Shaun King

Race-baiting Shaun King launches SJW boycott based off lies, targeting 3 cities

Shaun King is one of the most annoying people currently getting exposure by the mainstream media. A delusional, white liberal trying to pass himself off as a black man, the so-called activist has exploited the Black Lives Matter movement in order to generate money for himself. Ever since he first entered the limelight, King has spouted off some of the dumbest things imaginable.

But recently, Shaun King reached peak stupidity when he launched a three-city boycott for social justice warriors in Standing Rock, San Francisco and New York City. So what exactly will that movement entail? Well, a lot of things that most definitely are not going to work as successfully as King seems to believe they will.

In an essay published on Medium, King writes of the movement, “It’s an organized resistance, driven by local people and activists, supported by passionate believers all over the country and around the world. Just as the Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted for 381 days, we are prepared for this boycott to last as it takes to make change happen. Indeed, we won’t stop until it does. This boycott will not weaken, but will grow in size, strength, reach, and power every single day.”

King goes on to say that progressive liberals in those three cities must boycott every business that refuses to give in to the demands of Black Lives Matter. If King’s belief were correct, then these businesses would surely be in a lot of trouble. Unfortunately for him — and fortunately for the rest of us — he really seems to be overestimating just how many leftists are willing to stop shopping at places they currently shop. Furthermore, he also seems to be overestimating the amount of money that broke, jobless, government-leeching liberals actually spend.

When you really take a look at the people who support King, you don’t see a whole lot of businessmen who are spending big bucks at the businesses that would be boycotted. The most likely outcome of this joke of a movement is that a handful of people stop shopping at these stores and nobody even notices. Nothing will change, yet King will declare a huge victory in order to convince his brainwashed audience that he is the messiah of civil rights.

The self-importance oozing out of this fool is so disgusting that you can’t help but celebrate his failures. The fact that he is an evil, race-baiting liar just makes it all the more satisfying.




What George Soros has to gain from funding the overflowing, violent refugee crisis in Europe

Someone doesn’t much like the direction in which the U.S. government – which is being run by uber-liberals and progressive socialists like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton – is headed. That can be one of the only reasonable explanations for a series of high-profile hacks in recent weeks that have landed most heavily on Democrats and globalist-Marxists like George Soros.

Hacks of the Democratic National Committee and the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, which cyber-security researchers have blamed on a Russian-led operation, have embarrassed party members, exposed the party’s corrupt effort to shut out Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernie Sanders, and led to the resignation of the DNC chief, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Now, apparently globo-socialist billionaire Soros is in the crosshairs.

As reported by by The Daily Caller, Soros has spent tens of millions of dollars bankrolling groups and organizations that have been agitating for “social justice” causes – Black Lives Matter, pro-open immigration groups, and those who favor importing more immigrants from the Middle East, like those flooding Europe and bringing with them a whole host of problems – according to 2,500 documents and emails that were recently hacked.

The documents show that officials within Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF) view the migrant crisis in Europe as “the new normal,” and say that it should be encouraged and exploited for any “new opportunities” to advance a Left-wing Marxist globalist agenda.

Soros, in other words, is looking to upset the entire Western order. Odd for a guy who hails from Europe.

Why would he do that? Is it just because he’s a socialist, or is there a much deeper reason?

Zero Hedge believes it is the latter. Reflecting on the 2,500 documents that were hacked and released via the WikiLeaks site, ZH notes that they expose the internal strategy of OSF regarding how Soros plans to both influence, and then benefit from Europe’s refugee crisis.

The documents also show the opportunistic funding and influence of media organizations, as well as revealing the provision of money to so-called “pro-democracy” groups including La Raza, a Left-wing Hispanic group advocating unlimited immigration, and whose name literally translates into “The Race.” The OSF also paid to have unfavorable coverage of Pamela Geller, who has been criticized for organizing a “Draw Muhammad” event in Texas. Two armed Islamic extremists attempted to disrupt the event, but were shot and killed by police.

Other documents reveal Soros’ intention to interfere in, and influence other crises, including the conflict in the Ukraine. But in memos, staffers of the OSF openly worry that their influence on media coverage of the war there may be counterproductive. While hoping to “cover” events in Ukraine, the authors of one memo admit “this isn’t proper independent journalism and we may damage our credibility with journalists.” Also, they state that “journalists may produce stories that have no relevance for the narrative we seek to inform or stories that are counterproductive (enforcing narratives of fascism etc.),” which would undermine the foundation’s efforts.

Other documents and memos indicate that Soros is also funding the increasingly violent Black Lives Matter movement, some of whose adherents were responsible for violence in Milwaukee recently, in which businesses were burned and white people targeted for assaults.

In all, the memos paint the picture of a super-wealthy Left-wing activist who seeks to use his fortune to buy influence and remake the world in his image. And he’s got politicians, world leaders and much of the “mainstream” media in his back pocket.

Sources for this story include:

black lives matter

Leaked memo shows Dems exploiting BLM movement, strategized to manipulate leaders

Leave it to the holier-than-thou Regressive Left to do everything in their power to appear to care about progressive, civil rights issues while simultaneously taking advantage of minorities by using them as mouthpieces.

This form of exploitation has never been more apparent than it is in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement. Seen as an ace in the hole for authoritarian leftists, the movement — which began as a way to take a stand against legitimate police brutality cases — has since been bastardized as a way to silence the opinions of conservatives and libertarians.

Simply put, Black Lives Matter is no longer about the rights of black people. Instead, it has become a matter of political ideology. So how exactly did this all happen?

Well, you can thank the Democratic Party for that.

If there’s one thing that the Regressive Left is good at, it’s manipulating emotional people. By using buzz words and leaving out important details in news stories, they have been able to capture the attention and admiration of people who are simply looking for answers. But instead of actually improving these people’s lives, the globalist leftists have decided to use them as puppets to expand their own power and pad their own pockets.

In a new memo that was recently released by the hacker Guccifer 2.0, the former diversity director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), Troy Perry, expressed how the Democratic Party should address the Black Lives Matter movement.

As one of the tactics used to appease BLM protestors, Perry stressed, “Do not say ‘all lives matter’ nor mention ‘black on black crime.'” This explains why the democrats use such liberally language all the time now.

It’s once again become obvious that the supposedly socially conscious liberals don’t actually know what they’re talking about. They’re simply pretending that they care about marginalized communities, but in reality, they’re exploiting them for votes, which in turn lead to an expansion of power.

The Clinton administration is clearly utilizing this tactic in their attempt to get Hillary elected this fall. They seem to know that there’s no way she can win on her own, so the only way to ensure any sort of support is by pretending to be empathetic towards minorities and other victimized groups.

Of course, any amount of research will show that democrats are responsible for a vast majority of the issues these groups face, but that’s not important to the average person. The narrative is more important than the facts. As sad and as scary as it is to report, the narrative is what is most important these days.

If we want to ensure a healthy, safe future for ourselves and the generations that will follow, then we have to be open and honest about the issues plaguing our country. We have to get extremely real about what is going on — and a major part of that is getting real about how the globalists are trying to pit us all against each other in order to help themselves.

In the end, we’re all in this together and we’re going to have to put aside our differences and join forces if we want to succeed in life. We cannot let the globalists win.




Social justice collapses into ‘kill all whites’ … Obama’s race war now activated

Anyone who is being honest with themselves knows that our first black president has played the “race card” practically since the day he took office. While he spoke of unity and “hope” for all Americans during his first campaign, it’s been nothing but lectures about how the country remains, at its core, a racist, bigoted nation ever since.

One of his other common themes is “social justice” – policies that are aimed at creating a utopian vision of fairness and equality. In fact, the entire Democratic Party is now talking about social justice, but it’s a concept that is impossible to achieve, for it has never existed among human beings, and never will.

The irony, of course, is that those claiming aggrieved status because of race – the Obamas, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al – are at the top of the heap in terms of political elite. They have reached the pinnacle of success that our leaders used to challenge all Americans to try and attain.

Not anymore. Today’s Democratic Party has long since abandoned its American principles and adopted the Marxist-Leninist principle of government, with Obama at the helm. To empower oneself, the ideology goes, one needs to create the illusion of victimhood among certain classes of people, who will then support the “leaders” of the movement until the bitter end because they have been convinced they are being cheated, lied to, stolen from and kept down by a hidden, fixed “system” not run by them. They sell a false vision of dependency – that the lowly cannot be uplifted without them because the lowly are incapable of uplifting themselves. And why? Because “the system” is “fixed” and the deck stacked against them, and no matter what, the lowly cannot “break through” and help themselves without the shelter and assistance of the party elite.

In the end, “justice” will take the form of universal misery – that is, everyone will be equally poor, downtrodden and robbed of any chance at a better life. For the latest version of the “social justice” principles of government in action, see Venezuela.

That said, social justice has since transformed itself into something even more sinister. Injected with a healthy dose of racism, social justice is being sold now as “get whitey,” since all of society’s ills can be traced directly back to the Caucasian race in America.

Whites are keeping blacks and other minorities from making more of themselves, goes the narrative. Whites are killing blacks by the hordes, using the police and vigilantism. Blacks are not responsible for anything; everything bad that happens to them is the result of some white-inspired or white-led effort. Facts are distorted and used out of context to satisfy preconceived narratives about why black inner city crime is so bad, why out-of-wedlock children are so commonplace, why young black men refuse to take responsibility for their children and their own lives, and why black-on-black murders are somehow not as prevalent as “white cop kills unarmed, unsuspecting and innocent black man.”

All of it is garbage, and yet that is what the perception is within the black community. These things are bandied about as truths, even though they aren’t. Note what this black writer from the far-Left wing Daily Kos wrote in 2013:

We know black men are targeted by police out of proportion to their actual level of crime, that they are arrested and prosecuted to a greater degree and longer amounts for the same offenses. This can in turn help foreclose their ability to lead productive lives or to effectively raise a family. We know this.

None of that garbage is true, especially when taken in the proper context. But when the (black) masses are repeatedly told the untruths, you get black guys writing paragraphs like the one above, and passing it off as gospel.

All of this nonsense, then, provides justification for blacks to target whites for violence and murder, all because whites “deserve it” for all that they’re doing to black people – even if it’s all a fantasy created by the people who want to control them as well.

This demonstrates how ‘social justice’ has now morphed into an “anything goes” attitude involving white Americans, and that will include killing whites, just as it has already included the murder of police officers. We just saw it manifest itself in Milwaukee recently, when BLM-affiliated black rioters specifically targeted whites for “beat downs” and attacks.

Obama’s hands are all over this. And they are bloody.


George Soros

Three eye-opening revelations we uncovered from the Soros Hack

There are a few tried and true ways to foster divisive conditions that lead to extreme social unrest. Fermenting programs with the goal of dissatisfaction, disunity, disease and division – under the guise of an open, free and fair society – can be utilized as mechanisms for the overthrow of governments and nations. Regardless of what particular program or methodology is employed, two components remain essential. Power and the money that is required to buy it. On a smaller scale, consider Washington lobbyists who are funded by military, pharmaceutical and biotechnology interests. They put money into the coffers of Congress, and the laws are written on their behalf.

This pay to play scheme is not new, but digging out the details of these multi-layered networks can be difficult, especially when you consider the enormous global outreach and influence of George Soros, the billionaire investor and philanthropist who is the force behind Open Society Foundations (OSF). Their mission, as reported by  is to “help build vibrant and active democracies.” Keep in mind this is the same foundation and the same Mr. Soros who, according to Phil Butler’s insightful report at,  “committed more than $25 million to Hillary . . . and helped ram Barak Obama America’s throat.” Thanks to a hacktivist group called DCLeaks Network, we have more than 2500 documents straight out of the OSF. reveals three particular eye-opening revelations that show the one world globalist goals of Mr. Soros.

Here are a few more details, starting with the 2014 OSF involvement in media manipulation, disinformation and propaganda in the Ukraine. As reported by, Soros and his minions, including U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, were very interested in creating a “neo-liberal” Ukraine, while “bringing Russia to it’s knees.”  Soros was already operating a non -government organization (NGO) in the region called the International Renaissance Foundation (IRF). This IRF already had OSF trained advisors ready to plug into the new Ukraine government, planned to control messaging through a crisis media center and promised to provide “professional PR assistance to the Ukrainian government.”

The second important data point about the leaked documents was the $650,000 given to Black Lives Matter (BLM.) According to The New American, Ken Zimmerman, the director of OSF programs in the U.S., vehemently denied giving any money to BLM, until  the leaked OSF documents provided the hard evidence that $650,00 was indeed supplied after the killing of Freddy Gray. The OSF believed they had  “a unique opportunity to accelerate the dismantling of structural inequality. . .”  The BLM $650,000 grant was just the beginning. OSF has given millions to a wide variety of organizations with a specific focus on “black men and boys,”  as reported by

The third revelation of interest is how the OSF has worked to ensure that the refugee crisis would destabilize European borders. According to, a memo in the leaked documents dated May 12th focuses on an OSF program called the “International Migration Initiative.” In this memo, the OSF discusses the “new opportunities” of this crisis,” one of which is more OSF influence in the region. The memo also states that open borders with “the refugee crisis is the new normal.” shares a heated exchange between George Soros and Viktor Orban, the current Prime Minister of Hungary. Mr. Orban, whose country is doing what it can to maintain its Hungarian culture and national borders, accused Soros of “deliberately encouraging the refugee crisis.” Soros didn’t hide his globalist intent when he replied, “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”


George Soros

Billionaire George Soros financially linked to Black Lives Matter violence

In recent days, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education – CURE – dropped a bombshell on subscribers to the group’s email alerts: Billionaire social change mastermind and enemy of American-style liberty, George Soros, is the deep-pockets money man funding much of the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement.

In the email alert CURE, which was founded and is currently led by Star Parker, an author and columnist for WorldNetDaily, noted that the riots in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, following what appears to be a justified shooting by police of an armed black suspect, were linked to BLM, an organization that really doesn’t care about African-Americans.

“I need to be very clear as our nation is stirred into racial controversy: black lives don’t matter to Black Lives Matter,” Parker said in the alert.

She says that on Saturday, leaks from Soros’ foundation revealed that the organization has spent millions of dollars establishing ties with faith-based groups in poor, minority communities. Parker said she and her team were at present scanning more than 2,000 pages of documents, page after page of which “reveals how effective his money is used in forging partnerships” with the mainstream media, clergy and local elected officials.

“As you know,” she wrote,” Black Lives Matter is funded by George Soros.”

As Parker and her team combed through the documents, a “striking detail” emerged, namely that Soros and his allied groups are “obsessed by quick outcomes,” as in, results. If he provides funds to a group and he does not get a quick return on his investment – that is, if they don’t provide quick results – they don’t get any more Soros money. And, as Parker notes, “historically…riots and violence quickly change public policy.”

She says there is no mistaking the fact that Soros and his allied groups don’t care a whit about the lives of black people. That much is evident, Parker asserts, because they are pushing the same public policies that have failed blacks and other inner city poor.

Parker contends that not only does BLM favor continuing these failed policies, which have led to higher crime rates, out-of-wedlock births, dependency and drug use, but political Leftists want to extend the same policies to all Americans.

Specifically, BLM pledges to continue policies that have created fatherless homes and single-mother dwellings raising children on their own, as evidenced by the BLM charter:

We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, and especially ‘our’ children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable.

As for Soros, he has been funding violence for years. As reported in January 2015 by the Washington Times, Soros was in the middle of the racially-tinged protests that rocked Ferguson, Mo., following the police shooting and killing of Michael Brown, an incident a grand jury and Justice Department investigation both determined was a proper and legitimate use of deadly force.

The paper reported that Soros essentially funds violence after years of donating to groups and movements that spur Ferguson- and Baltimore-style violence, looting and distruction. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that “emboldened” on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to a recent tax filing of his non-profit Open Society Foundations.

Sources for this story include:

Black Lives Matter

BLM protestors burn gas station, destroy property and target whites for ‘beatdowns’ in Milwaukee

Though President Obama has done his best to defend the group as having legitimate gripes about the supposed widespread, racist treatment of African Americans by police departments all over the country, the “Black Lives Matter” movement has, once again, proven that many of its adherents are little more than domestic terrorists.

Saturday evening BLM-led violence broke out in Madison, Wis., after a police officer shot and killed an armed man who had a lengthy arrest record Saturday afternoon after a foot chase following a traffic stop. Reports stated the suspect had obtained a semi-automatic pistol during a burglary.

Protesters took to the streets a few hours later, and as evening fell, they began rioting – burning a gas station and an auto parts store, smashing police cars, and attacking anyone who was white. Gunshots were also heard among the crowd of about 100 rioters.

Videos posted online show violent mobs of BLM protestors targeting whites specifically for “beat downs,” while chanting “black power!” and asking, “Is they white?” as cars drove past slowly.

“Yeah they white!” states one person in one video, which prompted a mob to chase down the vehicle.

“Yeah they white, get their a**,” another screams.

Yet another rioter exclaims, “Hey they beatin’ up every white person!”

In addition, local reporters were also targeted for assaults, with one local NBC affiliate pulling reporters from the scene. One correspondent from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel newspaper was thrown to the ground and struck. Even calls for calm from local activists did not do much to quell the violence.

The incident is the latest in a string of violent acts committed by mostly African-American individuals who claim alliance with, or allegiance to, the BLM movement. Still, apologists claim the movement isn’t violent and does not advocate these acts of brutal aggression and destruction.

Publicly, of course, BLM continues to say it does not advocate violence. But the organization claims on its web site that it was founded to push back against “extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes,” and calls on “Black people to love Black, live Black and buy Black…” Never mind that such claims about police and “vigilante” killings are simply false.

If these words were published on a web site by a group advocating for white-only, it would be deemed overtly racist and hate speech that is not protected by the Constitution.

The same is true of the protestors in Wisconsin. If the race roles were reversed and white people were specifically targeting blacks, then the outrage in the mainstream media would be far and wide – and loud.

None of this is occurring in a vacuum. President Obama has made it his quest to keep Americans in a constant state of anger and mistrust, having divided us by color, ethnicity and economic class. Just because he will leave office soon does not mean this division will go away.

Even deft, tactical healing measures taken by the next president are not likely to quell this unrest anytime soon.

Because, as Wisconsin proves, there is at least one ethnic group in the country that doesn’t want peace and tranquility. They want to cause death and create destruction because they want revenge for perceived social slights by Caucasian Americans — who are not actually responsible for their plight. And they are being egged on by a president who is feeding into their anger, mistrust and resentment at every opportunity, after having created it.

Sources for this story include:

Black Lives Matter

State university in Houston actually suspended a student VP for saying ‘#AllLivesMatter’

Just when you think political correctness has reached a peak of stupidity, the Regressive Left raises the ceiling even higher.

Need proof? Look no further than Texas, of all places, where University of Houston SGA Vice President Rohini Sethi was recently suspended for 55 days after she made a Facebook post that criticized the Black Lives Matter movement and instead promoted All Lives Matter.


Sethi posted the statement on the night of Dallas shooting, when five police officers were murdered at a Black Lives Matter protest. She was justifiably angered by the events that took place — something that nobody can fault her for. Sethi later clarified her comments in a lengthy Facebook post.

What does it say about our society that we’ve become so intent on everyone being a member of this bizarre hive mind that we’re now punishing anyone who has a different opinion? Sethi’s statement wasn’t even overtly offensive. She criticized one political movement in support of another political movement. Whatever happened to a free exchange of ideas?

The problem here seems to be that people associate Black Lives Matter with every dark-skinned person to ever walk the face of the earth, which is simply an unfair assessment. Many people of color have denounced the movement for not being inclusive of all races, which is why many have begun using the All Lives Matter hashtag, much like Sethi.

It’s incredibly unfortunate that Sethi — who, by all accounts, appears to be an intelligent and motivated young woman — is being punished for expressing herself in a public forum. How is our generation ever going to survive if we can’t even handle a difference of opinion?

If all leaders were removed from their positions every time they said something that upset a group of people or made someone feel uncomfortable, none of our great leaders would be in positions of power — and that’s alarming.

