Censorship Computer Handcuffs Freedom Internet

Censorship leads to genocide: After they burn the books, they murder the masses

Leftist Democrats and the outgoing Obama administration pushing for so-called “’Net Neutrality,” which they claim is necessary because the Internet is supposedly not neutral at the present time, are really just pushing for total control and the ability to censor political opposition.

That’s what Dave Hodges, creator and host of The Common Sense Show, believes and, what’s more, he says it’s just a prelude to mass murder, based on past historical events of a similar nature.

While the Internet has not been around in its present form for more than a couple decades, authoritarians and dictators throughout history have attempted to erase history that does not serve them well through mass book burnings, the destruction of founding documents and other records. What generally followed was mass murder.

Today, this is being accomplished either through Internet censorship or actual shutting down of the Internet by governments. As Hodges noted on his website, quoting a Brookings Institute study, “there were over 50 instances of Internet shutdown and many of the shutdowns were associated with government violence against the citizens of that country” in 2016.

In a revealing video, Hodges discusses the report, which noted first and foremost the economic impact of the shutdowns: $2.4 billion.

The shutdowns did not go unnoticed by the world’s foremost diplomatic entity, the United Nations. The UN Human Rights Council passed a non-binding resolution that condemned intentional shutting down or disruption of domestic Internet access by governments.

Though many member states supported the resolution, the governments of several nations including Saudi Arabia, Syria, India, Morocco, Brazil, Iraq, Pakistan, the Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Algeria and Turkey shut down Internet or mobile service, often for long periods.

In his report for Brookings, Darrell M. West, vice president and director of the think tank’s Governance Studies, as well as founding director of the Center for Technology Innovation, said he found 81 short-term Internet shutdowns that took place in 19 countries between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.

“The majority of these blackouts occurred in the Middle East and South Asia, with India, Iraq, non-ISIS Syria, and Pakistan accounting for 71 percent of recorded instance,” he wrote in a press release describing the study’s findings.

West noted that Internet disruptions and shutdowns curb economic growth, cost governments tax revenue, stifle innovation and undermine the confidence of businesses and consumers in the affected countries. “As Internet-powered businesses and transactions continue to grow, they represent an increasingly significant portion of the global economic activity,” he wrote, adding that if shutdowns persist, then damage from them will get more severe.

But as Hodges notes, there are human costs to shutdowns as well as economic costs. For example, when authoritarian governments want to limit their citizens’ ability to report abuses internationally, they often begin their repression by first shutting down the only way people can communicate to the global population, via social media and other methods. (RELATED: Learn how to resist government propaganda and tyranny at

Then again, countries like North Korea and China regularly curb Internet access or limit/ban it altogether. What goes on inside North Korea is largely unknown to the outside world because its dictatorial leader, Kim Jong Un, locks down outside access so tightly, leaving him free to heap abuses on his people at will.

Hodges noted that the Brookings Institute study also found that the Internet shutdowns also went “hand in hand” with atrocities. In his study West noted that the UN Human Rights Commission’s resolution cited “promotion, protection, and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet” as its motivation for passage.

The UN panel also noted that failure to keep the Internet free of government control and accessible to the people was a violation of international human rights law.

Hodges, in his video, also said that such dangers are inherent even in the United States, where President-elect Donald J. Trump will have a difficult time getting full control of the Executive Branch’s vast bureaucracy.

“He’s facing endemic corruption that’s a hundred levels deep in these agencies, and under civil service law, he can’t get rid of everyone,” Hodges said.

See his full presentation below, and read more breaking news about the collapse of society at

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.



Under democrat rule, Chicago homicides are at a 20-year high

It was recently reported by that August was the deadliest month for Chicago in 20 years. Over the course of 31 days, 472 people were victims of gun violence, which equates to an average of roughly 15 victims every day of the month. 90 of those 472 died as a result. That is absolutely stunning. reports, “There were more than 449 homicides in the city between the start of the year and the end of August, a roughly 50 percent increase over the same period last year, police said.” These numbers are nothing short of staggering.

For years now, Chicago has widely been regarded as the most dangerous city in America, and for good reason. Gang violence is soaring, murders are an everyday occurrence and it’s all so commonplace that many wonder if there’s any hope for the city in the future. Nobody seems to have any answers for how to prevent these levels of violence from continuing to grow. In fact, the only solution the democrats running the place have suggested in placing a ban on firearms.

Of course, this will only lead to more murders as the law-abiding citizens in the area will no longer be able to protect themselves from the criminals that will carry firearms whether or not they are legal and easily accessible. That is not an intelligent or effective solution to an extremely serious, life-threatening problem.

So if nothing is changing — and things are only getting worse — then why do the residents of Chicago continue to elect the same uninspired democratic candidates that provide no answers and no solutions to their issues? What reasoning could there possibly be to justify such insane behavior?

Unless Chicago is going to become a complete dystopian-style society, something must change soon. Its citizens cannot survive in this environment much longer. If you analyze the situation from a few years ago, it didn’t appear as though it could get any worse. And still, it has gotten much, much more volatile. It’ll be a dangerous, frightening revelation to discover what the peak is, in that regard.

The residents of Chicago need to make their voices heard with their votes. Getting rid of the leftists that currently hold office in their city is an absolute must. And for the rest of us — the American citizens that don’t live in Chicago — what’s happening in the Windy City should serve as a warning to make your way out to the polls and vote for candidates that you can trust…

Or your town could end up like Chicago.




Social justice collapses into ‘kill all whites’ … Obama’s race war now activated

Anyone who is being honest with themselves knows that our first black president has played the “race card” practically since the day he took office. While he spoke of unity and “hope” for all Americans during his first campaign, it’s been nothing but lectures about how the country remains, at its core, a racist, bigoted nation ever since.

One of his other common themes is “social justice” – policies that are aimed at creating a utopian vision of fairness and equality. In fact, the entire Democratic Party is now talking about social justice, but it’s a concept that is impossible to achieve, for it has never existed among human beings, and never will.

The irony, of course, is that those claiming aggrieved status because of race – the Obamas, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al – are at the top of the heap in terms of political elite. They have reached the pinnacle of success that our leaders used to challenge all Americans to try and attain.

Not anymore. Today’s Democratic Party has long since abandoned its American principles and adopted the Marxist-Leninist principle of government, with Obama at the helm. To empower oneself, the ideology goes, one needs to create the illusion of victimhood among certain classes of people, who will then support the “leaders” of the movement until the bitter end because they have been convinced they are being cheated, lied to, stolen from and kept down by a hidden, fixed “system” not run by them. They sell a false vision of dependency – that the lowly cannot be uplifted without them because the lowly are incapable of uplifting themselves. And why? Because “the system” is “fixed” and the deck stacked against them, and no matter what, the lowly cannot “break through” and help themselves without the shelter and assistance of the party elite.

In the end, “justice” will take the form of universal misery – that is, everyone will be equally poor, downtrodden and robbed of any chance at a better life. For the latest version of the “social justice” principles of government in action, see Venezuela.

That said, social justice has since transformed itself into something even more sinister. Injected with a healthy dose of racism, social justice is being sold now as “get whitey,” since all of society’s ills can be traced directly back to the Caucasian race in America.

Whites are keeping blacks and other minorities from making more of themselves, goes the narrative. Whites are killing blacks by the hordes, using the police and vigilantism. Blacks are not responsible for anything; everything bad that happens to them is the result of some white-inspired or white-led effort. Facts are distorted and used out of context to satisfy preconceived narratives about why black inner city crime is so bad, why out-of-wedlock children are so commonplace, why young black men refuse to take responsibility for their children and their own lives, and why black-on-black murders are somehow not as prevalent as “white cop kills unarmed, unsuspecting and innocent black man.”

All of it is garbage, and yet that is what the perception is within the black community. These things are bandied about as truths, even though they aren’t. Note what this black writer from the far-Left wing Daily Kos wrote in 2013:

We know black men are targeted by police out of proportion to their actual level of crime, that they are arrested and prosecuted to a greater degree and longer amounts for the same offenses. This can in turn help foreclose their ability to lead productive lives or to effectively raise a family. We know this.

None of that garbage is true, especially when taken in the proper context. But when the (black) masses are repeatedly told the untruths, you get black guys writing paragraphs like the one above, and passing it off as gospel.

All of this nonsense, then, provides justification for blacks to target whites for violence and murder, all because whites “deserve it” for all that they’re doing to black people – even if it’s all a fantasy created by the people who want to control them as well.

This demonstrates how ‘social justice’ has now morphed into an “anything goes” attitude involving white Americans, and that will include killing whites, just as it has already included the murder of police officers. We just saw it manifest itself in Milwaukee recently, when BLM-affiliated black rioters specifically targeted whites for “beat downs” and attacks.

Obama’s hands are all over this. And they are bloody.
