CNN’s denialist journalism suggests OSU terrorist’s motive is unsolved – yet his OWN WORDS prove otherwise

When news broke of a terrorist attack occurring on Ohio State University’s campus, recent history told many of us that radical Islamic extremism was responsible for the attack. While it is never a good idea to jump to conclusions about these kinds of things, attacks at the hands of Islamic extremists have become so common that it is simply impossible to ignore the trend. Subconsciously, we all knew what was happening, and then our suspicions were confirmed.

Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the attacker in question, revealed via his Facebook page shortly before attempting to murder many on OSU’s campus that he was willing to kill anyone who opposes Islam. This should have been more than enough evidence to show the mainstream media exactly why Artan decided to attack innocent people with a car and a knife, but they have continued to play dumb in order to avoid criticizing the so-called religion of peace.

CNN, unsurprisingly, has been the biggest offender of this.

Max Blau, Emanuella Grinberg and Shimon Prokupecz of CNN report, “Despite claims from the Islamic State’s purported media wing that Artan was an ISIS soldier, there is no indication so far that Artan communicated with any terror group; evidence points to a lone wolf attack. Investigators are inspecting his computer and cell phone and talking to family and associates, as they try to determine what led him to act.”

Of course the Regressive Left falls back on the idiotic “lone wolf” excuse to try and draw attention away from the fact that there is a very real problem with the religion of Islam today. This is not an isolated incident. This is not a few people. There have been so many of these “random” attacks over the past year that we can no longer afford to play nice. We cannot avoid calling these things like we see them anymore.

Our appeasement to the demands of these extremists — by refusing to acknowledge the truth in the name of political correctness — is consequently putting all of our lives at risk. They are only getting stronger as the American media gets weaker. When someone kills, or attempts to kill, in the name of their religion, we have to look into it. We should not pick and choose the religions that we are willing to criticize — and neither should the mainstream media.


