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Government agency accused of ignoring important scientific errors found in 9/11 Building 7 investigation report

A former National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) employee has stepped forward to criticize the government agency for ignoring scientific errors found in its report regarding the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. Peter Ketcham spent almost 15 years working with NIST and has described the significantly flawed methods used during the investigation. Ketcham wrote a letter regarding the issue which was published in the November 2016 of Europhysics News magazine. In August of 2008, the magazine had previously published a report examining the Building 7 collapse in detail.

Ketcham felt compelled to speak out about the NIST WTC 7 investigation after reading the initial August 2008 report. The original report concludes that the building collapsed due to structural failure caused by fires and debris from the collapse of the Twin Towers. The problem with the initial report is that the NIST couldn’t perform a definitive study under the common standards of the National Fire Protection Association — because it lacked the physical evidence.

Structural steel started to be removed and melted down just days after the incident, some beams were even stolen. NIST had access to only 150 smaller pieces of steel, known as coupons, which were cut from the whole sections of structural steel beams. With a lack of remaining evidence, the NIST generated computer models of the buildings structure to test collapse theories. Fires were simulated in an attempt to recreate the conditions just prior to failure. The conclusions of the report are still being questioned 15 years after the attacks. Thousands of physicists, engineers, and architects have formed the group Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

The inconclusive methods used for the NIST report led Ketcham to speak out after viewing several documentaries. Ketcham noted that he was furious with himself for not knowing, and furious at NIST for covering up the issue. “The NIST I knew was intellectually open, non-defensive, and willing to consider competing explanations. The more I investigated, the more apparent it became that NIST had reached a predetermined conclusion by ignoring, dismissing, and denying the evidence. Among the most egregious examples is the explanation for the collapse of WTC 7 as an elaborate sequence of unlikely events culminating in the almost symmetrical total collapse of a steel-frame building into its own footprint at free-fall acceleration,” Ketcham wrote.

The initial cause of the collapse is under heavy scrutiny because researchers proved that the NIST did not accurately model the steel’s connection at the reported point of initial failure. Multiple smaller design elements were absent from the computer model, which shows the failed beam twisting in ways different from the physical properties of the steel’s connection.



Decades of democrat rule has left Detroit resembling a third world nation

At this point, it’s pretty well documented how all of the poorest, most dangerous and generally least appealing cities in the country are run by democrats. From Detroit to Philadelphia, every undesirable location seems to have some sort of connection to the left.

But as bad as things have once appeared, they only seem to be getting worse. Take, for instance, the Motor City, which has descended into a virtual third world area thanks to the complete lack of fiscal responsibility on behalf of its democratic leaders.

In a recent video posted by Twitter user @hautedamn, the city of Detroit is shown at night, and the results are anything but pleasant.

Chaos, violence  and general unpleasantness appear from nearly every angle over the course of one night in the city. And this is just any given night in the city. It’s not a special occasion. To sum it up bluntly: Detroit is a complete and utter disaster.

And what’s stopping the rest of the country from following in its footsteps? We continue to elect the same federal officials that continue to drive the country further and further into an economic mess by raising and creating more taxes while lining their own pockets with the help of cronyism.

Collectively, America is in serious trouble if more and more cities begin to suffer these kinds of economic depressions. It’s devastating for the long-term health of our country.

If Hillary Clinton is elected this fall, Detroit could become the poster child of America as a whole. With higher taxes and more regulations, the American people will become collectively enslaved by the federal government — and by that point it will be too late. We must band together and vote against Crooked Hillary.

For the betterment of our cities, our citizens and our country as a whole, we need new, fresh leadership in this country — and that certainly isn’t the democratic establishment…




How far is a full on revolution against the global elite from actually taking place?

Brandon Smith is a writer, a student of history and the originator of the Alternative Market Project which, as reported by The Daily Bell, facilitates local barter networks around America in order to “insulate and protect local economies from the inevitable collapse. . .”  The topic of an economic collapse in America, and the importance of preparing with emergency supplies, is ruminating in the minds of many who understand – or who are beginning to comprehend – that the fiat money system comprised of paper dollars with no underlying redemptive value in gold or silver – will eventually be worthless. Holding a pile of hyper-inflated money with no way to buy food, diapers, medicine, gasoline or virtually any goods or services doesn’t happen overnight, although it may feel that way. It is more akin to a slow burn, like that proverbial frog in a pot of water eventually brought to a boil.

History is repeating itself. We are sliding toward totalitarianism.

At,  Smith has written numerous articles that outline his vision of history. He sees a repeating theme of “absolute power” by “an elite few” whose desire is to control the masses. They do this by conspiring to create very difficult socio-economic conditions that demand obedience to an particular type of ideology. But there always remains a resistance, Smith writes, which leads to the “sociopolitical crackdown” where people are “imprisoned, enslaved or even murdered.”  The eventual outcome, according to Smith, is one of two scenarios, “chaos and revolution or complete totalitarianism.”

The uneducated, overmedicated masses won’t know what hit them.

Millions of American, who simply want a better life for their children and to live quiet, peaceful lives, may have a difficult time grasping the elite’s sociopathic behavior. Smith calls these folks “narcissistic psychopaths.” But thanks to a dumbed down education, fluoride infested waters, a chemical laden food supply, pharmacological addictions and socially engineered mind control, millions more haven’t been taught, or perhaps they’ve lost, the critical thinking skills necessary to understand tyranny’s big picture. As long as the EBT card is full and the electricity stays on, the television, video games and cell phones still work. So there’s no concern about historical trends on the loss of civil liberties, or a burgeoning police state. Another large group of citizens are dealing with physical maladies dependent on dangerous pharmaceuticals  instead of seeking alternative medicine applications. They’re too sick to be worried about anything but themselves or their loved ones.

When is the full on revolution? Maybe sooner than later.

No one can predict the exact day that  banks will shut their doors, or when the streets of major cities will be filled with troops from the United Nations. And it is hard to imagine the entire United States of America being thrown into complete chaos all at once, unless one ponders the dangers of a Clinton Presidency, a nuclear war, an EMP, a cyber created virus that shuts down major transportation systems or perhaps a laboratory created pandemic.  Add the unemployment rates, millions dependent on government checks, the fermenting division of “us vs. them” and military weaponry given to local police and governmental agencies, like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA.) We’ve got a volatile mix.

Anything is possible. At any time of the day or night.

And let’s not forget the insidious NSA surveillance and technological tracking of all we say, write, do or purchase. It seems most prudent to take Brandon Smith’s advice about creating local networks with people whom you can barter with, and better yet, with whom you can trust.



Germany urges citizens to stockpile food and water to prepare for the implosion of Europe

It’s tough to deny it at this point — the impending collapse of societies all across the world is coming sooner than we would care to admit.

With each passing day, new evidence arrives to back up the belief that rising tensions, religious extremism, global warfare and political corruption will inevitably lead to the world being completely destroyed. It may sound like a crazy conspiracy theory to some, but if you analyze the evidence with an open mind, there are a lot of warning signs available.

Now there’s even more proof to back up this belief, as Germany is urging its citizens to prepare themselves for such an event by stockpiling food and water in expectation of Europe completely imploding.

Caroline Copley of Yahoo reports, “Germany is currently on high alert after two Islamist attacks and a shooting rampage by a mentally unstable teenager last month. Berlin announced measures earlier this month to spend considerably more on its police and security forces and to create a special unit to counter cyber crime and terrorism.”

It’s difficult to blame them, either. Europe is a complete mess at the moment thanks to the growing amount of Islamic extremists invading their countries. From France to Belgium and everywhere in between, it seems as though the entire continent of Europe is under attack by these extremists.

Overt political correctness has once again proven itself to be extremely dangerous, due to the fact that federal governments are afraid to address real, dangerous issues threatening the lives of their citizens out of fear that they’ll be labeled racist, Islamophobic, or otherwise bigoted.

If the globalists have their way, we’re all in serious trouble. They’ve already started taking away individual freedoms, and now they’ve set their sights on much bigger goals. If you want to survive, you best be prepared for anything they can throw at you — because it’s very clear that they’re trying to eliminate us all.




Top 4 factors that undermine and threaten off-the-grid living in America

If you want to feel truly free, living off-the-grid is a smart decision. Not having to rely on the outside world or the American government for anything provides you with a sense of freedom that you simply cannot obtain while living in a city. Unfortunately, there are a number of factors that threaten off-the-grid living in America. Here are the top four.

1.) The EPA

While the Environmental Protection Agency has benefited the overall quality of life on Earth, some of their regulations hinder survival for living off the grid. But their restrictions on wood-burning are devastating deal-breakers. For survivalists, burning wood is necessary for heating, cooking and different forms of water usage.

2.) Local laws

Many times, American citizens don’t even know that they’re violating local laws and regulations until they get a notice or a fine from the local government. A shocking amount of these are completely and utterly ridiculous. Across the United States, people have actually been fined for not being connected to their city’s power grid and water supply. Some states even regulate whether or not people can grow vegetables in their yards. Local governments are actually fining people for taking care of themselves…

3.) Obamacare

On top of being unconstitutional and un-American, The Affordable Care Act also infringes on the rights of those trying to live off the grid. By enforcing Obamacare by law, the federal government is making sure that they have control over every single person in the country. It’s an infringement of our human rights and a ploy to enslave us under their rule.

4.) Gun regulations

Here’s probably the biggest threat facing survivalists today. The federal government and the leftist authoritarians’ assault on the Second Amendment seems to grow more ferocious with every passing day. Without the ability to carry guns freely and openly, survival off-the-grid is greatly hindered. In regards to both hunting and self-defense, firearms are an absolutely necessary tool.

