11/22/2019 / By Ethan Huff
In a hilariously shocking display of flagrant disingenuity, the fake news media, in conjunction with Big Tech, is joining up with a new national campaign known as “Protect Press Freedom” that, get this, claims to stand in solidarity for a free and uncensored press.
Representing everything that defiles free speech and the First Amendment, many major tech platforms and media outlets are shifting gears by pretending to be on the right side of history. They want us to believe that they support honest journalism, when in fact they’ve been stamping it out of existence every chance they get.
In his new book, Unfreedom of the Press, conservative commentator and author Mark Levin explains how the so-called media, at least the mainstream variety, exists as the antithesis of honest journalism.
“… the American free press has degenerated into a standardless profession, not thorough government oppression or suppression, but through self-censorship, group think, bias, omission and propaganda,” Levin writes in his book.
During a recent interview with investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, he talked about how many journalism schools have been co-opted into pushing a newfangled concept known as “public journalism” or “community journalism” that, in essence, is just social justice under a different name.
“And so now you have a lot of reporters, Jim Acosta (from CNN) is a perfect example, who create the drama, then report on their own drama. That becomes news for five days,” Levin revealed.
“The president calls that ‘fake news,’ and he’s right … Our news is filled with phony events and … propaganda,” Levin went on to point out.
For more related news about how many mainstream media news items are completely fake and contrived by “community journalists” pushing a social justice agenda, be sure to check out Faked.news.
Also in his book, Levin reveals a bit of history about some of the earliest journalists in our country, known as the “pamphleteers.” These pamphleteers were instrumental in spreading the ideas that ultimately sparked the American Revolution. These ideals were also enshrined in our nation’s Declaration of Independence, the authors of which wanted to throw off the monarchy of the old world and replace it with a representative government in the new world.
But today’s fake news media is fundamentally opposed to things like representative government and honest journalism. In fact, they’re pushing the exact opposite under the guise of social justice, equality, tolerance, and other vague, politically-correct terms that have one ultimate goal in mind: to separate Americans from their freedoms, and replace these freedoms with merciless tyranny.
“They were biased for liberty and they were biased for property rights and they were biased for limited government, and they admitted it,” Levin explained to Attkisson about these pamphleteers.
“They didn’t believe in objective news. Even though they had some news, they supported a cause. They didn’t view themselves as seeking what’s the news of the day, the information of the day. They were revolting against a tyranny. The press today poses as seeking objective truth when it’s not.”
What this means, of course, is that the fake news media is one of our biggest enemies as American patriots because it’s pushing an agenda that, if successful, will re-enslave Americans back under tyranny. It’s not so much a fight between liberal and conservative as it is a fight between authoritarianism and liberty – and if more Americans would come to realize this, some of them, at least, would also realize that we have a common enemy working against our collective interests.
Be sure to read the full interview between Mark Levin and Sharyl Attkisson at FullMeasure.news.
You can also keep up with the latest efforts by Big Tech and the fake news media to silence all truth at Censorship.news.
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Tagged Under: banning, bias, Big Tech, Collusion, criminals, dishonest journalism, fake news, freedom of the press, hypocrisy, hypocrites, independent media, political bias, propaganda, Protect Press Freedom, sham, social justice agenda, tech companies