the 1940s, 50s and 60s, when the Zika virus was discovered and then fully documented as a mild viral infection that never, ever caused microcephaly or brain damage. Outbreaks in Oceania and Southeast Asia infected thousands of people, including three-fourths of the population of an island in the Pacific Ocean. This was known as the “Yap epidemic,” and not one single birth defect from Zika was reported. Oops. CNN and the CDC hope you never research that, and most Americans probably won’t. In fact, most Americans are so doped up on fluoridated water and CNN news that they can’t remember true medical history from five months ago, much less 50 years back. Zika is like a head cold, except if you get it, you’re immune to it for life.

Even though deaths from Zika are very rare, CNN and Bill Gates spread propaganda about microcephaly (babies born with abnormally small heads) being quite common, so watch out pregnant women! Be sure to run to your local Walmart or pharmacy and get shot up with some taxpayer funded, experimental vaccine full of mercury that causes autism spectrum disorder.

The Ebola scare, sponsored by WHO and CDC lies, and a push for a mandatory vaccination

You heard it for weeks before and even during last year’s Super Bowl. Ebola is coming to the United States (the CDC literally imported infected doctors and nurses on purpose to jump start it) and millions of Americans are at risk! Look, up in the sky (in Atlanta and New York, actually), it’s Swine flu, no … it’s Bird Flu, no … it’s Ebola! The CDC, World Health Organization and Big Pharma have been attempting to get a “pandemic” off the ground in order to sell millions of toxic vaccinations for some time now.

It worked with Polio, where the CDC had nearly 100 million Americans injected with cancer rather than what they declared was a “safe and effective” vaccine for preventing some random strains of the Polio virus from spreading. Yep, the totally corrupt CDC media broadcasted fake Ebola pandemic news and statistics, just as they did during the fake swine flu pandemic in 2009.

And that, my friends, is why, just as CNN is the king of fake news, the CDC is the king of fake science.

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