gun control
By S.D. Wells
GUN CONTROL FAIL: Super-leftist fake news goons MSNBC banned from courtroom of Kyle Rittenhouse trial for suspected involvement in jury intimidation attempt
The Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial is another precedent-setting trial where justice needs a victory so Americans can continue to defend themselves legally against crazed Leftists and their gun confiscation agenda. Allegedly, a producer from NBC’s MSNBC followed the Rittenhouse jury bus to either snap photos of them or intimidate them along the way, but when […]
By Lance D Johnson
Communist Biden regime plans to put “antivaxxers” on “no gun list” so Americans can’t defend themselves from CDC internment camps
The Biden regime desperately wants to put the “unvaccinated” on a “no fly list” — permanently segregating tens of millions of innocent Americans from air travel. The tyranny doesn’t end there. Once Americans are placed on a “no fly list” and labeled domestic terrorists, they can be put on a “no gun list” — leading to […]
By JD Heyes
James O’Keefe exposes gun-grabbing Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly: “He just wants to get elected first”
James O’Keefe, founder of the undercover journalism organization Project Veritas, has released part one of a series that focuses on how Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kelly of Arizona is attempting to shield his anti-gun stance until after he wins election. During his investigation, one of O’Keefe’s undercover journalists spoke to Angelica Carpio, a field […]
By JD Heyes
If the CDC hadn’t focused for years on “gun control” and “social justice,” it would have been better prepared for coronavirus PANDEMIC
The major problem with continually growing the size of the federal government is that eventually, it becomes so large it begins to do things it was never intended to do. At the same time, the various agencies tasked with certain functions begin to operate outside of their mandates and/or purposes at the time of creation. […]
By JD Heyes
One-third of Democrat primary voters confirm they want to confiscate all your guns at gunpoint, even if you’ve never committed a crime
There has been a lot of discussion among pro-Second Amendment Americans what will happen in Virginia early next year after Democrats take full control of the state legislature. With the help of a Democratic governor, Ralph Northam, the Donkey Party has been promising a wave of new gun control legislation that could include confiscations, red […]
By JD Heyes
GUNPOINT TYRANNY: Democrat tyrants in Virginia threaten to use the National Guard to enforce draconian new gun laws
There is seldom a day that goes by when some Democrat somewhere — in Congress, in a statehouse, in a city council meeting — doesn’t call President Donald Trump a Nazi or a dictator or a king. And yet, the man can barely govern. Nearly all of his executive orders are challenged in federal courts, […]
By JD Heyes
Virginia Democrats claim anyone who supports the Second Amendment is a dangerous racist likely to start a civil war… so surrender your guns in order to achieve “peace”
When supporters of President Donald Trump, as well as the president himself, talk about how removing him from office on bogus charges could actually trigger another civil war in America, they are pilloried by the darlings of the “mainstream media” and Democrats as tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy nuts. But when Democrats say something similar, their word are […]
By JD Heyes
Democrat-run Virginia legislature to criminalize all CURRENT owners of AR-15s… door-to-door gunpoint confiscation coming soon
Many of our nation’s founding fathers and a number of our early presidents — including our first one, George Washington — were from Old Dominion, the state of Virginia. While slavery was, of course, an abomination, the heart of the Confederacy was also in Virginia, with its capital in Richmond. Since our nation’s founding, Virginia […]
By JD Heyes
Buttigieg “action plan” to stop “hate” and “gun violence” is nothing more than self-loathing screed to go after whites
There are a lot of Americans who dislike the Left-wing politics of rising 2020 Democratic presidential contender and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttgieg. Some voters cut him some slack because he at least volunteered to serve our country in the military. Fair enough. But at some point that good will vanishes when the candidate […]
By JD Heyes
“The View” host Joy Behar accidentally admits the DECEPTION behind the gun confiscation agenda
For years, Democrats and their sycophantic supporters have used deception to push their political objectives and agenda. They change words and the meaning of words in order to hide what they’re doing. “Global warming,” for instance, has become “climate change” because the hard data undermined their claims that the Earth was warming; but who can […]
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