
How mainstream media gets away with distributing propaganda masquerading as legitimate journalism

The free press is supposed to protect the people from the political class, but these days it seems they operate in a manner meant to protect the political class from public scrutiny. The mainstream media betrays their purpose while undermining democracy. Power for the elite and corrupt is gained through the mainstream media, by eliminating skepticism and not holding politicians accountable for their lies. (RELATED: Read more news about propaganda schemes at

The mainstream media is an enemy to America, complicit in undermining our republic. The free press should serve as a check and balance against political corruption at the highest levels of government; they should be asking tough questions that will make politicians uncomfortable. The mainstream media essentially takes on the role of public relations rather than real journalism. They have been in cahoots with the Obama administration by excusing his agenda and refusing to hold him accountable. Obamacare promises were merely calculated lies used to impose a tax on the American people.

There are still reporters who do real investigations and ask tough questions, but not in the mainstream media. You will not see the mainstream media exposing the truth about corruption in Washington; only the independent media serves that function these days. Take WikiLeaks for example: they expose information that the government doesn’t want released. The independent media are the only real sources of free press who are willing to take risks and challenge the status quo.

The mainstream media is all out theatrics at its best, acting as the regime’s network of puppets. They are engaged in systematically dismantling America one issue at a time. The mainstream media attacks opposition to government corruption, the independent media, honest candidates and history. The ideas of unbiased journalism and objective reporting have long since been abandoned by the mainstream media, who feed us a constant stream of disinformation that ignores what we need to know, and only highlights what they want us to believe. It’s not news – it’s a tool used to serve corporate and government interests. (See coverage of fake news hoaxes at

There are plenty of personalities in the independent media who express their diverse beliefs, but they are subject to censorship from internet gatekeepers like Google, Facebook and Twitter. The censorship shuts down opposing views to the state controlled media’s false narratives, allowing them to manipulate the minds of Americans. Journalists and reporters working for the mainstream all report what they are told, according to the memo or teleprompter, sometimes even word for word across each outlet.

The independent media is still a valid tool for information where journalists still ask questions and provide a different perspective on things. You should never believe any of the scripts from the sold-out mainstream – they have been ordered to forget their role as journalists.

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NYT credibility DESTROYED by 7 simple questions from Newt Gingrich

The New York Times publisher and executive editor have promised to rededicate the paper to its fundamental mission — to report America and the world honestly, without favors and fear. The paper claims they will strive to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in stories brought to the public. This announcement is almost considered an apology to its readers for providing a year and a half of unbalanced and unhinged coverage of the presidential race.

Sean Hannity suggests that Trump must ignore the media and trust his gut instincts. He was sad to see the 165-year-old paper destroy their credibility over the election season. It was obvious to dedicated readers that the Times had abandoned its old coverage standards. Stories were unrelentingly hostile towards Trump and his supporters. Reporters were including their personal opinions and political analysis in the news coverage. This allowed animosity toward Trump to be spread all over social media by political reporters. Front page stories on The New York Times were accusing Trump of lying, but the paper never published the same findings in reference to Hillary Clinton. The paper’s liberal readership has even gotten tired of reporting that resembles state controlled propaganda of totalitarian regimes.

Newt Gingrich destroys the New York Times credibility with seven simple questions.

The New York Times has struggled mightily to answer some serious questions posed by the former United States House of Representatives speaker. Gingrich, a Republican, has asked the times whether they have any reporters, editors or columnists that will say they voted for Trump. He elaborated to ask if they have since hired any Trump supporters to work those positions for the Times. The paper struggled to say whether or not it has hired any Republican reporters at all.

Gingrich has also asked if the New York Times has changed its policies allowing journalists to express their opinions about events and people they are covering. The fourth question asked by Gingrich wondered if the Times reporters would surrender any Pulitzer Prizes awarded for news stories containing personal opinions. Here are the final questions that the Times struggled to address.

  • “Have its editors retracted misleading news headlines that expressed opinions — such as the paper’s coverage of Trump’s tax returns?”
  • “Has it fired reporters who admitted to writing politically motivated ‘news’ stories and encouraged interview subjects to talk to them so they could stop Trump?”
  • “Has it retracted its shameful election-eve front-page story ‘reporting’ on Trump’s innermost thoughts and feelings, virtually every sentence of which is filled with reporters’ opinions and speculations–featuring claims like ‘he is struggling to suppress his bottomless need for attention”
