Leaked memo shows Dems exploiting BLM movement, strategized to manipulate leaders

Leave it to the holier-than-thou Regressive Left to do everything in their power to appear to care about progressive, civil rights issues while simultaneously taking advantage of minorities by using them as mouthpieces.

This form of exploitation has never been more apparent than it is in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement. Seen as an ace in the hole for authoritarian leftists, the movement — which began as a way to take a stand against legitimate police brutality cases — has since been bastardized as a way to silence the opinions of conservatives and libertarians.

Simply put, Black Lives Matter is no longer about the rights of black people. Instead, it has become a matter of political ideology. So how exactly did this all happen?

Well, you can thank the Democratic Party for that.

If there’s one thing that the Regressive Left is good at, it’s manipulating emotional people. By using buzz words and leaving out important details in news stories, they have been able to capture the attention and admiration of people who are simply looking for answers. But instead of actually improving these people’s lives, the globalist leftists have decided to use them as puppets to expand their own power and pad their own pockets.

In a new memo that was recently released by the hacker Guccifer 2.0, the former diversity director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), Troy Perry, expressed how the Democratic Party should address the Black Lives Matter movement.

As one of the tactics used to appease BLM protestors, Perry stressed, “Do not say ‘all lives matter’ nor mention ‘black on black crime.'” This explains why the democrats use such liberally language all the time now.

It’s once again become obvious that the supposedly socially conscious liberals don’t actually know what they’re talking about. They’re simply pretending that they care about marginalized communities, but in reality, they’re exploiting them for votes, which in turn lead to an expansion of power.

The Clinton administration is clearly utilizing this tactic in their attempt to get Hillary elected this fall. They seem to know that there’s no way she can win on her own, so the only way to ensure any sort of support is by pretending to be empathetic towards minorities and other victimized groups.

Of course, any amount of research will show that democrats are responsible for a vast majority of the issues these groups face, but that’s not important to the average person. The narrative is more important than the facts. As sad and as scary as it is to report, the narrative is what is most important these days.

If we want to ensure a healthy, safe future for ourselves and the generations that will follow, then we have to be open and honest about the issues plaguing our country. We have to get extremely real about what is going on — and a major part of that is getting real about how the globalists are trying to pit us all against each other in order to help themselves.

In the end, we’re all in this together and we’re going to have to put aside our differences and join forces if we want to succeed in life. We cannot let the globalists win.




