12/23/2019 / By JD Heyes
If ever anyone needed proof to show just how serious a threat unchecked illegal immigration poses to our form of government and, in many respects our way of life, new data from the Center for Immigration Studies just provided it.
According to the group’s findings, mass immigration — legal and illegal — is causing such a dramatic shift in populations that it is affecting the number of congressional seats some states have, and not in a good way (if you love the Constitution, that is).
The nation’s illegal and legal immigration system will help shift 26 congressional seats, primarily from red states, and redistribute them to mostly blue states next year, according to new analysis.
Each year, the CIS noted, the United States imports about 1.2 million legal immigrants who are mostly coming to reunite with family members already in the country (a phenomenon called “chain migration”). This level is in addition to hundreds of thousands of foreign workers who come to the U.S. on work visas each year and some 1 million illegal aliens who successfully enter the country.
So what, right? Well, the reason why this is such a big deal, according to new research from CIS’ Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, “annual illegal and legal immigration to the U.S. will redistribute political power in the form of 26 House seats away from a number of red states and towards massively populated blue states like California and New York,” Breitbart reported.
The researchers wrote: “To put this number in perspective, changing the party of 21 members of the current Congress would flip the majority in the U.S. House.”
How could this happen? Simple: The 2020 Census.
Per the Constitution, Census takers merely count the number of people in a state, whether they are citizens or not. The count is not based on whether someone is even in the country legally.
Call it a flaw in our system or an oversight or a loophole, but the Democrat Left has been exploiting this for decades — ever since an immigration “reform” law passed in 1965 led to the kind of mass migration we see today.
Now you know why Democrats oppose every single voter ID law, every single attempt by the Trump administration to build a border wall, and ICE, in general, which — under President Trump — is working overtime to remove people who aren’t supposed to be in the United States.
But if citizenship isn’t an issue and you don’t have to be one to be counted, why is the Left fighting the Trump administration’s attempt to put a citizenship question back on the 2020 Census? (Related: Stunning census study finds 63% of non-citizens in USA are collecting welfare.)
Because they are afraid if a citizenship question is included in the Census, perhaps millions of people in the country illegally will refuse to allow themselves to be counted out of fear they’ll be identified and deported.
2020 Census: Counting Citizens Likely to Shift Power from Illegal Alien-Flooded Coasts to Middle Americahttps://t.co/ybnOBSYTp3
— John Binder 👽 (@JxhnBinder) July 30, 2018
That said, isn’t there a legal case to be made by states that stand to lose representation in Congress for citizens due to an influx of non-citizens?
This is more than just an academic exercise or, at least, it should be. We’re talking real numbers here; real Americans who are losing representation to non-Americans. If there isn’t a legal argument that can be made in support of states who are being robbed of their representation, then our system is truly broken and Ann Coulter, author of “Adios, America,” has been vindicated big time.
Come to find out, the site noted further, at least one state has filed legal action against the Commerce Department (which conducts the Census): Alabama. And for that reason: The state stands to lose representation for citizens due to the prevalence of non-citizens in larger states.
Let’s hope others join in the suit.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: 2020 census, Alabama, blue states, census fraud, Congress, democrats, election fraud, illegal immigration, Immigration, lawsuit, mass migration, migrants, Open Borders, red states, representation, rigged, states, welfare