Medical kidnapping? Canadian children were injected with vaccines without their parents’ consent

Parents are bombarded by physicians and the pharmaceutical industry’s vaccine dogma. Many choose to help build their children’s immunity naturally with turmeric and other superfoods. But how would you feel if one of your children had died following the routine recommended vaccination schedule? The Bootsma family — who live in British Columbia, Canada — had a daughter who met this tragic end. They determined that their second child, also a daughter, would not be poked, prodded, injected and otherwise coerced into receiving vaccines. As Natural News reports, the family remained vigilant and were successful in protecting their daughter for 14 years, until the local school system decided to take matters into their own hands.

Canadian school officials didn’t care that the parents and daughter had said NO to vaccines.

One day, unbeknownst to the parents, the Bootsmas’ second daughter, whose name wasn’t published, was pulled out of the her ninth grade classroom, marched down to the nurse’s station and injected with a combination vaccine called DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis). The Frasier Health Authority was now in charge of the matter. They defended their position by “citing the British Columbia Infant’s Act,” which in part says that if children over the age of 14 are mature, they can make their own decisions without any input from guardians or parents. But if the Bootsmas’ daughter had stated that she didn’t want the vaccine and the authorities paid no attention, or convinced her otherwise, didn’t they break their own law? Or do they care?

The parents were outraged at this blatant medical kidnapping of their child.

There was no parental consent form. The parents had no idea this was happening and the daughter stated that even though she didn’t want the vaccine — and she knew her parents were opposed — she didn’t feel as though the nurse had given her a choice to say no. The Bootsma family was devastated. They had seen one daughter die a decade earlier by a vaccine-induced cerebral dysgenesis. Natural News reports that the father, Dean Bootsma, had never “felt so violated.” And he’s not alone.

Minors who aren’t vaccinated are targeted by Canadian school authorities and medical officials.

According to the Canadian Broadcast Company, this type of event — which takes the medical choice and decision making out of the hands of parents and puts it into the hands of medical and educational authorities — is not a unique event. It’s targeted at the Canadian families were are opting out of vaccinations for their children. So when the inoculation rates drop to a pre-determined  84% compliance rate, Canadian nurses are trained to “boost the numbers.” And they do that under the force of the B.C. Infants Act. In America, the vaccination divide is growing daily. For the latest information on where your state stands, visit the National Vaccine Information Network.



