Same USA Today that pushes vaccines, pesticides and GMOs says don’t vote for Trump

A recent article by the editorial board at USA Today has announced, for the first time in USA Today’s illustrious 34 year career as an unbiased purveyor of current events, that a presidential candidate is unfit for the job. The person whom this judgment has been passed on is none other than Donald Trump. This comes as little surprise to people who have read other articles by USA Today that clearly align the newspaper/site on the left side of most discussions, but just how much do their views on certain topics vary from that of Mr. Trump’s?

USA Today’s view on vaccinations is pretty clear. One query for “USA Today on vaccines” using any search engine, will bring up numerous articles that do little to decry vaccinations. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s major concern remains with the possible correlation between vaccination and autism, which could also be linked to a deficiency in Vitamin C. This isn’t to say that he is against vaccinations.  In fact he believes in vaccinations, just not all at once. In the past he has tweeted that he feels spreading them over a period of time will result in a drop in the rate of autism. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, doesn’t believe the decision to vaccinate one’s child should lie with the individual at all, but should be mandated by the government.

In the case of genetically modified organisms, the USA Today editorial board again states with certainty that GMOs are simply not harmful to humans or other living organisms. They further feed this notion by stating that GMO labeling would result in less consumer purchases of products shown to have GMOs. While Donald Trump made his view of GMOs pretty well known after Ben Carson took the lead in Iowa polls, he is also not in favor of mandatory GMO labeling. It’s not surprising that Hillary Clinton also feels the same as the USA Today editorial board, and while she is for mandatory vaccinations despite parental concerns, she is also against mandatory labeling for products with genetically modified ingredients, also despite parental concerns.

Another recent article from USA Today seems to vindicate Mrs. Clinton’s questionable track record in showing that the lead investigator during the Whitewater investigation is now backing her for president. While Donald Trump has had a successful, albeit somewhat checkered, career in real estate, it does not have the tarnish of numerous mysterious deaths tied to it. Apparently a recent meeting with Clinton was impressive enough to Michael Chertoff that this seemed to escape his memory.


