Dear Big Tech: if you’re really not censoring conservatives, then prove it by showing us your algorithms – watch at

The social media and tech cabal is adamant in its claims that censorship isn’t happening on its platforms. But Matt Bracken from recently came out to say: prove it!

During a recent episode of The Alex Jones Show, available , Bracken called to task the tech giants that have removed channels like InfoWars from their platforms. He says they need to put their money where their mouth is and provide actual evidence that they’re intentionally removing conservative content.

“There must be truth in the algorithms; the algorithms should be published,” Bracken stated, referring to the programmed systems that decide what content shows up in Google’s search engine, for instance.

“The way that they shadow ban members of even Congress, like Congressman Gaetz, they need to show how they do it. If the electric company, if it turned out that they were charging Republicans 10 times more than what they’re charging Democrats for electricity, they’d have to show the formula for how they’re coming up with that.”

The full segment is available for viewing below:

Big Tech has become a monopoly, which means it either needs to be broken up or forced into neutrality

As we previously reported, algorithmic censorship is taking place, regardless of what Google, Facebook, and the other would have us believe.

Robert Thompson, CEO of News Corp., recently warned about how the social media behemoths have “left us perched on the edge of the slippery slop of censorship,” which is concerning when some 67 percent of adults now get at least some of their news from social media.

More needs to be done, he says, to mandate transparency and honesty, especially since the tech cabal is already long overdue for some serious antitrust intervention.

The “information war” won’t be won unless We the People really start fighting

With virtually every major tech platform promising to fight against “fake news,” which is really just anything these corporations don’t want people to know, it’s time for We the People to demand that these digital control freaks finally be held accountable for manipulating the free flow of information.

“Since Twitter, Facebook, and Google are all virtually monopolies, they’re the gatekeepers for what we read and learn,” contends Bracken. “They can’t hide their algorithms … This is the information war. This is the front line.”

Truth be told, if Google et al is telling the truth about their algorithms, then there’s no reason why these companies should be opposed to releasing them to the public for careful scrutiny. What do they really have to hide?

Are social media “scores” already being assigned to users?

China is already neck deep into social media censorship and control. The communist country is now actively assigning so-called “social scores” to citizens based on their internet and social media habits.

People who abide by the government narrative are given high social scores, while those who buck trends, ask questions, and think for themselves are given low social scores. These scores affect people’s social “reach,” which ultimately determines the level of “voice” they’re given in terms of power and influence in society.

“There should be transparency on how this shadow banning is done,” reiterates Bracken. “And instead of playing on the field that hates us, we need to take it to the places that will tolerate us and give us our freedom of speech.”

“Otherwise, what are we going to do? Just go to the left and beg for their crumbs? Hat in hand like Oliver Twist, ‘please, sir, can I have some more?'”

For more censorship news, check out

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