
Gun sales hit an all-time high on Black Friday 2016

Gun sales have hit an all-time high on Black Friday in 2016 according to the number of FBI background checks. This breaks the previous record which was set the previous year. Licensed firearm dealers had to file 185,713 background checks on Black Friday, which is 400 more than the year prior. Dealers who are licensed by the federal government must contact the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System to make sure that gun buyers don’t have any criminal records or other legal barriers to gun ownership.

Political events have the tendency to cause spikes in gun sales, which was recently seen when President Obama was campaigning for stricter gun regulations, or when he hinted at unconstitutionally changing the laws. There was speculation that gun sales would slump after the election of an NRA-endorsed candidate Donald Trump, but reports do indicate a surge in firearm sales in minority communities following the election’s outcome. Americans want their firearms regardless of who is in the White House. The reason could be linked to an increased fear of terrorism, or an increase in deadly violence.

Gun stocks Smith & Wesson and Ruger both dropped after the news broke of Trump’s historic victory. This led many people to believe that we would see a decline in gun sales on Black Friday this year. The gun stocks have actually bounced back substantially since the post election drop.

The “sensible gun law” crowd should be pleased with the new record level of background checks, which ensures that new gun owners have been deemed worthy by the government. There is no doubt that the soaring level of gun sales also has something to do with a general fear that guns will be regulated out of existence.

Donald Trump has been vocal about his support for the second amendment. His website proclaims that “Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’s purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves and our families. This is about self-defense, plain and simple.”

The demographics of gun ownership are changing. Today, around one third of Americans now have a firearm in their home. Many gun owners continue to purchase more guns spawning a new era of gun super-ownership. There is a report which states that nearly 3 percent of the population own half of the nation’s guns. While there are more guns in America today than ever before, they are in the hands of fewer people.



Know your stats: as gun ownership rises, murder rates drop in America

If you pay attention to the mainstream media’s coverage of firearms — and actually believe their biased lies — then you are probably under the impression that every single murder in America is caused with a gun, by a gun and under the influence of a gun. In their eyes, every problem in America, pretty much, is a result of guns and gun owners.

Unfortunately for them, the cold, hard facts prove that their absurd beliefs are completely wrong, as if it wasn’t already obvious enough. The facts show that America is actually safer than ever because of an increase in firearm sales.

Based on evidence brought forth by a number of studies and statistics, as more guns are being purchased in America, the fewer murders there seem to be. While more and more people have been purchasing firearms since the early 1900s — with the amount sold being on a steady increase — the murder rate has dropped significantly since the early 1990s. There’s only one assumption you can come to after analyzing this information: more guns equals less murder.

To make the case even stronger, the statistics are difficult to dispute. As reported by Dean Weingarten of Ammoland, “The murder rate may be one of the most reliable numbers in the UCR, because murders are more likely to be reported than any other crime. There is a body, and usually an investigation.”

So what does this mean? Basically that the mainstream media’s demonization of firearms — particularly the wildly popular “assault rifles” like the AR-15 — is completely unjustified. And considering those pushing these incorrect beliefs are federal government shills, there’s no doubt that they actually know the truth.

There are clear financial and political reasons for everyone who is knowingly spreading this misinformation to be doing so. It’s absolutely disgusting and should be treated as anti-American, anti-freedom propaganda, but it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. After all, the mainstream media and the corrupt federal government have been doing this for years.

It’s important that if you’re trying to live a life of enlightenment and knowledge that you don’t believe the narrative — but instead believe the facts.




DHS fascist claiming ‘gun control is now national security’… because THEY failed to do their jobs

The government blaming others for their mistakes is nothing new. It’s been happening for a LONG time now.

As a result, it’s not all that surprising that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is now claiming that gun control is a “national security issue” — all because their incompetent organization failed at doing their jobs. Once again, the kings of buck-passing hurl the blame elsewhere as soon as people begin to acknowledge their mistakes.

Since it’s been well-reported that Omar Mateen had been investigated by the FBI on multiple occasions, and had recently been reported to the authorities by a Florida gun store owner, a lot of the blame for the Orlando nightclub massacre deserves to be placed on those who are sworn to protect us. They didn’t protect the American people — and guns had nothing to do with why they failed.

Though the NRA will continue to receive the brunt of the blame, the reason for the Department of Homeland Security’s existence is to prevent terrorist attacks from taking place. They didn’t. They ignored all of the warning signs that the tragic shooting in Orlando was about to happen and remained silent. While evidence points to investigations into Mateen and his mosque being halted for fear of appearing “Islamophobic,” the reasoning isn’t what’s important here.

What’s important is that DHS and other organizations knew something was suspicious and consciously chose not to pursue their investigations further. That is unacceptable. In an age when terrorist attacks fueled by radical Islam are becoming more and more frequent, it’s imperative that all precautions are taken to potentially prevent these horrible events from taking place.

Instead, the Regressive Left continues to pass the buck to law-abiding gun owners who are simply trying to do what the Department of Homeland Security clearly cannot: protect themselves.




The New American


Liberal crybaby of the New York Daily News actually claimed shooting an AR-15 gave him ‘temporary PTSD’

In the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting, liberal journalists from all over the country set out to prove how easy it is to purchase guns as well as how dangerous they are.

Almost every single one of them completely missed the point that Second Amendment advocates have been trying to make in regards to individuals rights and personal freedoms, but we’ve reached a point with regressive leftism that it’ll be almost impossible to change their minds, or even get them to consider other possibilities.

Of all the silly articles written about firearms in recent weeks, Gersh Kuntzman’s New York Daily News article “What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud” is certainly the most well-publicized, and justifiably so. After all, it’s one of the most pitiful things published in a major news outlet in quite some time — and that’s saying a lot.

In the article, Kuntzman discusses his experience firing an AR-15 at a shooting range. He writes, “The recoil bruised my shoulder, which can happen if you don’t know what you’re doing. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.”

Considering the fact that there are numerous videos of seven-year-old girls firing excitedly firing AR-15s and other semi-automatic firearms, it’s especially hilarious that Kuntzman had such a wimpy reaction. There are literally little girls who are more courageous than this grown man. I’m not sure if that’s more funny or pathetic. Part of why the Ar-15 is such a popular choice is because it is known to have minimal recoil. This is also what makes it so easy for children to practice their skills with.

As a whole, the article serves as a borderline satire piece about the crybaby nature of liberals. People like Kuntzman are complete wimps; beta males who know that their only way to not look weak is to make being weak the norm.

No thanks, Kuntzman. I think I’ll pass.



New York Daily News

The New American
