lock downs
By Mary Villareal
Climate lockdown: UCL professor advocating lockdowns to combat “climate change”
Mariana Francesca Mazzucato, a professor at the University College London, has been advocating lockdowns for climate change. It may be unusual, but she is not alone in her views. In an essay endorsed by establishment media, Mazzucato is pushing for draconian measures to curb what she says is the tipping point of climate change. She […]
By Lance D Johnson
It’s all rigged: case numbers, death certificates, vaccine efficacy, and the Biden Presidency
The 2020 Presidential election is just as rigged as Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) case counts, the fraudulent death certificates, and Big Pharma’s vaccine efficacy studies, and these FRAUDULENT REALITIES are on the verge of merging and becoming a weapon of deprivation and medical tyranny, forced onto the American people and the rest of the world. A […]
By Lance D Johnson
UK funnels $2 billion to pesticide giants in corrupt covid-19 bailout scheme
During the covid-19 pandemic, a historic transfer of wealth occurred in plain sight, under the guise of “protecting public health.” Since the government lockdowns began, unemployment has soared and small businesses have suffered, leaving the general population waving their hands to the sky, begging for helicopter cash. As Americans received $1,200 checks, vaccine makers raked […]
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