Was the Russia collusion hoax invented to cover up the truth about the DNC’s “Awan” scandal that funneled U.S. intelligence secrets to Pakistan?

For the past year-and-a-half, Democrats have been obsessed with trying to convince the American public that there was “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, fueling an endless witch hunt based on nothing but empty conspiracy theories. But it turns out that the whole charade could be serving as a coverup for the Hillary Clinton email server, and particularly the newly-released information about “Pakistani Mystery Man” Imran Awan.

Awan, as we earlier reported, is the foreign agent who was hired by his “best friend,” former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to manage the email server for the House of Representatives. Imran’s entire family, in fact, ended up being hired by the Democrats to serve as email server administrators, which the House Inspector general described as giving them the “keys to the kingdom” in accessing any private file that they wished.

It all ties in to Hillary Clinton’s 33,000-plus deleted emails and other criminal, and potentially treasonous, activity that took place when the Democrats were the dominant party in the House during the Obama years. It’s a very serious case that could land many top-level politicians, including Clinton and Obama, in prison, which would explain why the Russian collusion hoax continues to dominate the mainstream media headlines.

So what do we now know about Imran that suggests the Democrats are using the Russian collusion narrative as a cover for their own crimes? As covered by The Daily Caller:

1. Imran had worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz since 2004 and had all of the passwords to her various devices. As revealed by WikiLeaks when searching for the name “Awan Imran,” this foreign national was actually summoned by the DNC when it needed him to unlock and procure access to Schultz’s devices.

2. During the 2016 election, the House’s Office of Inspector General warned that Imran and his family had “unauthorized access” to sensitive data. A presentation given on September 30, 2016, shows that Imran Awan and his family were still logging into the servers of House members who had previously fired him. It was shown that he was funneling data from the network while taking steps to conceal these crimes.

3. Awan family had full access to House computer network until February 2, 2017, just days after Trump’s inauguration. It wasn’t until President Trump’s crew took the reigns that the Awan family was finally restricted from accessing confidential information that it never should have had access to in the first place.

4. Following the release of the IG report in September 2016, the Caucus server containing primary evidence in the cybersecurity case physically disappeared. In other words, the Democrats appear to have knowingly destroyed evidence in a federal case.

5. Schultz refuses to fire Imran, even after he was accused of committing serious cybersecurity crimes. Even though she had just lost her job as DNC chair, and knowing that Imran was under investigation for committing cybersecurity crimes, Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused to fire Imran Awan.

6. Laptop containing username “RepDWS” found in phone booth after Imran banned from network. Not long after Imran was banned from accessing the House network, a laptop containing the username “RepDWS,” pointing to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was found in a phone booth in Washington, D.C. Schultz still refused to fire Imran at this point, insisting that it was not her laptop.

7. Prosecutors arrest Imran at airport after he began liquidating assets. Imran and his wife had wired $300,000 to Pakistan from their federal retirement accounts, prompting the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to arrest Imran at the airport, at which point he was charged with bank fraud. His wife, however, was allowed to leave the country.

Read the full report on the Imran Awan scandal at the Daily Caller, and check out Clinton.news for breaking news headlines on the Clinton scandals.

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