You are being Poisoned by thousands of Untested, Unmonitored Chemicals

True science is crystal clear when it comes to witnessing and documenting what actually happens to animals who eat genetically engineered (GE) feed. Numerous systems and organs are detrimentally affected – kidneys, intestines, stomachs, livers and reproduction abilities and more. This we know beyond a shadow of a doubt, as Global Research describes a letter that confirms these results. It was sent to the British Medical Journal by U.S. activist Rosemary Mason, with hopes to affect the outcome of the European Commission’s (EC) vote to relicense glyphosate. Ms. Mason, along with many activists, believe glyphosate must be banned. The EC paid little mind to the letter, or the facts, and in some instances the data from this letter was suppressed. On June 30th, the EC  voted to renew the killer chemical for 18 months, according to

What Mason sent is a treasure trove of independent scientific research revealing what happens to animals consuming genetically engineered (GE) feed.

Here are a few examples. Cows die in Germany after eating Sygenta’s GE corn. Piglets are marred by birth defect from GE soy in Denmark. Congenital malformations are discovered in Montana wildlife. The first long GE feeding study from the French team headed by Professor Giles Eric Seralini revealed “liver congestion, necrosis,  severe kidney nephropathies and large palpable tumors,” in rats. Read the letter here. And be prepared to shift your spending and eating habits to purchase clean organic food.

What about people?

The Mason letter also shares the conclusions of researchers Anthony Samsel and MIT’s Stefanie Steneff who published a paper documenting glyphosate’s “pathway to destruction” in many modern diseases like autism, celiac, DNA damage and cancer. But you won’t hear about this in your agriculture classes at your Monsanto funded university research centers, your local farm and feed stores, farm bureaus, county extension offices or your nightly news and local newspapers. Instead, you’ll be peppered with disinformation about how GMOs can feed the world, use less pesticide or herbicide and provide more yield. And it’s perfectly safe, so no worries. The Federal Department of Agriculture (FDA) approved these novel foods back in the early 1990s  without any long term tests on real living persons or  animals.

In 1992, it was much more important to nurture Washington, D.C.’s  new, competitive “biotechnology” export.

Remember Vice President Dan Quayle? He job was to ensure companies like Monsanto would not be “hampered by unnecessary regulation.” So today, as in 1992, the false science to push these foods began in earnest. The false science is illuminated by the language used to describe GE food. They said GMO food is “substantially equivalent” to regular food. Does that sound scientific to you?  Yet that phrase is the pinnacle upon which all approvals were falsely devised. “Substantially equivalent” was and still is a touchstone for the powers who want you to continue to eat poison. And if they do this for GMOs with such force and fury, how many other chemicals  and toxins are thrown in without our knowledge? Back in 2005, the Environmental Working Group discovered “an average of 200 chemicals and industrial pollutants in umbilical cord blood.” Imagine the load today.

When one are faced with overwhelming evidence that you, your children, animals, soil, water and food have been bombarded by thousands of untested and unregulated chemicals and that the information has been suppressed so more money can be made by agri-business conglomerates, like Monsanto, Dow Crop Sciences, Sygenta and others, it’s past time to consider making serious changes in what we buy and eat.

Spread the word. Boycott GMOs! Food should be our medicine, not our poison. Let’s grow our own!


